Game 12; The race will end!



  • wow, where does the time go, i can't believe it's game 12!

    put me in. I might not be eligible for that sweet sweet SET money, but I'm still willing to take the purse tonight.
  • wow, where does the time go, i can't believe it's game 12!

    put me in. I might not be eligible for that sweet sweet SET money, but I'm still willing to take the purse tonight.

    j/k Jeff...welcome home!

    See Steve? They're coming out of the woodwork, JUST TO TAKE YOU OUT!
  • Nib takes down the season final tonight, after I allowed him to catch his flush while slow playing my trips. I totally missed the flush on the board, and he had a decent lead on my chips to take me out. Good game Nib!

    Romer had to watch his towers of power crumble again tonight and had to settle for third place. I guess LUCK only does go so far, huh Romer ;)

    Chump tonight was Dave.

    Steve is the unofficial Season Champ!!! He placed deep enough into tonight's game to guarantee his title, and Kris couldn't catch him whatsoever. Congratulations Steve, well earned title this season.

    I'll post everyone's starting chip stack as well as their buyins for the SET game next week. Hope you can all make it out.

    See you next Thursday.
  • Congrats Nib..., well played tonite...,

    well..., maybe except those KKs icon12.gif Horseshoe Romer was on major tilt shortly after to the point he started calling foul!!! What's that I hear?!? Something about an ongoing conspiracy on the "colusion" aspect of the game?!?!

    At this time, my sincere gratitude and compliments to the designated dealer of the evening for extending the life of my short-stacked chips to move up 7 spots since merge - bubbling in 4th. Damn!!! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hang in there long enough to outlast the infamous 'collapse' as Derek predicted! icon12.gif

    Derek, what the over/under odds on next week's SET winner?!?!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Romer had to watch his towers of power crumble again tonight and had to settle for third place. I guess LUCK only does go so far, huh Romer ;)

    Luck? .....sure i had luck against Darryl...his 65 vs. my A4...preflop I had him 60%-40%, flop he had me 75%-25%, turn 88%-12% but my A on river serve me justice.

    my KK also serve me justice when Ally and Justin both had an Ace and hit the "CASE" ace but my river KING serve me justice.

    YOU AJ aka mr.skill on the other hand got away when you should have been finished before the bubble when you had AQ (29%) and hit your Q against Nib's AK (71%)....yeah sure luck bud.

    with regards to collusion....when the bubble burst, generally the bigger stacks gang up on the smaller stacks to move up in the money....I made a joke about colluding against me (short stack) and AJ gets super sensitive and tells me to "F@#% off", evens hits me on the the head but I'm not a bad drunk and I'm forgiving.

    congrats mr. slowroll....i'll catch you on the
  • Either last night was people playing headgames before the SET or everyone was just tired - I dont know but there should have been awards handed out.

    1) Slowroll of the year. "Well I hope I'm ahead...."
    2) Muck of the year. "Seven, YES!....wait no"
    3) Collapse of the year. "I think I have all the greens?"

    Anyway. Nice comeback AJ. Down to like 300 very early. And also down to about 2BB headsup you made it relatively interesting.
  • Congrats Steve!

    Sounds like a very interesting game (and season). I was sorry to miss out on the shennanigans. Hopefully Henry will let Chris and I out to play for the next season...
  • Here is the OFFICIAL Season final tally's. Excellent season everyone, and it was quite the race right to the end. Would have been MORE fun if Garry could have made it out, but I hear he REALLY wanted to put on his Klingon suit for that Trekkie Convention.

    GARRY 405.46
    A.J. 388.44
    KRIS 371.07
    ALLEN 359.6
    NIB 294.42
    MICHEAL 276.83
    ANTHONY 275.37
    DEREK 243.6
    ROMER 229.74
    DARRYL 223.38
    DAN 157.27
    MIKE 145.46
    JUSTIN 88.72
    ROB 69.01
    JEFF 59.43
    DAVE 58.3
    AMANDA 55.35
    AARON 44.66
    WYNDAM 39.38
    BROCK 37.49
    JOE 35.27
    MAX 32.39
    GREG 17.65
    IGOR 14.05
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Luck? .....sure i had luck against Darryl...his 65 vs. my A4...preflop I had him 60%-40%, flop he had me 75%-25%, turn 88%-12% but my A on river serve me justice.

    my KK also serve me justice when Ally and Justin both had an Ace and hit the "CASE" ace but my river KING serve me justice.

    YOU AJ aka mr.skill on the other hand got away when you should have been finished before the bubble when you had AQ (29%) and hit your Q against Nib's AK (71%)....yeah sure luck bud.

    with regards to collusion....when the bubble burst, generally the bigger stacks gang up on the smaller stacks to move up in the money....I made a joke about colluding against me (short stack) and AJ gets super sensitive and tells me to "F@#% off", evens hits me on the the head but I'm not a bad drunk and I'm forgiving.

    congrats mr. slowroll....i'll catch you on the

    Well, you brought up the collusion thought, and I had to do a double take to hear it right. I've never been suspected of it before, and I was a bit tired, so maybe I took it to heart a bit too much at the time, but I didn't mean to make a production out of it. But you sounded so serious about it, I didn't think you were kidding. Its all good Romer, hope you didn't take me to seriously though, cause I seriously did not.

    Besides, me bluffing you off a 4000 pot with my 1500+ check raise with 9 high was pure elegance for me, and the look you made was worth it ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Besides, me bluffing you off a 4000 pot with my 1500+ check raise with 9 high was pure elegance for me, and the look you made was worth it ;)

    cmon I'm the only guy at Ching....

    1) you can tell to F@#% off
    2) hit em in the head
    3) slowroll
    4) always picked on
    5) called a donkey, lucksac, idiot, etc.
    6) threatened ("keep doing what ur doing Romer"....)

    AND STILL LAUGH....while drunk to kick to boot,
    I've changed my ways believe me.

    I give you props for outplaying me in that hand, priceless.

  • thanks everyone, i picked up big cards at the right times .....i think .....not to sure. sorry for the bad etiquette but romer me and my AK will waiting for you whenever u want.;)
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