Was this play wrong at the CNE?

Just a quick comment on CNE, although the high rake, I feel the game is beatable, been doing ok on my last 2 visits based on making some strong hands and always getting callers to the river.

Anyhow my friend and I joked about doing this at the CNE where people always auto call very quickly when they see someone raising, so the joke was to pretend to raise an original checker with the hand motion of throwing chips but not to actually throw anything in, once the auto-caller throws their chips in hastily you can raise them since their chips are across the line.

So I actually got a chance to do the above and decided to go for it, I actually didn't even really "trick" the original checker, once I picked up the chips to throw in, he had already threw his chips in for a call so I re-raised him on the spot.

This made the original checker go ape-sh** and was swearing at me up and down "don't be a fu***n idiot" , I very calmly told the dealer that his chips were already thrown in before I even did anything. The dealer, obviously an inexperienced CNE dealer sided with the checker in saying I can't raise him because his intent was just to call.

In the end I accepted the "call" since this dude was irate and was 3x my size and to be honest I didn't want any present or future problems.

Anyway, chips across the line cannot be pulled back, however can it be raised in this situation?

In retrospect I shouldn't have tried this move at the CNE where it's common knowledge that the dealers are not full time dealers and are just there for part time work.


  • Angle shooters deserve to die.
  • Cool, you are an angle-shooting nit. Please DIAGF.
  • You are lucky you didn't try this on a 'real' dealer. A real dealer would have at minimum laughed in your face and likely called the floor to toss you.

    Seneca Poker room rules:
    21. A player miscalling a hand with the intent to cause another player to act on their hand risks forfeiture of the pot and/or expulsion from the Poker Room.

    An 'experienced' dealer would also take a very long time to call for security should your opponent choose to pound the crap out of you.
  • Wow should have put my flame suit on.

    My rant was probably too long but wanted to explain it the best I could.

    As I said above, I did not try to angle-shoot the player or even had the intent, all I did was pick up my chips at most 1 CM from my chipstack and the original checker had already threw in his call.

    Maybe at friend's house its fine to just call but why not raise someone betting out of turn at a b&m?
  • That is pretty cruel to do, but I must admit, it is extremely creative.
  • ...and Reason #1000000 not to play at Fallsview. The dude has clearly stated his picked up his chips and moved forward with his hand.

    Card Player Magazine - Thou Shalt Not Bet Out of Turn by Tom McEvoy

    Permitting that crap to go on is what slows the game down to 10 hands per hour because everyone is afraid to bet 'out of turn'.

    At least your comments will concentrate all the angle shooters at your facility. Thank you.
  • 13, I fail to believe you can be this stupid.
  • I see (I think) what 13cards is saying...

    OP did not angle shoot because he did not get to the point of putting - or pretending to put - his chips in (another forward motion debate?). However, given the "clever plan" that the OP has detailed....

    You're aiming to angle shoot.. that's bullshit, don't do it.

  • "don't be a fu***n idiot" , .


    Just play the game, you already said the game is very beatable.
  • I prefer to say, "what the fuck?!?!?! look over there!!!" and point behind the player in question. Then I grab as many of his chips as possible and sprint to my car.
  • You were angle-shooting.
    so the joke was to pretend to raise an original checker with the hand motion of throwing chips but not to actually throw anything in

    If you make the motion the bet can be considered binding. You do not need to throw the chips. I've seen this where someone checked with a chip in his hand and it was ruled a bet.

    The "inexperienced dealer" made a ruling in the "Best Interest of the Game".

    Pretty sad that you need to angle-shoot at the CNE game to win.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    "Best Interets of the Game".


    This should be the #1 priority in all actions / decisions by players dealers, floors, etc etc..

  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    Conspiracy to commit angel-shooting is not punishable IMHO.

    Well maybe not in the poker room. But in the parking lot LATER?


    You can't possible side with the OP here, can you 13? His post clearly stated that he and his friend were going to PURPOSEFULLY use tactics like that in this game. They got a weak dealer and choose their spot to make the mover very well, and although I would agree with you the dealer is correct here, the intent of the OP is clear.
  • 13 Cards is 100% right, wanting to angle shoot is not a punishable offense.

    The rest of you are being tools. BTW I'm not even that upset if luckystrike KNEW 100% that touching his chips would elicit the premature 'call' and then intended to c/r his opponent. As long as there is no forward motion it is his opponents fault for being a fucking moron...just like the dumb ass who doesn't use a card protector and then whines when the dealer accidentally mucks his hands...

    This game is about taking adv. of idiots in preset ways, Luckystrike did NOT step outside the allowable specifics in this instance.

    Ps. Stop shitting down n00b's throats, we need fresh blood at ALL stages of learning.

    EDIT: I am pretty excited by the thought that some of you may actually believe for a second that DrTyore would be this much of an asshole

    With love,
    Kristy Sea
  • You can't possible side with the OP here, can you 13?

    AJ, as 13 has shown time and time again, he does not give a shit about the best interests of the game, but rather, the best interests of his ego. Which even ruling makes him look like he has the most power is the correct one in his twisted mind.

    Once you understand that being a floor is a complete mental jerk-off session to the guy, his stance makes sense.
  • 13CARDS wrote: »

    Every time a player touches their chips while contemplating action, I will always enforce, in the best interest of the game, that their action of touching their chip stack will be a binding call, without exception. Also, any player calling out of turn will always have the advantage of thereby limiting the previous players' actions to only calls/folds and will take away their right to raise every time without exception. So, get your draw calls in there early and see every street for cheap cheap cheap!!! LOL!!!

    moose: I bet $25
    BBC Z: ummmm...[fiddles with stack]...I ra.....
    13CARDS...[throwing out a $25 chip]... I CALL I CALL I CALL I CALL!!! Sorry sir, but you touched your chips. Dealer, show me the river....!!
    BBC Z: Dang! 13CARDS is right. I touched my chips unneccessarily and should have acted with .3 milliseconds. He got me. He beat me. Straight up. Pay that man his money....

    /ludicrous rant

    EDIT: just read your edit!! Classic.

    Okay 13 'fess up. You use this place to vent your frustrations that build up in the pit, don't you? It's the only read that makes sense. Either that or you really are a twit.
    Oh, and if the OP tried that at my home game, we'd take him out back, strip him down, cover his genitalia with syrup, and tie him down to the anthill.

    Oh, and Kristy/Mark? Wanting to angle shoot may not be punishable, but clearly the OP was looking to take the shot at it. Not someone I would want at my game.
  • yes luckystrike had planned to angle shoot, but in this situation he just picked up his chips and had not done a throwing motion. (liks he said he was going to do) The throwing motion was to get a call reaction from the next player, this did not happen all he did was pick up his chips.

    Luckystrike's original plan was to pretend to throw chips, which is angle shooting and SHOULD NOT BE DONE.

    If I have pocket aces and raise and get two callers and I am now second to act. 1st player bets and I pick up chips to contemplate a call or raise and the 3rd player calls before I decide. Am I angle shooting here???????? I do not think so as the 3rd player did not wait for my action.
  • What you always fail to consider is Occam's Razor. You justify ludicrous decisions by creating even more ludicrous scenarios where you make yourself right.

    In the OP, the simplest explaination is that the villian who called out of turn was merely trying to keep the game moving. In your overly paranoid theory, he's an angleshooter attempting to bend the rules for his benefit in an overly elaborate manner.
  • why do you clowns bother to engage 13? it is such a waste of .... everything!

    OP, leave out the part about your 'plans' and just say what happened. then you might get a bit more support. that assumes your version of the story is actually true. seeing as your target was very upset with you, i tend to think you changed some of the more salient details.

    p.s. any 'play' at cne is wrong.
  • If I understand OP correctly you are out of position and he hasn't acted yet? I mean, i guess if he throws chips in just as you go to touch your stack it's not that bad because you haven't really made any action to deceive him. I probably still wouldn't do it because it is kind of an angelshoot but at the same time your opponent is being ridiculous. I mean, if you were thinking about bluffing and he did this obviously you wouldn't feel compelled to throw the bet in the pot anyways. But yeah, what you were planning to do is complete bs and not cool at all.
  • Hi all, wow didn't expect such a big discussion.

    Yes I should have left out the backstory but didn't want to edit any of my posts so people could see them in its originality.

    Anyhow I'm not sure how my backstory became my actual intention? I would never try to angle shoot as I was saying I "joked" to a friend about it but never had the intention as I personally feel that it would be too "hollywood" as in pretending to be on wpt/wsop or something.

    The backstory was more for irony, as I was joking with my friend how CNE player seem to auto-call or call out of turn then it acutally happen right on my first hand after discussion.

    Just to re-iterate as moose/bbz (troll masters) have some difficulty reading "clearly" I merely just picked up the chips 1 cm from my stack, no hand motion, no drama or no itention.

    13_Cards got it right on the money on understanding what I was saying, unfortunaltey the trolls decided to do some selected reading ie. Moose.

    So to get back to the original question, can a raise be made to a person originally checking but calling out of turn before a raise has even be made?
  • Oh dear......
  • I am going to have to side with the OP. It is not his fault that player after is not paying attention to the game. OP did not do any forward motion with chips or empty hands even. He is just reaching for chips, maybe to even fondle to play with at that moment. Do a quick shuffle of the chips. Besides, how does the player after know if you are raising or calling if you touch your chips and have not placed them in the middle. I hate people that play out of turn, so regardless, player after should be penalized.
  • Anyhow my friend and I joked about doing this at the CNE where people always auto call very quickly when they see someone raising, so the joke was to pretend to raise an original checker with the hand motion of throwing chips but not to actually throw anything in, once the auto-caller throws their chips in hastily you can raise them since their chips are across the line.

    So I actually got a chance to do the above and decided to go for it, I actually didn't even really "trick" the original checker, once I picked up the chips to throw in, he had already threw his chips in for a call so I re-raised him on the spot.

    Anyhow I'm not sure how my backstory became my actual intention? I would never try to angle shoot as I was saying I "joked" to a friend about it but never had the intention as I personally feel that it would be too "hollywood" as in pretending to be on wpt/wsop or something.


    Nuff said

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