Game 8 SignUp OPEN

Steve is taking control of this season now, finishing in the money six times in seven games so far...he's on fire!

Still, there's alot of play left in the season, and the top five are still in a decent position to catch up and claim the top spot. Remember, the season champ gets his buyin back for the SET game, up to $120, and freerolls the SET game. Also, don't forget you need a minimum of four games in order to qualify to play in the SET game.

1 - AJ
2 - Max
3 - Anthony
4 - Garry
5 - Darryl
6 - Nib
7 - Kris
8 - Steve
9 - Dan
10 - Micheal
11 - Romer
12 - Dave
13 - Mike
14 - Amanda


  • Im in
  • I'm in
  • I am in as well
  • I'll be there.
  • Bad news AJ.... I can't donate this week. My dog was attacked pretty badly by an off leash Staffordshire Bull Terrier on Monday night (who's owner claimed my dog as the possible aggressor.... YEAH, ok!). We spent the whole night in vet emerge. Cash, our greyhound, came out with 18 stiches (head, tongue and chest), and we were home and asleep by 7am. It has been a bad week. He's on painkillers and other meds, and doing quite a bit better. I have to meet the owner to claim the reimbursement for the medical bills on Thursday.

    Wish I could be there. Take it down.

  • derksen wrote: »
    Bad news AJ.... I can't donate this week. My dog was attacked pretty badly by an off leash Staffordshire Bull Terrier on Monday night (who's owner claimed my dog as the possible aggressor.... YEAH, ok!). We spent the whole night in vet emerge. Cash, our greyhound, came out with 18 stiches (head, tongue and chest), and we were home and asleep by 7am. It has been a bad week. He's on painkillers and other meds, and doing quite a bit better. I have to meet the owner to claim the reimbursement for the medical bills on Thursday.

    Wish I could be there. Take it down.


    YOUR DOG?? AGGRESSIVE?? Yea, right!!! Your greyhound is the most docile dog I've ever met. And the fact that his terrier was off leash would be enough for any one to realize that he was in the wrong...idiot dog owners...should license some people to allow them to OWN dogs! Guaranteed he wouldn't be getting one.

    I hope Cash is okay, Derek. Look after your family first.

    In saying that, I think I may have to warn everyone that this weeks' game MAY have to be postponed due to a family emergency of my own. I won't know for sure yet until Wednesday, but I'll try to keep everyone in the loop and let you know as soon as I possibly can.
  • Sorry to hear the news Derek..., Hope all will be well with Cash.

    I wouldn't even hesitate throwing in a few buy-ins here and there in that medical bill you are about to send to this idiot owner. Surely, one should consider it as cost for pain and suffering as well as lost opportunity to earn more income. On a serious note however, I sincerely hope you get every penny and more.

    AJ, pending your decision to cancel Thursday if need to be, consider me in to represent Derek (or so atleast I hope to).icon12.gif


  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    YOUR DOG?? AGGRESSIVE?? Yea, right!!! Your greyhound is the most docile dog I've ever met. And the fact that his terrier was off leash would be enough for any one to realize that he was in the wrong...idiot dog owners...should license some people to allow them to OWN dogs! Guaranteed he wouldn't be getting one.

    I hope Cash is okay, Derek. Look after your family first.

    In saying that, I think I may have to warn everyone that this weeks' game MAY have to be postponed due to a family emergency of my own. I won't know for sure yet until Wednesday, but I'll try to keep everyone in the loop and let you know as soon as I possibly can.

    Hey AJ,

    Thanks. I am looking after him. At work right now, and he's beside me looking all pathetic. I agree, he is THE most docile dog I have ever met as well - he didn't even bark once in the first 6 months we had him (at age 5).

    Hope your family issue passes positively w/o incident.

    Michael, thanks for the words. I know you were kidding, but I'm not looking to profit. Just want what we deserve. I am not going after her for lost time from work, pain/issues with the dog.... unless it goes to court [teeth come out, Derek reveals his true identity as the devil himself], then she's in for it! Thanks for hoping I get every penny.... don't you worry bud, I fight to the death when it comes to issues of principal..... yeah, you ching hill'ers know that already!

    Hope to see you guys next week.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I won't know for sure yet until Wednesday

    Ummm... doesn't affect me, but it is Wednesday dude;)
  • derksen wrote: »
    Ummm... doesn't affect me, but it is Wednesday dude;)


    Later tonight then...maybe tomorrow afternoon. Its been one of those weeks already
  • derksen wrote: »
    I agree, he is THE most docile dog I have ever met as well - he didn't even bark once in the first 6 months we had him (at age 5).

    All I can say is if Jeff had stepped on ME, he would have gotten bitten! ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    All I can say is if Jeff had stepped on ME, he would have gotten bitten! ;)

    Yes.... I agree. I have almost bit Jeff for much less painful and irritating incidents;) I think that proves how peaceful Cash is. You know he spent 2 years in the Peace Corps and 6 months with Green Peace trying to save the rainforests? What a great dog! GDE buddy. GDE! (greatest dog ever)
  • I hope everything works out for Cash Derek.

    He is an excellent dog and the amount he donates to charity each year is amazing.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I hope everything works out for Cash Derek.

    He is an excellent dog and the amount he donates to charity each year is amazing.

    Did you know he assists seeing eye dogs on the weekends?
    Damn good dog!
  • Hope Cash continues to improve. Hope the person responsible gets what they deserve. And I hope things work out okay for our genial host, and not just cuz I'm jonesing to play.
  • As of this moment, the game is still a go. And fortune predicts it should still be a go this time tomorrow, thank God.

    If something should happen, I will post here ASAP and try to do a mass email as well, but for now...GAME ON!
  • AJ, if I call prior to the game and if the game is still on, Dave L and I are in! if I don't call, remove our chips. Thanks.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    AJ, if I call prior to the game and if the game is still on, Dave L and I are in! if I don't call, remove our chips. Thanks.

    UMMMMMMMMMM okay...but you better call!
  • game on!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    game on!!!

    IF ITS ON THEN ITS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Romer and Dave
  • Im in this week. Sorry about last week, last minute emergency.
  • Thanks Mike, no worries about last week.

    btw...who picked up the cards from Buddy last week?
  • Cards?! i dont think i know what you're talking about. This must not be directed to me.

    Quick question... Is Romer and Dave a couple?? They sure do sound like they are.

  • Pupp3t wrote: »
    Cards?! i dont think i know what you're talking about. This must not be directed to me.

    No, not at you...Buddy told me he gave them to someone who plays in the league regularily, but didn't know his game at the time. Supposed to be a couple of sets of Copaqs. Be nice if they showed up tonight ;)
  • Nib takes his first Hill game down last night, and he took it down HARD! QUADS against Mike (Stakz)! I was involved in the little cash game when it happened, but the sound of astonishment from Mike was heard for miles!

    I took down third place, and Garry bubbled. Steve finally got his streak ended last night by chumping.

    I lost count...was there 3 or 4 quads last night? I know Garry had at least two sets of quads. It was nuts.
  • cardrack(aments).

    Well done all. Sorry I missed the cash game (AKA the Fedex donation fund).
  • Congrats Nib on first Ching Hill win...,

    Sorry couldn't stay for the cash game fellas..., had to get home asap (Justyce was teething badly and had slight fever) maybe next time I'll try it out if it doesn't run too too late.

    Any case, we're celebrating Justyce's first bday tomorrow so here's an open invite to all Ching Hill members. I'm sure there will be a cash game developing sometime in the evening if anyone is interested.

    See y'all next week.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Sorry I missed the cash game (AKA the Fedex donation fund).

    No worries...put a couple of beats on Mr. FedEx that had him delivering sob stories ;) That's what you get for going runner-runner-runner-runner on me!
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    . I'm sure there will be a cash game developing sometime in the evening if anyone is interested.

    Not sure if I can make it out or not. May have to fork over a weeks pay to get my truck out of the shop.

    BTW, anyone able to give me an estimate on a new fuel pump, installed, for a 95 Chevy Blazer? Just looking for ballpark here, want to make sure I'm not getting ripped.
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