Season 10 Game 1

Been a crazy busy couple of weeks for yours truly. With my stepson's wedding this Saturday, we have been very busy getting things done in time for his sentencing to start ;) Actually, he is marrying a wonderful girl, and I truly wish them both all the best in their lives together. Now, what about grandchildren???

Okay, so Season 10 has a tight schedule. In order for the Season Ending Tournament to finish before Christmas, we must play every Thursday night. This means a minimum of 8 players for every game, and help from above in regards to weather/road conditions. The SET game is scheduled for Dec 18th, one week before the holidays, and the timing couldn't be better...big pot to be won just as the holidays start...who wouldn't love that??

Game 1 is scheduled to start Thursday Sept 25 at 8pm sharp. Hope to see everyone out, including Garry, the proud new father of a wonderful baby girl!!!! Congradulations Garry!

Who's IN??
1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Garry
4 - Kris
5 - Micheal
6 - Joe
7 - Derek (tentative)
8 - Chris
9 - Aaron
10 - Allan
11 - Steve
12 - Russ (new guy)
13 - Mike
14 - Jeff
15 -
16 -


  • I'm 3

    Another week of waiting though...
  • I finished 4th last season SET..., I'm the 4th to start this season.

    Yeah baby... here comes the donations again
  • I'm a tentative.

    CONGRATS Garry!!!
  • I will be there but not Eleanor
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I will be there but not Eleanor

    Be great to see you again Chris, welcome back!

    Still lots of seats available. Getting a bit of interest from new players as well, but haven't heard back from them yet. Hopefully we get some fresh meat on the table this week.
  • I am fresh meat especially with Garry playing. I don't know what it is but he has the suck out capability with me. If I'm behind, impossible to catch up, If I"m ahead well just lets see the flop, turn and the river. guaranteed to be behind by the river.

    One day I'll get that bastard
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    One day I'll get that bastard

    Now now...take it easy on Garry...he IS a new father you know. But you're right...last season was definitely his retribution from the previous season where he always seemed to get the worst of it.

    Your account is back to even now Garry...NO MORE SUCKOUTS!
  • you can count me in AJ
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Now now...take it easy on Garry...he IS a new father you know. But you're right...last season was definitely his retribution from the previous season where he always seemed to get the worst of it.

    Your account is back to even now Garry...NO MORE SUCKOUTS!

    I hope it goes back to even at steve's place too. :)
  • Still time to get in for tonight's game. Be good to get a couple tables running again, make this a good way to start the new season. If you want in, post here by 5pm.
  • Im on snack duty which will include the reg. pop etc.

    But if anyone wants Coffee pre-game please post here and I will P/U.
  • Schedule freed up, I'm in. If I'm not there on time blind me in.
  • Shaping up nicely tonight, good to see you all coming back for another season, and new guy Russ is attending too.

    Garry, don't forget PICTURES!!!

    Darryl...large double double
  • I am running behind AJ I am coming so just blind me in.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I am running behind AJ I am coming so just blind me in.

    No problem Joe...there MIGHT be a few of your chips left ;)
  • Thanks for having me guys I had fun. I hope I didn't mess with the flow of your normal game. I will be back if you'll have me.
  • BigMac wrote: »
    Thanks for having me guys I had fun. I hope I didn't mess with the flow of your normal game. I will be back if you'll have me.

    Normal flow?? Sheesh, you were there...what part of it was 'normal'? You're welcome to come out anytime Russ.

    Last night was a real struggle for the final three. Kris, Chris, and Darryl were all protecting nice stacks, and the blinds weren't hurting too much when three handed play started. Matter of fact, three handed play went well into an hour before it started to get nasty. Chris took a hit at 200/400 I think, and was short stacked against Darryl's monster chip lead and pushed with 55, but Darryl had 1010 and Chris wasn't able to improve. For his first game in over a season, Chris took home third place.

    HeadsUp went to 500/1000 with Kris and Darryl not giving too much up. Don't remember the last hand, I think Kris had K4 against Darryl's Ax, and the ace held up. Kris was forced to go in after taking some hits earlier in the match. Kris takes second, and last season's SET champ took home the first game.

    Good to see everyone out. Great way to start the new season. See you all next week.
  • Dont worry Russ - I'll give you some of the books that were given to me when I first started at Ching Hill. They include:

    - Get There (Vol. 1&2), special introduction by Allan
    - Play Bad Run Good, the key to Ching Hill success

    I am currently reading:

    - Shove Monkey

    which has really helped my game.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    I am currently reading:

    - Shove Monkey

    which has really helped my game.

    I hope you like my first book. I am currently working on Vol. 2 "Shove Monkey - How Too Really Play Short Stack"

    Congrats on the win
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Dont worry Russ - I'll give you some of the books that were given to me when I first started at Ching Hill. They include:

    - Get There (Vol. 1&2), special introduction by Allan
    - Play Bad Run Good, the key to Ching Hill success

    I am currently reading:

    - Shove Monkey

    which has really helped my game.

    All I can say is...., this is really insane!!!

    As I recall, you were one of the short stacks at the table when Chris took me out..., (btw, those damn Anna Kournikovas, always looks great - never wins).

    Don't know how you managed to hang on..., but whatever specialty books you've read, I covered and all I can tell you is that it doesn't quite work the same way here. I guess I am going to need the more condensed version for "fishes" and "donks".

    GG champ - back to snack duties you go! See y'all next week.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    - Get There (Vol. 1&2), special introduction by Allan
    - Play Bad Run Good, the key to Ching Hill success
    - Shove Monkey

    All these books are available at a special rate for all Hill members. Simply forward $100 + 35% of all season winnings to the author, and you too can be a HILL STAR!!

    I'll even autograph them for you...for additional modest fee of course.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    All these books are available at a special rate for all Hill members. Simply forward $100 + 35% of all season winnings to the author, and you too can be a HILL STAR!!

    I'll even autograph them for you...for additional modest fee of course.

    Sounds like a great deal!!! Where do I sign up?!?!

    Dammit, if only I can find that monopoly stash I've been saving up for times like this! Would you take cuban convertible pesos?!?! No wait, I'm going to need those next month..., nevermind!!!
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    Sounds like a great deal!!! Where do I sign up?!?!

    Dammit, if only I can find that monopoly stash I've been saving up for times like this! Would you take cuban convertible pesos?!?! No wait, I'm going to need those next month..., nevermind!!!

    Cold hard CDN currency is only accepted. Well, okay, equal value CTC cash would also be considered.
  • Then there's my favourite book for ching hill.

    Why look at cards ---- cuz it doesn't really matter
    aka as The Art of Playing Blind.

    Congrats guys on the cash.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Then there's my favourite book for ching hill.

    Why look at cards ---- cuz it doesn't really matter
    aka as The Art of Playing Blind.

    Congrats guys on the cash.

    That particular short story only had limited availability, as it was not a fully published work. Matter of fact, only had the draft copy, and some SOB stole it!! ;)
  • You guys are *hill*arious. LOL
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