ELECTION: Who ya got? Why?

Okay, with election day approaching I want to know who you like, either nationally or by riding, and why. I'll start the flame fest by stating that I will not be voting Conservative in this election. I spoke with the candidate in my riding, and she is a complete tool. I asked her what piece of legislation their party could not pass, and she answered none. Then she said that was not the point. The point, apparently is that the Liberals and NDP were constantly opposing EVERYTHING the the Conservatives were trying to do. After trying to explain, in words of one syllable or less, what the term "Official Opposition" meant, I was forced to concede that this woman's grasp of politics, not to mention reality, was tenuous at best. So come on you Lounge Lizards, tell me who to vote for . . .

(veiled flame fest instigation post, I will stipulate) :D


  • I always throw my vote away by voting NDP :D
  • Might not be such a throw away this time around Johnny . . .

    Thinking of going Green myself . . .
  • +1 to Milo for actually talking to their candidate..

    Myself, I'll equally be throwing my vote away by voting conservative. My riding is amongst the poorest in Ontario and votes Liberal since the 70s... which is also weird because the riding should vote NDP.. they'd be the best choice for low income ppl with all their spendaholic programs..

    Why conservative? Dion is actually less of a leader than Harper, The Libs have been planning for an election for like two years and still couldn't find a platform that inspired anyone (Green Tax? Yeah thats the GST and I'm not falling for that again).. I'd rather die than vote NDP cuz my tax rate would jump 200%-300%.. I don't see a point in any other parties.

    I'm no conservative fan, but I think it's time that this country get back to majority goverments that can actually execute their plans (for better or worse).. We can't sit in this limbo world of elections every year forever.
  • See, now thats where I'll disagree with you, BBC. Simply from the standpoint that a Minority Gov't gets less done. The less the Government can do to screw up my life, the better I like it.
  • See, now thats where I'll disagree with you, BBC. Simply from the standpoint that a Minority Gov't gets less done. The less the Government can do to screw up my life, the better I like it.

    The problem with that, as I see it, is that the REALLY tough decisions.. The ones that have to be done and are unpopular.. never get done. For example, I was a large fan of Mike Harris in Ontario. He came in and cut cut cut cut cut, which was exactly what we needed at the time. You can't do things like that in a minority gov't and if we didn't take those steps at the time the PC's did, Ontario would be far worse off today across the board.

    Things like heathcare.. We know the system is fucked and is too expensive.. but when will anyone get the guts to do something about it? Not in a minority gov't thats for sure..

    I guess the question that it boils down to it.. Do you see Canada as needing a strong leader with power to effect meaningful change.. Or do you think we can get away with coasting down the path we've already set?

    When I vote or my politician, I want them to go off and do what they think is best with the power they have. I don't want referendums, I don't want cockblocking from the losing opposition parties. For better for worse I want them to do their jobs with hands untied.
  • Agreed, with certain provisos. Power should NEVER, in my opinion, go unchecked. That is what happens in a majority parliament. While it's true, we can vote the bums out if they are too egregious, that would mean waiting for the next election, allowing the perceived damage to fester and worsen.For every example of a majority "working", you can cite an equal number where they "fail'. Take a look at the EI surplus, a result of majority government. Or the Gun Registry. The Anti-Terrorism legislation the Libs passed with their last majority are also deeply flawed from a Rights perspective. Nope, sorry. The less entwined the government can get in my life, the more I like it.
    This primarily a result of the "career politician" crap that has come about over the last few decades. You know the type, just do what's needed to get re-elected, and screw the public. I miss the politician's that had vision. You no longer see impressive projects named after public figures, because few of them have the vision to say, "This is right, and though it may not see fruition while I'm in office, it needs to be done."
    Where's the politician who can give us a 21st Century Gardiner Expressway, or a Nathan Phillip's Square? Just to name some GTA examples . . .
  • Uh oh uh oh uh oh Obama (sung to the tune of "Crazy in love")
  • 800over wrote: »
    uh oh uh oh uh oh obama (sung to the tune of "crazy in love")

  • Conservative. There is too much Government and too much taxation.
  • "Senator John McCain was on a roll. In a room reserved for high-stakes gamblers at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut, he tossed $100 chips around a hot craps table. When the marathon session ended around 2:30 a.m., the Arizona senator and his entourage emerged with thousands of dollars in winnings."

    "A lifelong gambler, Mr. McCain takes risks, both on and off the craps table. He was throwing dice that night not long after his failed 2000 presidential bid, in which he was skewered by the Republican Party’s evangelical base, opponents of gambling."


    Along with another freshman senator, Terry Link, Obama started up a regular game in Link’s Springfield living room. It began with five players but quickly grew to eight and developed a long waiting list, which included not only Democrats but Republicans and lobbyists. “When it turned out that I could sit down . . . and have a beer and watch a game or go out for a round of golf or get a poker game going,” Obama told the Chicago Tribune last year, “I probably confounded some of their expectations.” But it was no Deadwood. Link, discussing the game over the phone the other day, said, “You hung up your guns at the door. Nobody talked about their jobs or politics, and certainly no ‘influence’ was bartered or even discussed. It was boys’ night out—a release from our legislative responsibilities.”
    Obama’s analytical mind helped him excel at draw, stud, and hold ’em, and also at the sillier, more luck-based variants of the game that other players chose, such as baseball.

    Dept. of Odds: Aces: The Talk of the Town: The New Yorker
  • Conservative. There is too much Government and too much taxation.

    Sadly, the PC party is similar to the republicans than true fiscal conservatism.. The size of the gov't in Canada grew something like 25% under Harper.
  • Conservative. There is too much Government and too much taxation.

    Also not enough funding for blowing up other countries, and not enough breaks for big corporations. Hopefully the Conservatives do more this time.

    Also, that Stockwell Day.... one sharp cookie. So glad he brought back Security Certificates so people can be arrested and imprisoned for as long as they want, with out trial. /sarcasm

    I'm pretty sure Canada needs to get Harper out, before he fucks things up even more. I'm voting Liberal because it is the best chance of getting Harper out.

    I'd vote NDP otherwise, but it's pretty important that these guys stay far from any position of power.
  • You are going to have to back up that 25% growth statement to get my attention.

    "Also not enough funding for blowing up other countries, and not enough breaks for big corporations."

    Oh come now.

    Harper has not started any wars, he is just making sure we have the equipment for the efforts the people want us to partake in. Remember that the Liberals had a majority when we went to Afganistan... don't blame Harper. I supporte the action at the time and still do. For years we've been asking for more out of our army then we have been willing to pay for and our military has been stretched far beyonds it's capabilities. If you ask your military to do something you have to accept the costs.

    The Liberals took away your rights after 9/11... don't forget that. Day is a dick, I will give you that.

    I love how Layton releases a commercial complaining about Harper giving businesses money... then at the end says he's going to give 'incentives' for companies to keep jobs here. What a fucking douchebag. I think he's the same guy selling computer training programs.... "try my products!".

    Do you like having a job? Do you think it's important to our society to have jobs in Canada? How do you keep jobs here?

    I do hate that they all treat me like an idiot. They are all making stupid blanket broad fear statements. Why can't we just have an intelligent campaign for once.

    I will have to move to the states if the NDP ever wins. Sorry they are way too far left in the spectrum. I also don't usnderstand anyone voting for a party they don't want to see in power. If too many people do it you will wake up in the morning and go 'oops' like Ontario did with Bob Rae.

    Oh and this whole carbon tax things stinks. "We are going to tax you more but it's for your own good... it's the green cause... remember green is good." We are over taxed already, any promised new tax should be a deal breaker. I am stunned that a new tax is being used as a possitive campaign promise.

    I am definately a moderate but I sit just to the right of the line. I will vote Conservative again even though after uniting the right the new party sits just a little too far right of the center now.
  • I'm probably going to vote liberal...
    I voted conservative last time and I can't say I liked it and harper scares me a little.

    Also, to add to the balance, we have a new guy in my town to vote for and he doesn't even come from here, he's obiviously not gonna care while the liberal guy is the mayor husband soooooo......

    I could vote bloc like many fellow quebecers but that's stupid and they should be burned for voting for something as useless as that (lile my whole family does, fucking retards).

    Too bad Dion looks really stupid .... not sure how that'll look on the international scene. To be honest as far as "image" goes I'd vote for Layton but NPD is just a bit too... weird for me.

    Oh and I don't like some of the values the conservative have... like abortion... it seems like if they got full power we're going to lose alot of freedom for their retarded views on things...
  • You are going to have to back up that 25% growth statement to get my attention.

    Yeah.. thats not worth the effort.
    I will have to move to the states if the NDP ever wins.

    Lol, I said the same thing to my gf the other day.
  • Okay, I've made a decision. I am going to vote for:

    Chthulhu !!!
    After all, why vote for the lesser evil?
  • Despite being a member of the NDP, I"m going Green simply because Harper is an idiot, Dion is a complete Moron, and I know Jack Layton and personally can't stand the man. That leaves me with one option. GREEN.

    I think the conservatives will win, I just pray there isn't a majority government because I think harpers true colours will come out and we'll all be sorry. This is the man who said Canada is doing fine the problems are south of the boarder..... DUH who do you think 70% of our trade is with.

    Why don't you look at the stock market Mr. Harper and see that the average canadian has probably lost about 20 to 30 percent in their RRSP. The US in infusing large amounts of cash into their banking system to prop it up and do you not think what happens there effects Canada?

    In the end nothing really matters because they are all lying scumbags.
  • joe, i thought you'd be all over these guys: [Marijuana Party of Canada – Parti Marijuana du Canada]

    don't bother clicking, the forum stole my link. dammit. wait, maybe they gave it back?

    funny enough, they have a guy running in 'high' park...
  • You do understand Joe that the mix of factors tanking the US markets are not the same mix that are bringing the Canadian markets down of late right? I mean sure there are a lot of factors in common and we certainly rely on the US being strong for our future.

    However, the biggest factor in the last few months for the drop in the Canadian markets is not credit, or failing banks, or the deficit or Iraq or.... the biggest factor is the drop in enegery prices (i.e. oil). Our stock markets are hugely impacted from this. Oil has dropped from $150 a barrel to under $100 in the past couple months... and the markets have followed suit.

    All of this with the Party in power probably being the most favourful towards the energy sector currently in power. So what happens if the Greens get in power and choke off the output of the Canadian oil industry?

    We all owe it to ourselves to look past the knee-jerk causing slogans and campaign slugs being thrown and look at the real situation. Harper did not say everythign is fine, it's all south of the border. He basically said that right now (several weeks ago) it looked like we were in the midst of a slowdown but that our core fundamentals remained strong and that we should come out at the end okay. He didn't see any cracks in the foundation like what is occurring in the States.

    Hopefully our neighbours down south can keep the boat from sinking. If they can't I'm sure all our candidates will have to reasses things. Same thing for oil dropping below $60. If that happens the oil sands projects stop making fiscal sense and things get really rough.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    joe, i thought you'd be all over these guys: [Marijuana Party of Canada – Parti Marijuana du Canada]

    don't bother clicking, the forum stole my link. dammit. wait, maybe they gave it back?

    funny enough, they have a guy running in 'high' park...

    They don't have a candidate in my riding. I guess he was too high to register. Otherwise I may have given it consideration.
  • When a barrel of oil was $99 a barrel our gas was about $1.00/L. Now our gas is about $1.10 a litre and what is the price of oil? Canadians right now our being anally raped by big business, big banks, insurance companies etc. Small business is the area that causes the economy to grow and they are being slapped upside the head at every turn.

    Our fundamentals are different as we are a resource based economy who SELLS to the largest user of resourses. That user is in very bad bad shape. Now if this bailout package turns out to be inflationary and gold, oil, diamonds, silver all go up it may help our stock market but watch as business here dries up and more job losses come our way. I run a small company and I know how much my costs have gone up in the last year and what it has done to my sales as these costs get passed on.

    The fact is Canadians as a whole save almost nothing, pensions they have are invested in the market which is not doing well, housing prices in southern ontario have declined for the first time in 10 years. And we are to feel lucky we are not in the US. We are typically 6 to 8 months behind the US and it's coming. I actually feel sorry for whoever wins as the $hit is going to hit the fan.

    Enough of my ranting time to go to High Park and talk to the stoner candidate to see what he thinks
  • Whenever an election rolls around I always wonder why we bother. None of the candidates are true leaders. One thing I like about Harper and why I will continue to vote Conservative is that they tend to do the unpopular things but it is usually the best thing for the country as a whole. Mike Harris was the same way and I thought it was great.

    Jack Layton should be selling used cars or running a non profit organization, not leading a country. Having Dion as our world representative would just make us more of a joke because on a world stage he would look like a fool just like he does here. And the Green party is a joke - she shouldn't have even been included in the debate but she whined her way in.

    It would be great if one of these guys would look at the others' platforms and say "hey, that's a good idea and would help a lot of people - we should actually do that." instead of having to follow party lines and theories.
  • The Green Party is more entitled to a place in the debates then the Bloc, as they are a national party, running candidates in every riding. The Bloc is a single issue party, and deserves exclusion from national debates. Having said that, they are a fringe party as well, at least until some form of proportional representation sneaks through the back door.

    Side note: Met the Green Party candidate for my riding today. Might have to decline my ballot this time out, as this guy's a bigger doofus than the Conservative candidate. Jeebus, what a sad state of affairs.
  • Do you really think it matters who is in power? Do you really believe it will affect your life if one party is in over the other? Many Americans would like to blame Bush while Canadians would like to blame Harper for the problems with the economy. The truth is each will past laws that benefit themselves first and others second.

    If they truly want to help Joe 6 pack, they could all take a 20% pay cut and barely notice it on there day to day lives. The members of Parliament get a base salary of $155,000, and cabinet ministers $230,000. Never mind that they will all have million dollar pensions after 2 terms in government.

    We talk about a great health care system we have in Canada. I have to pay 70.00 to have an eye appointment. And if I get sick and go to the doctor and need a prescription forget I have to pay big dollars to get medication. My brother has all his diabetes expenses to pay for and yet someone who chooses to have gender reassignment done, it will be picked up by health care system.

    Governments have very little to do with controlling the economy. It is simple as those who have the money control the finances of the country. They create volatile markets through buying and selling that cause people to panic, devalue everything and then they swoop in and buy everything back up.

    All this mess is going to happen no matter who is in power. It has too, because there are different forums of governments all over the world bailing out their stock markets. A one world government is coming soon and the only real way to make a one world government happen is to screw the financial markets world wide and start another World War.

    More war is going to happen that is out of our control, with the Iranian president saying “We will wipe Israel of the face of the earth”. And with the world finance in a mess and the WW3 starting up who will be the one to step up to the plate and say “I can bring peace and stability to the situation world wide.” And that my friends will be the start of your one world government.

    So go ahead and cast your vote for anyone on the ballot tomorrow it won’t change your day to day life whatsoever. And hope for a minority government again.

    Prophet 22
  • Starting to sound like you need a foil hat there, big guy. Governments are not supposed to control the markets. At least, not in my country they aren't. All a government can do is pass legislation that creates an incentive for investment in the various areas that will affect our economy in a positive fashion. As for the chaos in the marketplace globally, this was predicted by certain people as far back as three years ago, and smart people planned accordingly. I know that I changed certain aspects of my meager portfolio last year, to try and minimize my family's exposure. When this begins to settle down, I will shift again to take advantage of that situation.
    As for a minority government, I will disagree with you. While I normally would wish for a minority situation to lessen the impact that bad policy can have on me and mine, I will hope for a Conservative majority, albeit a slim one. This way, a sound fiscal plan can be enacted (I hope), without all the compromising and pork-barreling that a minority would require.

    Also, my wife gets to vote for the first time this election. Gonna be a fun day tomorrow.
  • You don't really believe that crap do you Brent? Jeesh man, the sky isn't falling, one world government? Not in this world..... 6-12 months from now we'll be looking back and realize, it was just an anomaly.... Believe it or not... However wars, pestilence and disasters will continue to come and go, life will go on, and we'll all still complain...
  • . 6-12 months from now we'll be looking back and realize, it was just an anomaly....

    This'll be a good quote to pass around the bread line in 6-12 months.
  • compuease wrote: »
    You don't really believe that crap do you Brent? Jeesh man, the sky isn't falling, one world government? Not in this world..... 6-12 months from now we'll be looking back and realize, it was just an anomaly.... Believe it or not... However wars, pestilence and disasters will continue to come and go, life will go on, and we'll all still complain...

    Jeff it isn't crap. I believe in the second law of thermodynamics that says everything is winding down.

    President George Bush in a speech to Congress on SEPTEMBER 11, (9/11) 1990, SAID THIS: "[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times...a New World Order can emerge."

    In his September 21, 1992 speech to the United Nations, President George Bush announced that foreign troops, would occupy America and train for a New World Order Army. He stated:

    "Nations should develop and train military units for possible U.N. peacekeeping operations. ... If multinational units are to work together, they must train together. ... Effective multinational action will also require coordinated command & control and inter-operability of both equipment and communications." New World Order and E.L.F. Psychotronic Tyranny"

    1 in 4 people believe they have been abducted by aliens. Pestilence disasters and wars, will continue until we have the WAR THAT ENDS ALL WARS AND LIFE AS WE KNOW IT!
  • I have to agree that it really doesn't matter who we vote for... either way we are screwed. The government will always be the sock puppets for special interest groups and major corporations and we will continue to get bent over backwards by being triple and quadruple taxed.

    /end rant and take alleged "tinfoil hat" off
  • Here are a few reasons to vote strategically to ensure the PC is not in majority.

    They support foreign policy of the US.
    They cut funding to the arts buy $45 million

    Also something fucked up happened in Feb where Canada and US made an agreement that US troops could patrol Canadian soil in a state of emergency.
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