How low can a group sink?



  • Jumbo tampons.

    I love mean girls.

    That chick looks way hotter in the notebook.

    PPPS. Not back. Just board.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Although if you meat eaters were capable of respecting someone else's point in the first place, this thread would not exist.

    Offside.... I'm a meat eater.

    Though I will throw a monkey wrench in here...

    Kristy, do you emphasize with the Westboro Baptist Church in this situation? Many parallels could be drawn between the PETA POV and theirs.

  • It is not a monkey wrench. It is either a trap since I don't know anything about them except what you've shown me... or boring, obv we've all made the parallel.

    ..but since you know that, I'm understanding you just want my uninformed opinion?

    First: it is stronger than 'many parallels could be' it is pretty overt...but from what you've shown me they (WBB) are attending all sorts of funerals as a publicity mainstay without relationship to the act? Is this right?

    I also personally think that it is foolish to compare possible hell to actual death. Anyone who claims to 'know' is simply lying. (but I know you religious kids have your 'faith' gg on that.)

    Actually, clearly for the above reason I don't empathize. Though I would not be stopping them at the borders.

    Maybe one of the religious can come on now and flame war on why faith is valid, and I can pretend to understand what they are saying and then tear them apart.

    Meh I don't think I could do Milo's Job, I'd probably listen.
  • My comments have been very measured, not ignorant. Never said nor implied you were a mamber of PETA. Never said you placed animals before humans, merely said that PETA puts them on equal footing, and that I believe that is wrong. I can respect any position that has a logical basis as it's premise. PETA's does not, so no, I will not respect nor empathize with it. They are fools. Please note that I am not implying that vegetarians are fools, only that extremists like PETA are.
    You used on of PETA's favourite lines (PETA is seeing a holocaust), which allows me the chance to rebut. MY biggest issue with PETA's philosophy is this equating of animal suffering to human suffering. They are NOT the same. As you so eloquently state in your closing,we are a superior species. This means that suffering amongst our species is a greater evil than that amongst lower life forms. To equate the slaughter of animals as a food source with the genocide of certain cultural or ethnic groups, as PETA does constantly, is appalling. Game, set, match, at least as far as PETA goes.

    You are more than welcome to continue in you vegetarian ways. But do not think this makes you in any way superior to we meat eaters. I will concede that we have a duty of care to the animals we raise for slaughter, but this is a far cry from PETA's position. And if you are willing to see their POV on this issue, I have a final question. If PETA is willing to equate lower forms of life to humans, why are they unwilling to go all the way, and equate plant life with animal? It is the next logical extension of their train of thought. Posting from work, so this is it until later today.
  • Milo wrote: »
    My comments have been very measured, not ignorant.

    Line check: I shove here.
    Milo wrote:
    Quite frankly, I thought you were smarter than this. It saddens me to be proven wrong.

    Sorry, Kristy, but on this topic, you are being ridiculous. I am not sure if you are just trying to be provocative, or if you are serious. If the former, it ain't funny. If the latter, it is sad.

    Milo wrote:
    This means that suffering amongst our species is a greater evil than that amongst lower life forms.

    quit being sucha xenophile...why don't we go bust a cap in a retard together too?
    Milo wrote:
    But do not think this makes you in any way superior to we meat eaters.

    of course it does, in the sense that I'm prepared to go farther than you to do what I believe is right and fair and good. You're relatively weak.

    (yes, yes, I'm referring to this issue only...fuck you forumers for making the add on nec.)

    Milo wrote:
    If PETA is willing to equate lower forms of life to humans, why are they unwilling to go all the way, and equate plant life with animal?

    Fruitarians exist and I equate them roughly with the religious because they just have 'faith' that suffering is occuring. I've been looking forward to meeting one for ten years, so far they remain elusive.

    (btw, why would you expect a society for ethical treatment of ANIMALS to protect plant life? Seems sorta unreasonable?)

    kisses and hugs
    now get off my ass.
  • Last kick at the can, this IS getting tedious.

    Shove all you want, I like my odds

    Not a xenophile, and the last time I looked "retards" (nice choice) were members of H. Sapiens, so no cap busting here. Logically, if we are a superior species (your words), then our suffering HAS to be a greater ill than the suffering of a lower species.

    I am prepared to go as far as needed for what I believe to be right and fair and good. You merely think that what you believe that to be is better than a meat eater's belief. That is the hubris, not fact.

    Not weak in the slightest. I live my life by a fairly basic set of principles, and I will not suffer fools that deem those principles inferior without proof. Have not seen any yet that come close to making me change my mind. Yes, that is arrogant, but it is also, in this instance, true.
    Hugs and kisses right back, and I would not dream of getting on your ass, so there is no need to get off it. Enjoy your weekend
  • lol, how's work going?

    Good thing they only ban selectively for personal attacks.

    I'm tired of you.

    Edit: I thought it important to note your refusal to respond to anything I've said intelligently.

    However, to your half-assed point that for some reason you actually thought you had a shot at winning...

    what about those people who are actually brain dead (not in the forumer sense...I mean legitimately brain dead) Your position is that their suffering is MORE than a fully healthy and aware animal? Seriously, by your logic that suffering is relative and we may do what we please based on it. I want to shoot someone in a coma, according to you I should be allowed to....

    Unless you are basing your entire argument on the simple idea that all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others...and we know how that played out right?

    Can you smell Godwin's law a'comin'...can ya?

    At any rate I'm writing now for the 3 people who might read've had a hate on for me for months, and your comments to me are less and less intelligent discourse and more and more pride-raises.

    You're dead to me.
    (commences wishing a plague on his house)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    My only position here is that I don't kill to eat because it is an obsolete practice.
    Who are you to decide that killing animals to eat is worse than killing plants to eat?

  • g2 wrote: »
    Who are you to decide that killing animals to eat is worse than killing plants to eat?



    Please ban for trolling. ;)

    BTW, I find this debate pretty exhausting...but if that was a serious question, I'll do my best to answer it, msn me.

    Edit: actually, I just remembered that I did already answer it...please consult my earlier work

  • I can't believe no one has said:

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    but if that was a serious question
    A serious question... you must be confusing me with... anyone else. haha

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Fruitarians exist and I equate them roughly with the religious because they just have 'faith' that suffering is occuring. I've been looking forward to meeting one for ten years, so far they remain elusive.

    Do you want more?
  • Human life > animal life

    Human suffering > animal suffering

    Eat what makes you happy. You are no better, or worse, a person than anyone else for doing so. Extremism, in any cause, usually turns out being detrimental to said cause. That is all. Now go watch GSP beat the snot out of Jon Fitch, okay?
  • How come you get to repeat your points...I'm really looking for the last word here.

    You continue to deviate from the entire point of my response to this thread, which has nothing to do with what you are saying:

    Animal life>minimal human suffering (ie: what the family would go through)

    Clearly if there's an extremist here- it is NOT little old 'live and let live' me...
  • See, Kristy, I played golf today. You cannot reach me in my state of bliss, as I love everyone today, even you, regardless of their various peccadilloes. I do love that word: peccadilloes . . . mmmmm.

    Anyway, I'm not about to start fighting with you over this, again. You will not allow for any dispute of your position, and that is fine. Makes for lousy debate, but I no longer care enough to try.

    Go have a salad, and take some $$$ off of a few donks, okay? I'm going out to watch the fights tonight. Enjoy the storms, folks. At least if you're in the GTA.

    Mmmmmm . . . peccadilloes is a GREAT word.
  • This thread is full of hate... crazy...

    I'm not a vegetarian I love meat and I don't think I could live without it but I'd have to give some points to Kristy that yes, the way animals are killed is cruel.

    But then, how do you do it so it's not cruel? I don't know, I'd say the way they kill the cow is to avoid as many disease and infection in the meat as possible.

    Now human cruelty vs animal cruelty... I don't know but if I'm watching a movie I feel worse when I see a dog/cat/animal of any kind die than a human.
    When said animal is killed by human of course. (I didn't feel sad in planet earth).

    Now thing is as said before, we're the superior race = we eat inferior race.

    Lions eats antiloppe ... lion > antillope.
    Human > Animal

    It's just how it is. We don't "enjoy" killing cows, we do it because we need it, maybe not as much as we needed it back then for survival but we do still need it. There's ALOT of vitamins,proteins, etc in meat that is essential in our body.

    I think if we could change the way we kill the animal to make it as painless as possible for them, some vegetarien would view eating meat in a different way (maybe like lobster, you know)

    Not sure if I make any sense it's early.
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