Season Ending Tournament Buy In And Starting Chips

First, I want to thank everyone for coming out this season. You've made it a very exciting season from the start right to the final.

Secondly, I want to congratulate Allen for taking the POINTS title, and Darryl for taking the MONEY title. You both played extremely well and the titles are well earned.

This is a list of the qualifying players for the Season Ending Tournament for next Thursday. I'm posting it now as I will be out of town for a few days and not sure if I can get to a computer. I've included your individual buyins as well as your starting chip stacks. I would appreciate coming a bit early to ensure you get your bonus chips prior to being seated.

A.J. 1850 $0.00
Eleanor 1850 $10.00
Chris E 1905 $10.00
Derek 1770 $30.00
Jeff 1710 $60.00
Justin HJ 1805 $40.00
Max 1655 $50.00
Kris K 1955 $0.00
Stephen K 1665 $40.00
Garry 1760 $10.00
Allen 1995 -$120.00 FREEROLL!!
Micheal 1710 $30.00
Darryl 1945 $20.00
Romer 1635 $60.00
Rob 1650 $50.00
Aaron 1870 $30.00
Mike 1735 $60.00


  • is this game an additional $ the Home Tourney page it says $50 entry fee. So I'm wondering if I owe $60, do I pay $110?
  • No Tilt.
    The actual buyin for this is $120 ($10 from each game in the season)

    So you played 6 games putting $60 already to the SET. You only owe $10 for every game missed, so yuor total buyin for the SET is $60
  • Steve is right on.

    Everyone who qualifies to play in the SET game pays $120. We take $10 per player per game to set aside for the SET pot, and then each player pays for each game they missed at the end of the season. This way, everyone ends up paying the exact same amount for this game. Now if you don't show up for the SET game, you obviously don't pay what is owed. Still, with such a nice pot, it would be rather foolish to not play if you owe $80...its +ev all the way considering the top spot is around $1000!!!

    The only difference is the Season POINTS Leader gets whatever money they put into the pot back as the prize for being the points leader. Since Allen played all 12 games, he gets his $120 returned to him, and basically freerolls the SET game for being the Season Points Champ.
  • Here is the list of CONFIRMED players who have reserved their seats for this game. I'm expecting everyone to be there though...

    STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-26 10:11:21
    JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-26 10:42:49
    GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-26 11:13:44
    BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-27 16:16:52
    Omar_Suarez - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-27 19:01:07
    ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-28 06:18:32
    Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-28 08:52:15
    hecktor - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-28 20:42:03
    ElElliott - Seat Reserved
    akline - Seat Reserved
    Max - Seat Reserved
    DWett - Seat Reserved
    MCflip73 - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-29 10:35:24
    FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-29 13:56:54
    SteveKerr - Seat Reserved
    BusDriver - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-30 17:56:41
  • Confirmed.
  • ill be there AJ
  • akline wrote: »
    ill be there AJ

    You BETTER!!! You're SNACK MAN this week!! ;)
  • I will be there.

    well physically I will be, mentally hmm who knows, depends on how much sleep I get the night before
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I will be there.

    well physically I will be, mentally hmm who knows, depends on how much sleep I get the night before

    Bring pictures! (If you can)
  • Only missing Mike (Stakz) at this time. if you can sign in to CONFIRM, that would be great! Thanks in advance.
  • No word yet from Mike. Might be one short if he doesn't confirm.

    Okay, so assuming he DOES confirm, that would be 17 players. Top 3 or Top 4 payout??
  • If Mike confirms top 4...if not, top 3. But whatever you decide is cool, because I'm gonna win it all!

    STR82ACE wrote: »
    No word yet from Mike. Might be one short if he doesn't confirm.

    Okay, so assuming he DOES confirm, that would be 17 players. Top 3 or Top 4 payout??
  • We don't normally pay out 4 when there are 16 players. Why would we now?

    For 17, do we normally pay 4? I'm pretty sure....but can't remember.

    I guess what I'm saying is....I don't see a reason to change the payout structure. So whatever we normally do, is what we should do tonight.
  • AJ I might be a few minutes late, but I am coming.
  • JHJ wrote: »
    AJ I might be a few minutes late, but I am coming.

    DAMN! I mean, okay, sure
  • I should have won! I had the chips...I had the balls...I made moves that would impress Doyle himself

    But I forgot who I was headsup with...MAX!!!

    Max took down the SET game last night after hitting runner runner trip aces and taking my once impressive stack to the felt in less than five hands!! When we started headsup play, I was a two to one leader. Then the cards did what they had been doing all night...turned stone cold on me. I doubled Max up, then he took another nice pot from me, and before you know it, he was the 2-1 leader. Last hand, I checked behind his limp with 94o. Hit my 9 on the flop but had two overcards on the board, so we check/check flop...check check turn with the ace...ace on the river Max bets 1500, I raise allin to try to steal, and he insta calls with A7s.

    Micheal took down third place for his second money finish in the last two SET games, and Aaron walked away in fourth after we had chopped to four spots. The final table was crazy glue tight! Everyone knew the game would be a good one, and everyone was playing the 'A' game all night long. It was one of the best games we've ever played in my opinion.

    The side game though sounded like it was a blast. Went until 1am, when I finally had to announce LAST HAND, and I'm sure they still would have been there when I woke up this morning if I hadn't!!

    Thanks to everyone for coming out and making Season 8 such a great season. As always, I had a blast organizing and an even better time playing with you guys/girls. Steve...great pics of you and your little one, Poe Kerr. You look like a very tired, but very happy father!!

    Thanks again everyone! Now lets plan the party and be sure to include Polish Poker!!
  • I did not watch alot of the FT, but I will be the first to admit that Max played pretty solid leading up to it. He played very snug in building up to the FT. It was like the Anti-Max.
  • Congrats Max, and the other money finishers!

    So when's the party?
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    So when's the party?

    I know Derek has plans towards the end of the month, and Justin is heading out to make us all rich soon. Might be tough to find a good time for everyone, but I'm pretty much open, except THIS weekend.

    I can host, or if someone else wants to host, I'm open for that as well.

    Poker, Polishing, and Vodka...LOOK OUT!!!
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I did not watch alot of the FT, but I will be the first to admit that Max played pretty solid leading up to it. He played very snug in building up to the FT. It was like the Anti-Max.

    Max played VERY well at the FT! He was definitely NOT the same Max a couple of seasons ago. Matter of fact, everyone at the FT played solid poker last night. Still, Max did earn his victory, and he had to fight hard to get it.

    Just wish I hadn't had called him to remind him of the game!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Max took down the SET game last night...

    Congrats Max, you really played well yesterday..., and all this time you wanted to split and chop the pot?!?! Can you say..., strategy?!?!icon12.gif

    Well deserved indeed!
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    When we started headsup play, I was a two to one leader. Then the cards did what they had been doing all night...turned stone cold on me.

    That's about the same time I started dealing! Sorry AJ, the "Mike" flop can do that sometime.icon7.gif
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Everyone knew the game would be a good one, and everyone was playing the 'A' game all night long. It was one of the best games we've ever played in my opinion.

    Yes, I can tell everyone was up to the challenge! I have never lasted or reached that far of a blind level to begin with (600 1200)! AJ, you need to add more I think!

    I for one admit that I needed plenty of luck to even get there but I can also honestly say that my game improved overall because of situations like yesterday's SET! For what it's worth, Thanks again Ching Hill!
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Steve...great pics of you and your little one, Poe Kerr. You look like a very tired, but very happy father!!

    Steve, congrats again sir and welcome to the club!icon14.gif
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Thanks again everyone! Now lets plan the party and be sure to include Polish Poker!!

    You guys have to teach me how to play this thing... I have absolutely no idea what Max was referring to all yesterday when he says... "I polish"!???
  • Congrats Max and other winners. It was a tough break for me! Hard to handle.

    Anyway, I am gone but will be back the 20th. I am ok the following weekend and am willing to host.

    AJ. Great season. Much appreciated as always. I lost a tiny bit of cash, but it was worth all of the laughs and good times. Looking forward to Season NINE a.k.a. season no... ha;)

    See you guys in a bit.

  • How does the 24th sound for everyone?

    We can also a matter of fact, I'd really like to host. It'll probably be my last "Ching Hill" game for quite awhile.

    Michael....Polish Poker is a true art. I believe it takes a minute to learn, and a lifetime to master. Once you start 'polishing', you don't ever want to stop.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    How does the 24th sound for everyone?

    We can also a matter of fact, I'd really like to host. It'll probably be my last "Ching Hill" game for quite awhile.

    Michael....Polish Poker is a true art. I believe it takes a minute to learn, and a lifetime to master. Once you start 'polishing', you don't ever want to stop.

    24th works for me...I think Justin leaves for Vegas then, not sure though.

    Oh And Eleanor...Never fear...on The Hill, we think of everything...even babysitting services ;) Ada has gotten her 'babysitting license' and is eagar to put it into good use. And of course RJ will be there too ;)

    Polish Poker...a perfect marriage between NLHE and good polish vodka! Can't wait!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Polish Poker...a perfect marriage between NLHE and good polish vodka! Can't wait!

    If this is what I think it is..., I am definitely in a lot of trouble.

    What happens if you don't drink?!?!? Would you allow someone to substitute a virgin pina colada?!?! I guess polish poker won't be the same?!?!? icon11.gif

    Sorry, but I may have to sideline myself intentionally for this one but watching this unfold should be a blast!icon7.gif
  • Congrats to all the money finishers and every one this season.

    It was a good game for some (but I felt that I played pretty poorly) and when I did gets hands then ended up being second best.

    Not a party or season game but would any one be interested in a HORSE or Omaha Hi/Lo game some time with in the next few weeks.

    A few of us last week were talking about O H/L and said we enjoy play the game and we could maybe get a game together. Low buy-in type game.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Congrats to all the money finishers and every one this season.

    It was a good game for some (but I felt that I played pretty poorly) and when I did gets hands then ended up being second best.

    Not a party or season game but would any one be interested in a HORSE or Omaha Hi/Lo game some time with in the next few weeks.

    A few of us last week were talking about O H/L and said we enjoy play the game and we could maybe get a game together. Low buy-in type game.

    I'm in for HORSE definitely. OH/L...guess long as the buyins are low enough that I don't go broke too fast. Still have a problem with that friggin LOW portion of the game.
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    What happens if you don't drink?!?!? Would you allow someone to substitute a virgin pina colada?!?! I guess polish poker won't be the same?!?!?
    Sorry, but I may have to sideline myself intentionally for this one but watching this unfold should be a blast

    No one would force you to do anything you didn't want to do Micheal...but it is a lot of fun. Would watching it unfold sober be as much fun as participating? Ohhhhhhh, I doubt that...but we're all happy people just having a good time. Just don't bring a camera and try to capitalize on us that don't remember quite so well at the end of it all.
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    If this is what I think it is..., I am definitely in a lot of trouble.

    What happens if you don't drink?!?!? Would you allow someone to substitute a virgin pina colada?!?! I guess polish poker won't be the same?!?!? icon11.gif

    No worries there Michael. You don't have to drink to play Polish Poker. And you wouldn't be the only non-drinker (clearly, I won't be participating in the vodka part - but I'll still be 'polishing'!)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I'm in for HORSE definitely. OH/L...guess long as the buyins are low enough that I don't go broke too fast. Still have a problem with that friggin LOW portion of the game.

    Omaha H/L "polish" style..., hmmm there's a thought! Heck, who needs vodka when I know I be playing my hands as if I had a "barrel"! icon12.gif

    Remind me again, that's the 4 card poker thing right?!? See, the suds are already taking effect and it's still weeks away.icon12.gif
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