Game 6 Signup



  • Good Job Romer. I should have stopped and thought about your all in, but the strange move made me react without thinking.... at all! Good one!

    AJ on the other hand..... well, I guess we have to assume with that he has played EVERY game, the law of averages would give him the most wins, losses, chump's etc. So.... mathematically, he really can't do anything about it (either that or I'm just being nice!).
  • And the fact that I left work early with a stomach flu yesterday, and still suffering from its effects at game time, have no bearing on the outcome of my performance last night.

    I just hope I spread enough of the virus on the chips to infect the lot of you!
  • Well, the points and money boards have been update...and STEVE has regained both titles from Garry, but not by much. And despite my miserable performance last night, I'm still holding onto third place!!

    Go shit about my game last night...still ahead of MOST of you ;)
    (directed at one particular member who should know who he is braaaahahahahaha)

    STEVE 260.39
    GARRY 255.08
    A.J. 186.87
    KRIS 174.6
    DAN 130.11
    ANTHONY 118.12
    ALLEN 107.44
    DEREK 105.13
    ROMER 86.92
    DARRYL 73.83
    MIKE 71.91
    JUSTIN 50.42
    MICHEAL 45.17
    AMANDA 39.74
    WYNDAM 39.38
    BROCK 37.49
    NIB 34.96
    AARON 30.43
    JEFF 28.07
    GREG 17.65
    MAX 16.54
    DAVE 15.85
    IGOR 14.05
    JOE 13
  • Before the game began, I told everyone at my table I wanna tell my wife a good story when I get home. Turned out, I gave her "breaking news"!

    Told her I gave the Host an outstanding, unbelievable, gggggguiness Ching Hill record for fastest chump!

    Told her I out-played, lucked-out, stole-pots and most of all took out 2 WSOP cashers in an event that had a whopping 2700 players.

    Told her I destroyed the "rising" superstar of Ching Hill due to his domination of the money and leader board with QQ against his poor AA.

    Told her I punished the best reader of Ching Hill...actually possibly the best reader whom I've ever played since he has guess exactly what my hole cards were about 5 times now with trying to slow-play his set of Fives allowing me to catch up to make a straight!

    Told her FedEx owns DHL...with a better 2 pairs...LOL!

    Told her I'll repeat this whole process again next week....she replies, go to sleep, you have to work tomorrow!

    Key hands:

    Victim: AJ
    (very first hand) AJ loses a big pot to Greg (set of Kings).
    (next hand) AJ raises 4x the blind, folds around to me (puck) and I put him "on-tilt", I call with K9. Flop comes K39, AJ goes all-in, I tank for brief moment...I call, he shows JJ and send him to the rail with the new Ching Hill Chump record!

    Victim: Garry
    Now I have a healthy stack about 3500..Garry had about 1700, blinds 15-30...UTG (Garry) makes a min raise to 60, folds around to me (puck) I see QQ...I raised to 200...Garry acts for a bit then makes it 600. Hmmmm, okay I smooth call him (put him on AK). Flop comes 10 9 4. Garry bets 600, I tank for a bit (board doesn't look scary, if he has AA,KK or a set then I'd still have the initial stack and its really early in the game, could be he's making a continuation AK bet) I announced "all-in" he insta calls before he shows I knew he had AA or KK. He shows AA, turn comes J making me open ended plus my 2 other outs (Q)..river...8...WOW...straight!!...ouch!

    Victim: Daryll
    7 players left...2 limpers Daryll and myself. I have Q10 suited spades. Flop comes Q63 (one spade). I check, Daryll bets, I call. Turn comes 9 of spade. I check, Daryll bets half his stack...hmmmm, I have top pair and now a flush draw and I have him covered about 3 times his stack. I ask him how much he has left, then I call. River comes a 10, didn't hit my flush, but I have top two. He pushes, I call...he says 2 pair, I say me too...he shows Q6, I show Q10.

    Victim: Derek
    6 players left....I'm UTG with KJ....the button (Derek) raises 3.5x the blinds I call. Flop comes 5 10 2, I checked, Derek checks. Turn is an Ace, I bet to represent the Ace, Derek smooth calls it. River a Q making my miracle straight, I announce all-in, he insta-calls shows his set of 5's and was in dis-belief! ***Derek you might have revised this one***

    Other than my 4 leaf clover, I think my plays were correct in these three hands??

    AJ...don't forget to deliver the FedEx package!
  • Congrats on the win Romer, you were definitely on fire Thursday. I knew when that jack hit the turn that my run was about to come to a brutal end.

    Cudos to Steve on keeping his streak alive with his 5th straight money finish
  • Romer, your wife sounds like a level headed, cool tempered, lovely woman, with God like patience, and the super human ability to put your wild outlandish stories in proper perspective.

    In other words, good to hear she doesn't listen to your shit talk!

    Your game wrapup is very excellent though. Your continuing ability to smack talk your opponents rivals the best in the industry, but I'm sure you're reign as Ching Hill Champ will soon come to a brutal end...NEXT Thursday! ;)

    Seriously, excellent post Romer. You played a great game and deserve the win. However, next time, I'm taking your SuckOut Card away from you ;)
  • Congrats Romer,

    Don't forget you called a pre-flop raise from Greg with 7 - 10 suited, and then called his all in after the flop on a only a flush draw because Greg said he had 7-10 left in chips, and you hit you flush.

    But hey thats poker and man it did add some more excitement to the night.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Congrats Romer,

    Don't forget you called a pre-flop raise from Greg with 7 - 10 suited, and then called his all in after the flop on a only a flush draw because Greg said he had 7-10 left in chips, and you hit you flush.

    But hey thats poker and man it did add some more excitement to the night.

    Thanks Steve for reminding me of the "HAND" of the night which worked magical for me as well as flopped a straight with this hand in the later rounds from what I recall.

    Victime: Greg

    Chip counts..I had Greg outchipped by at least 5x his chips and he was the short stack of the table. Greg (UTG) makes a healthy raise (4x) folds around to me (puck)...hmmm why not with my stack I call with 7 10 spades. Flop comes JJ8 with 2 spades. He insta-goes-all-in. I was gonna fold but I wanted to hollywood to pretend I was gonna make a big laydown, so I ask "How much do you have left"? He said "710"! Exactly what my hole cards were!!!! Now that startled me!!!...with a flush draw/ a miracle gut shot straight draw and his chip stack matching my hole cards...I pronounced "I have to call, you guessed my hole cards"...he flips over QQ. I magically hit the flush on the river. Donkey analysis says Preflop he was about 80% to 20%, but the flop increased my chances...he was 60% to 40%. Dammmmm I knocked out a player who swam pretty deep in a WSOP ocean of 2700 sharks, could have been deeper if his AA didn't get cracked by KJ.....good game Greg!
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Told her I punished the best reader of Ching Hill...actually possibly the best reader whom I've ever played since he has guess exactly what my hole cards were about 5 times now with trying to slow-play his set of Fives allowing me to catch up to make a straight!

    Thanks Romer. I'm blushing. Sorry you're on the other end of the reads..... ok, Im not sorry;)
    IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Victim: Derek
    6 players left....I'm UTG with KJ....the button (Derek) raises 3.5x the blinds I call. Flop comes 5 10 2, I checked, Derek checks. Turn is an Ace, I bet to represent the Ace, Derek smooth calls it. River a Q making my miracle straight, I announce all-in, he insta-calls shows his set of 5's and was in dis-belief! ***Derek you might have revised this one***

    Wish I would have thought more than the millisecond I did. With most things, hind sight is 20-20. Not sure how I called this one. Something I won't do again! Really not sure how/why I called so fast. I think my brain malfunctioned.... ALL-IN.. um..**&^, why, ^($*&, huge chip stack, (&8^#, call, %(#8^, shit. A wee bit fuzzy on that one!
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