Would you date a pornstar?

So... I'm sitting at work thinking of weird stuff as usual and this came to me... would I date a pornstar?

I started thinking about the pros and cons and I still don't know...

I'm wondering what the public opinion is on that subject?


  • Probably not. Spent a brief time in a relationship with a stripper once (very brief). I'd tend to think the dynamics would be similar, as would other issues. Not my cup of tea. At least, not anymore.
  • InsaneGuy wrote: »
    So... I'm sitting at work thinking of weird stuff as usual and this came to me... would I date a pornstar?
    Date.. Yes................ Marry.... No...

    Both answers pretty obvious... to me at least.. lol

    Hope my wife doesn't read this...
  • For the money they make laying on their backs all day long?

    HELL YES! I could quit my job!
  • InsaneGuy wrote: »
    So... I'm sitting at work thinking of weird stuff as usual and this came to me... would I date a pornstar?

    I started thinking about the pros and cons and I still don't know...

    I'm wondering what the public opinion is on that subject?

    Did ya have a box of Kleanex near by....;)

    BTW You have waaayyyy tooo much free time at work

    PS Date = yes
  • Are you allowed to sleep with other members of the opposite sex too? Even if you aren't getting paid?
  • that's almost as bad as the folding aces question.. of course.
  • [X] date and marry
  • Well, I hope you're not marryin' for $$$, dear. Cause we(e?) men are woefully underpaid for their efforts in that industry. And if it's the higher paid gender you're looking for, that opens up a whole new kettle of fish. So to speak (Couldn't help myself).
  • no I'd marry either for their natural talents and/or upgrades
  • Aaah, so it's true love is it?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    [X] date and marry

    +1 have to agree
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Did ya have a box of Kleanex near by....;)

    BTW You have waaayyyy tooo much free time at work

    PS Date = yes

    I try to avoid masturbation at my desk since I'm in a wide open area... not that I mind people watching me since I have 2 cats and cats are curious little creature...
  • Ok, so I laughed at this thread reposted nonsense..but the reality is that I was on my way out for breakfast today and it occured to me...

    Those who said 'date but not marry' piss me off.

    So I thought I'd rant a little.

    What the fuck is with you men that marry your little Martha Stewart's?!?!

    The reality is that after about a year, you spend the rest of your marriages ignoring her to come and play poker and talk shit with me, then go and watch Candi dance. (on screen or in your local fine establishment)

    Every married couple I know has a carefully constructed environment in which they spend as little actual time enjoying one another as possible, while maximizing their neighbourhood/PTA face-time.

    (The BBQs with the couple who have similarly aged children from the neighbourhood are the epitome of this..what an absolute life-fail moment)

    So I ask you men..

    What's the point? Where's your motivation to lead this stupid boring life? I sincerely want to understand this, I'm sure I've been put in the date but not marry category at least once or twice.

    FWIW I don't believe in mid-life crisis..I just think when I see that 40-something divorced guy who buys the sports car, gets the porn star wife and travels the world "There's a guy who has finally realized that you only live once"

    I think I should marry Candi and live the rest of my life in a way that you good hubbys jerk off to in the shower while Lil Martha bangs on the bathroom door bitching about how you forgot to take the garbage out, or reminding you that you promised to have dinner with her parents.

    Edit: The same applies to those who marry Hillary Clinton's also


    i feel better now.
  • Given the opportunity I would have married one but I would have left her woefully unfulfilled.
  • Given the opportunity I would have married one but I would have left her woefully unfulfilled.

    oh my gawd... it's ok to think it, it's ok to laugh at it alone but geez... don't tell everyone that you have a small penis!

    I'm sad for you :(
  • InsaneGuy wrote: »
    oh my gawd... it's ok to think it, it's ok to laugh at it alone but geez... don't tell everyone that you have a small penis!

    I'm sad for you :(

    WHOA! Who said anything about small. I'm happily average but have you seen what these girls work with?? :o
  • WHOA! Who said anything about small. I'm happily average but have you seen what these girls work with?? :o

    Easy... asian pornstar.
  • hm's right...every gf you forumers have had lied.


    that's what you fuckers get for all the body-image mind fucks you've pulled on women over the ages
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    hm's right...every gf you forumers have had lied.


    that's what you fuckers get for all the body-image mind fucks you've pulled on women over the ages

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Ok, so I laughed at this thread reposted nonsense..but the reality is that I was on my way out for breakfast today and it occured to me...

    Those who said 'date but not marry' piss me off.

    would honesty piss you off? Have you never met someone you thought was good for a bit of sport, but not much else? Never just "wanted to be friends?"

    So I thought I'd rant a little.

    What the fuck is with you men that marry your little Martha Stewart's?!?!

    The reality is that after about a year, you spend the rest of your marriages ignoring her to come and play poker and talk shit with me, then go and watch Candi dance. (on screen or in your local fine establishment)

    Sorry, no. I married my wife because I found someone I could spend the rest of my life with. While I might engage in some harmless flirting across the felt, I know where to draw the line. My wife and I actually communicate quite well, which is why our marriage has fewer problems than those of our friends. I have not been to see Candi since my stag. How is she doing these days? As for "on screen", I prefer live action entertainment and, while I appreciate the human form in all it's splendour, I feel no urge to go looking for it anywhere.

    Every married couple I know has a carefully constructed environment in which they spend as little actual time enjoying one another as possible, while maximizing their neighbourhood/PTA face-time.

    See the above. My wife actually plays poker, too, although for different reasons than I do. We cannot stand the PTA, and we barely know more than a few of my neighbours, which is how we want it.

    (The BBQs with the couple who have similarly aged children from the neighbourhood are the epitome of this..what an absolute life-fail moment)

    We have a great time when we see our friends. And our kids getting along is just a bonus, if you ask me. They were our friends before marriages, so why would that change?

    So I ask you men..

    What's the point? Where's your motivation to lead this stupid boring life? I sincerely want to understand this, I'm sure I've been put in the date but not marry category at least once or twice.

    We all have been put into that category at some point. I do not find my life boring. I am quite content with the life I am leading. True, I'd like to win more $$$ playing poker, but who wouldn't. If you find the settled life boring, maybe you are not ready for it. Not a criticism, just an observation. To each their own, after all.

    FWIW I don't believe in mid-life crisis..I just think when I see that 40-something divorced guy who buys the sports car, gets the porn star wife and travels the world "There's a guy who has finally realized that you only live once"

    I see a guy who was too stupid (or cowardly) to figure out what he wanted in life BEFORE making a huge commitment like marriage. Now he has screwed up someone (or two, three, etc.) else's life to satisfy his own desires. Not saying he should not follow his dreams, just that he should figure them out first.

    I think I should marry Candi and live the rest of my life in a way that you good hubbys jerk off to in the shower while Lil Martha bangs on the bathroom door bitching about how you forgot to take the garbage out, or reminding you that you promised to have dinner with her parents.

    If that will make your life complete, feel free to indulge. Others have different needs/desires. Do not come down on them for it. As for "personal time" in the shower, thats just another reason why I love my wife. And I will gladly allow my mother-in-law make dinner for me, anytime. I'll even do the dishes afterwards.
    Edit: The same applies to those who marry Hillary Clinton's also


    i feel better now. Good

    Not sure if you wanted serious comments to this or not, but I figured I'd take a shot
  • Sorry about that. It looked more legible before I posted it. Different font sizes and everything. Oh well. Is Candi computer savvy?
  • Thanks for the effort, but the problem is that your points are mostly moot because you are making an individual case instead of addressing the overall.

    The fact is that like 50% of marriages end in divorce...and when they do that guy comes looking for Candi or I. Seriously, I'm 40-something-DWM-crack.

    Why not just teach men (and women) that it is ok to NOT want to be in 50's domestic bliss and have 2.2 children?

    (reading your response to the mid-life part I actually expect you to agree with what I'm saying now that I've [hopefully!] explained it better)
  • If I concede your point re: divorce then, by extension, you must concede that it only applies 50% of the time. You MAY be crack to us 40+ males, but some of us are able to separate idle time-wasting from an actual relationship.

    As an example, you complimented me and "Red" (Redington?) in another thread. Flattering, yes, but in the grand scheme of things it is just a polite comment between two "virtual" acquaintances. If we ever do meet, I would buy the first round, but that is just a friendly thing to do, nothing more. It is the immature/insecure man who would look at something like that as a prelude to something entirely different, whether that was the intent or not.

    I will agree with you that Ozzie and Harriet are dead. Wouldn't you agree that media, in general, has done a pretty good job of making that perfectly clear for the better part of a decade, or more?

    I do not think you addressed the whole "honesty" point I was trying to make, either. Anyone who says "date, but not marry" is just doing what you suggest (I think) in your response to my hash of a post. Why would this make you angry, if they are taking your points to heart? Most, if not all, have been in that boat before, so I fail to see the problem with being honest about your desires.
  • a: I was referring to real life 40DWMs who try to date me, not you..but thanks for trying to take me down a notch, your efforts are wasted though..ask my parents. ;)

    b: The last paragraph suggests that you're really not getting my point.
  • a) Was not trying to take you down a notch. Sorry if it came across that way. As for real life DWMs who want to date you rather than me, colour me offended. I have a lot to offer, you know. If only they would give me a chance. *sniff*
    b) Would not be the first time a woman left me clueless. Lets just drop it, then.

    Re-reading my last, it does seem rather bitchy. Sorry about that.

    Anyway, off to Ching Hill.
  • loool, I came so close to editing the "me, not you" I knew that was what I was going to get.

    FTR, I thought your wife was a redhead? "red"
  • Damn, I hate being predictable. As for the wife's hair colour, she was a redhead. But it changes like the weather. It's always based on some form of red, though.

    See ya.:D
  • Dated an ex-stripper for a year and a half. Can't say that I would be okay with it if she still danced, but it didn't bother me. It made her a lot of $, and THAT makes life pretty luxurious.

    On a related note, you don't need to "marry" a martha stewart, you marry the porn star, and you pay someone to clean your house and clothes.

    That way you can find someone you actually enjoy spending time with, not because she bakes well.
  • Vandal wrote: »
    Dated an ex-stripper for a year and a half. Can't say that I would be okay with it if she still danced, but it didn't bother me. It made her a lot of $, and THAT makes life pretty luxurious.

    On a related note, you don't need to "marry" a martha stewart, you marry the porn star, and you pay someone to clean your house and clothes.

    That way you can find someone you actually enjoy spending time with, not because she bakes well.

    Haha..I like your way of thinking... :)
  • So Kristy if I just wanna date you but not marry you what's that mean? Hell I would date the porn star too. I seem to have this aversion to getting married again.
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