CNE Casino



  • So how's the CNE this year guys?
    Can someone post a trip report?
  • The games are loose and gambly. Everyone sitting at the table thinks they are a pro and they play ugly forms of poker.

    That's my 10/20 trip report.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    The games are loose and gambly. Everyone sitting at the table thinks they are a pro and they play ugly forms of poker.

    That's my 10/20 trip report.

    So how does this differ from the 10/20 in Brantford?
  • I'll prob be there Fri afternoon sometime
  • I am there about 3x a week - I live beside the skydome so logistically the CNE is the only place I really play anymore.

    There is no difference between the 5-10 and 10-20 other than the chip stacks - I actually find the 5-10 tables to be a little calmer.

    If you really want to have fun play 10-20 anytime after 10pm on Friday or Saturday - but be ready for huge swings.

    My fav hand was me in BB with KK, I made it 3 bets and the SB capped it (family pot naturally). I hit my set on the flop and pumped it the whole way we lost about half the players on the turn but still capped (80pp) and then again on the river. My hand was beat by the SB holding 57 who made a gutshot on the turn and completed on the river...

    I always laugh when I am playing the 5-10 and players get frustated and claim "I am going to 5-10 to get away from the donkeys" - you can never escape in limit - and most of the time the players claiming to escape from the donkeys are just that - they dont appreciate that when you are betting $10 into a $150 pot with your trips - the other players are going to call on draws, and rightly so.
  • Over a week I went three times.

    Frist: First time being new to limit poker, Pre-flop aaggresive was not working at all. lost AA few times, KK many times and soo on, end of the day, i Lost few hundred, but learn that power poker is good only in no limit.

    Second day. (MOnday night) 3pm-6am Went with diffrent plan. I end the day with +$875.00 nice. simple strategy, Be aggressive with your net draws and Check your AAs to the river. hahaha.

    Third day. dropped few hundreds. 5pm-4am

    As Far as The place and peopl there.

    there is no AC, Some ppll smell bad, alot of ppll think they are pro, dealers are slow and need help for side pots and reading the board, mmmmm I had a dealer who pushed the pot 2 times to the wrong person, ooo yea just one time she put a card after a river, hahaha still didnt improve my card, haha. Honestly alot of players are loose players, and some of them are discusting i mean dirty.

    Parking= CNE give me parking pass but parking is always blocked by the cops because they are full. so each time i had to park somewhere else and pay $20.

    I saw a few verbal assault towards dealers, players, This guy was yelling yesterday none stop for 20 minutes. i think dealer made a mistake.

    In conclusion> I will drop one more time for a 10/20 before it close. and that will be the end of my limit-poker for 2008.
  • Well I went today and dropped a couple hundred dollars in the 5-10 game.

    The table is what you want....a bunch of older people who play garbage hands and play it more for recreation than anything else.

    In a nutshell, it wasn't my day. Biggest pair I had was pocket jacks and that lost to a guy who played 9-7o and flopped a straight. A couple of other times I limped in with small pairs in a family pot and didn't get the set....a couple of nut flush draws that didn't come in (big pots in those....)....AJs and the flop came with mid straight cards (e.g.) 7-6-5 with none of my suit and several players interested in it. My personal favourite was flopping two pair and a lady chased me down with nothing but a backdoor flush draw and, of course, got her two clubs on the turn and river. You get the idea of how it went. I think I won maybe two pots or so. There were a couple of hands that, in retrospect, I should have played differently (if at all) but live and learn.

    However, everyone at the table was very pleasant and it was a friendly game to play with no one getting pissed off with the bad beats and stuff. It was interesting when one guy (an older gentlemen) talked about how most of the games he played at the CNE this year are mostly people under 30 who get visibly upset/pissed off everytime they lose a pot berating players in the process. I think somewhere along the line, us young folks seem to forget it is just a game after all.

    Anyway, I think I'll try some live poker again at Brantford sometime in October or so.
  • Can you get to the CNE Casino using public transit? Since CNE isn't open yet, do you have to pay admission?
  • altruist wrote: »
    Can you get to the CNE Casino using public transit? Since CNE isn't open yet, do you have to pay admission?

    If you go to Bathurst Station there is a streetcar that goes right to the CNE. I think there is also one from Union. Its like a 2 min walk from where it lets you out. AFAIK there is no admission until the CNE opens.
  • Fuck that. Arrive in style you cheap bastard. Rent a rickshaw.
  • altruist wrote: »
    Can you get to the CNE Casino using public transit? Since CNE isn't open yet, do you have to pay admission?

    just go to the VIP desk once you get seated; after three hours, go back and get a pass for free admission to the CNE for the days you will need to pay admission (and a free parking pass).
  • Had a great experience tonight....was already downtown so i decided to put in a quick session (5/10 list was empty at 12:30am for what it was worth)

    I sit down and I was up 50 bucks when a few underground players I knew walked by. I swivelled my chair to talk to them for a second and suddenly a middle aged asian man asked me what i did for a living?

    Here is the synapsis of the conversation:

    asian man: Hey what do you do for a living?
    me: what does it matter to you?
    AM: You need to learn to shut up then
    Me: Huh?? I was talking to my friends and I wasn't facing you so what the hell do you care what I was talking about (i made a comment about the table being boring)
    AM: You better shut up cause I can't stand you talking?
    Me: I was talking to my friend not to the table.
    AM: do you want to take this outside?
    Me: Are you serious?? Why are you so angry....did you not get laid today (I guess that was the tipping point)
    AM: Lets go outside right now...

    Well as he says that I get dealt Q7H in LP. Flop comes Qc5H6H so I had to let him know that I had a pair and a flush draw and I couldn't leave just yet. He proceeds to stand right behind me waiting. (funny thing was he was first to act in the hand so he had to go back to his seat to check so the action could continue) I end up winning the hand cause I turn a flush and I take down the pot.

    So we both get up to "go outside" as we are leaving I happen to mention that I am fully ready to kick this man's ass and the cop by the exit hears me. Here is the convo from the cop/me/asian man

    Cop: what did you just say
    me: I was asked to go outside supposedly to meet with this angry man who is right here
    cop: I am not letting you do that, what happened

    So i explain to the cop that this guy basically has a pickle in his ass (nice female blonde, she actually laughed when i made the comment to her about him not getting laid)

    She told me we both had to leave the premises and actually escourted me to my car (after I cashed out my chips, not a big deal as the 5/10 tables were breaking like crazy and our table broke after myself and the asian man got up)

    Moral of the story, don't talk to your friends near a poker table and watch out for angry middle aged men.....
  • You were probably very lucky the cop interceded... :) May have been a setup young man...
  • Or... you know...

    Don't be a douche... ;)

    Seriously.. I have been more drunk in more places than really is necessary, and have NEVER been in a fight.... people are stupid

  • compuease wrote: »
    You were probably very lucky the cop interceded... :) May have been a setup young man...

    Yeah I was aware of the possibilities. Funny thing growing up in Scarborough you:

    A) Never follow someone when they ask you to come with them "for a ride in their car"
    B) Step outside
  • Moral of the story, don't talk to your friends near a poker table and watch out for angry middle aged men.....

    glad to see I am not the only person to snap playing 5/10 at the CNE...

    "I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving."

    You know the other problem with this place, no ipods. A complete mind fuck!
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