Season Ending Tournament Buy In And Starting Chips



  • Congrats to all who finished in the money...

    I have to echo Chis' statements regarding this season, it was a rough one for me . If I wasn't getting out flopped, out drawn or sucked out; I was pushing into the nuts and just playing really, really bad <sigh>. I think the only person I had any luck against was Eleanor (sorry ;))

    24th works for me....

    Chris, I like the idea of a low buy-in PLO hi/lo game. Might be a good change of pace...

    AJ thanx again for hosing a great season...

  • As always thanks AJ, Brenda, Ada, & RJ, for opening up your home to us. You guys make us all feel like family. (Family that doesn't have to wash the dishes or clean our rooms.)

    Congrats Max, looks like your the Hill's next rising star. As much as we all want old Max back, I think the new Max is going to command a whole lot more respect at the table.

    For myself, I think I'm in the 1 year slump. Derek, I need some advice how to break it. You should write a book "How to shake off the bad mojo and bring back the good Ju-Ju" I'm definately going back to the books during the hiadus, and I'll be game for any style of HORSE or ohma game you organize Chris.
  • Sorry i couldnt make it everyone. I would of loved to be there but unfortunately i had some family issues to take care of in montreal. But no worries...I should be there for opening season..unless its after the 16 of the month...Stakz is gone to the south for a week.

    Congrats on the win MAX !!!
  • P.S.

    Can someone suggest a good 1/2 NL or 2/5 or even 5/5 game near brampton?!? im tired of driving to the east end for a game. Im better off going to niagara.

    you dont have to post it just email it to me or tell me when you see me.

    thanks in advance
  • Pupp3t wrote: »

    Can someone suggest a good 1/2 NL or 2/5 or even 5/5 game near brampton?!? im tired of driving to the east end for a game. Im better off going to niagara.

    you dont have to post it just email it to me or tell me when you see me.

    thanks in advance

    Whats your email address?

    Hey Max, congrats....VERY WELL DESERVED! Thanks to AJ for another great season even though I was only there a few times.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Whats your email address?

    Hey Max, congrats....VERY WELL DESERVED! Thanks to AJ for another great season even though I was only there a few times.
  • Thanks for another great season guys and thanks for hosting AJ...

    24th works for me at the moment and I would be interested in Omaha and Horse games as long as you will teach me how to play Chris... so there you go, "easy money"!!!!

    See you all soon??
  • Pupp3t wrote: »

    Can someone suggest a good 1/2 NL or 2/5 or even 5/5 game near brampton?!? im tired of driving to the east end for a game. Im better off going to niagara.

    you dont have to post it just email it to me or tell me when you see me.

    thanks in advance

    email me that too please, also any other good tourny's?
  • 24th works for me. I dont leave until the 30th for vegas. Congrats Max!
  • Oh and 24th is no good for in Punta cana that weekend
  • Its very difficult to find a date that works for everyone, so we'll just find a date that works for most. If you are able to join, GREAT...if not, no problem...just means more Polish for the rest of us ;)
  • is this Polishing event Horse/Omaha...etc. etc. Not too familiar with those games yet.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    is this Polishing event Horse/Omaha...etc. etc. Not too familiar with those games yet.

    Could be, but I think the HORSE/Omaha game is separate.

    If you can play cards and drink, you can polish!!! You MORE than qualify Romer ;)
  • Season Ending Party will be NL tourney/Polish

    Chris was just asking about general interest in Omaha/HORSE/Other games....he'll probably post or email soon to find a date.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Season Ending Party will be NL tourney/Polish

    Chris was just asking about general interest in Omaha/HORSE/Other games....he'll probably post or email soon to find a date.

    Just wondering if the invite on the 24th (or whoever is hosting) is open to bringing their significant others. Would like to come out and join but entirely not sure if I can leave the wife and "my little heaven on earth" on weekends.

    Secondly, since this would be my first, wasn't so sure if it would be appropriate to bring them.

    Just a thought.
  • Sure thing Michael!

    Derek and Max have both brought their girlfriends in the past :)

    I'll send out an invite + address/directions today or tomorrow.

    Oh, that reminds me...AJ, do you have email addys for everyone?
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Oh, that reminds me...AJ, do you have email addys for everyone?

    Let me know the date and time, and I'll send it through HPT to everyone.
  • Congrats Max and thanks for everything AJ ...... I played most of the time like a donk and I got paid like one too....ha ha
  • As of right now it looks like me, my wife Tonya and baby Ethan will be able to make it on the 24th.

    The wife and baby will probably leave shortly after the BBQ.

    I will bring a case of 24 beer for all to enjoy.

    If anything changes I will let you know,

  • Reminder: BBQ + Polish Poker this weekend.

    Anyone who played this season is welcome to attend. I emailed everyone I had addresses for, or tried to reach you all by P.M.

    We've got a bunch confirmed so far, would love it if everyone could come.

    If you haven't R.S.V.P'd, please do so I can make sure we have enough stuff for the BBQ.

  • I'm good for the 24th. See you then.

  • Just wondering if it would be possible to have the Stanley Cup hockey game on the TV at 8pm tonight?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Just wondering if it would be possible to have the Stanley Cup hockey game on the TV at 8pm tonight?

    That won't be a problem.
  • Awesome

  • Hey Elliotts,

    Thanks for hosting the SEB (Season Ending Bash). Karey and I had a great time. Sorry I couldn't stick around long enough for you to win back my tourney winnings in the cash game. We had a birthday to hit and it was getting late.

    Thanks again.

  • Had a great time as well. Very nice to see Steve and his family, as well as Micheal and his family. Still think Derek should get the hint...or at least Karey ;)

    It was great to finally be on the positive end of profitability at the Elliotts! I never seem to do well there, but it all came together this weekend. Finished third in the tourney, and did pretty well in the cash game. Maybe I should drink more often ;) ROMER STYLE POKER!!
  • Thanks to every one that came to the game. It was nice to meet some of the others halves.

    The games were both a lot of fun and I hope every one enjoyed themselves.

    BTW the trick to GTA4 is to take cabs everywhere; it saves you the time of travelling every where in a car.
  • Thanks everyone for coming out and making it such a fun night!
  • Thanks for hosting another successfull Season Ending Bash.

    See yuo all for season 9 and good luck Justine in Vegas at the WSOP
  • Good luck to you too Steve! Aren't you playing the same event?
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