Game 12; The race will end!

Its been a tight season from the start. Garry has been threatening Steve for the top spot since the first game. Both have had great seasons, placing in the money several times and winning a good portion of the games. But this Thursday night, it all ends, one way or another, and one of these two gets a free walk to the SET game next week, the other cries in his beer.

I think there's four or five players who MUST come out to this game to qualify for the SET game...Justin, Amanda, Dave, Rob...if you don't make it, you can't play next week, so I expect you all to come out.

Who's IN???

1 - AJ
2 - Justin
3 - Kris
4 - Darryl
5 - Derek
6 - Romer
7 - Rob
8 - Dave
9 - Steve
10 - Allen
11 - Nib
12 - Micheal
13 - Jeff
14 -


  • I'm in...

  • SET donation here.
  • the three Stooges are in...

  • i will be there
  • Me too pleez
  • Out. I'll see you all at the SET.
  • da chump is in...
  • out this week....
  • garryc wrote: »
    out this week....

    you have to be kidding
  • I call collusion.

    You get a walk sir.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    you have to be kidding

    Wish I was, I have to be in San Fran friday for a conference...

    Don't think it'll be a complete walk, Darryl, Kris still has an outside chance of catching up, although the way Steve's been playing lately I doubt it...

    Have fun and I'll see you at the SET...

  • garryc wrote: »
    Wish I was, I have to be in San Fran friday for a conference...

    Don't think it'll be a complete walk, Darryl, Kris still has an outside chance of catching up, although the way Steve's been playing lately I doubt it...

    Have fun and I'll see you at the SET...


    Don't worry Garry, I'll take your place. I'll show up with a smoke and an iPhone and no one will know the difference.
  • WOW...and here I was hoping for a blood bath battle of the titans for the final game. And what's the excuse?? CONFERENCE?? A baby I would understand...but a CONFERENCE??

    Can't your Iphone dial into the game and play in your place?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    you have to be kidding

    you must be kidding he's kidding, according to the board, if he doesn't show, your pretty much the champ.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    you must be kidding he's kidding, according to the board, if he doesn't show, your pretty much the champ.

    Like Garry said, Kris DOES have a chance to win it all, but it would mean Steve chumping out (has been done) and Kris either winning or placing in second, and even THEN I'm not sure its enough.

    The REAL scary thought is BigChrisEl...with a smoke and an iphone, he COULD be Garry...who would know?? El, is there a birthmark or something we should look for?

    Still waiting to hear from Dan and Amanda...Amanda needs one more game, this is it. Hope they can make it out.
  • Yeah I know a conference isn't a great excuse but work = money and poker only equals money when Darryl isn't dealing.

    But I really like the idea of my identical cousin sub'ing for me; just add a little grey to the beard, take a couple inches off the height, add smoke and iphone, shake well and voila...instant Garry
  • garryc wrote: »
    Yeah I know a conference isn't a great excuse but work = money and poker only equals money when Darryl isn't dealing.

    But I really like the idea of my identical cousin sub'ing for me; just add a little grey to the beard, take a couple inches off the height, add smoke and iphone, shake well and voila...instant Garry

    No one really pays any attention to the details like height, weight and hair colour.

    I'll just show up in a wheel chair and wear a mask saying I have some kind of walking sickness.
  • So you are saying that I'll be a bride's maid, again... Now that Garry is out, second place is almost mine, but the championship belongs to Steve. I think that I have 0.01% chance to take it???

  • ACDC wrote: »
    I think that I have 0.01% chance to take it???

    But that's .01% more than the rest of us! Jesus, don't let Steve walk with this...FIGHT FOR IT!!
  • Sorry AJ, but I've spoken to Jesus and it turns out that he is to busy to play poker with us just to bust out Steve... I'll have to try my best...
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Sorry AJ, but I've spoken to Jesus and it turns out that he is to busy to play poker with us just to bust out Steve... I'll have to try my best...


    Did u try the other guy..., U know..., the guy in red who holds a fork! And no, I'm not talking about Ariel's dad either!

    You never know, maybe he's taking request tonite?!?! I heard he works well with the "less fortunate" ones! Maybe you two can struck a deal - that would be a bargain..., eh?!?! icon12.gif
  • man deals with jesus and the devil, you guys really don't want me to win. lol. maybe garry is just playinh mind games and is really going to be here tonight.....
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    man deals with jesus and the devil, you guys really don't want me to win. lol. maybe garry is just playinh mind games and is really going to be here tonight.....

    Garry is out of the country for a conference..., However, I have just been informed that as soon as his star trek 'convention' is over, he will contact Scotty directly to beam him directly to table 1 seat 7 where he has position over soon to-be season 9 champ!icon12.gif

    But until then, I'd try not to chump..., I know Kris is covertly talking to the man with tails right about now! Either that or he has the Pope on his blackberry giving him advice for tonite. icon12.gif
  • i think i was hoping garry was just kidding about this conference thing. as it would have been an especially great battle to be involved in.
  • Sorry but 666 is a long distance call and I'm a cheap bastard... Jesus on the other hand accepts collect calls, just so you know.

  • ACDC wrote: »
    Sorry but 666 is a long distance call and I'm a cheap bastard... Jesus on the other hand accepts collect calls, just so you know.


    lol well said...
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    i think i was hoping garry was just kidding about this conference thing. as it would have been an especially great battle to be involved in.

    Don't you worry, Kris has something up his sleeve....

    right Kris?!?!? Kris?!?! Please tell me you are going to make this race interesting right?!?! Kris?!?!? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  • Have you ever seen Big D on Tilt? NOT a pretty sight. And when he gets hot, nobody can stand the heat.

    Big J on the other hand...heard last time he was at a casino, he threw everyone out on their asses. He must have heard about the rake they were taking though, and since there is no rake at Ching Hill, he shouldn't be too upset. Still, the guy has a hard time bluffing, and is a fairly easy read. As soon as he starts praying you just KNOW he has the goods.

    I think we should just let Kris play his own game tonight...with NO outside interference...and see where he ends up.

    Steve, on the other PUBLIC ENEMY #1!;)
  • Public Enemy Number 1 hmm

    BRING IT ON!!!!
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