


  • Ya those 5 people would have been twice as dead if there were guns involved.

    Or if one of those 5 had been packing....

    Oh wait just a second. That boy was the son of a Police Officer. So there were properly stored firearms at his house.... how is it possible that guns were not involved then????
  • Sigh...

    Well, discounting the fact that I also admitted I would likely get rid of large "kill em only" knives, which I'm going to assume is what they meant by "Large Knife", yes... guns are still bad. Yes, he still had access to guns, and if he had gone that way it would have been much worse.

    Am I saying that guns are the root of these crazy unfortunate attacks? No... but they aren't necessary to our society, and shouldn't be around. Do I think the vast majority of guns are used "properly"? Yes, most people that need to make themselves feel more manly through firearms use them correctly. But when someone does go off their rocker with one, it's bad... really bad.

    I really hate that I've managed to make myself the demon of the board because I know that means you guys all can just discount my solid and correct points.

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Well, discounting the fact that I also admitted I would likely get rid of large "kill em only" knives, which I'm going to assume is what they meant by "Large Knife", yes... guns are still bad. Yes, he still had access to guns, and if he had gone that way it would have been much worse.


    I really hate that I've managed to make myself the demon of the board because I know that means you guys all can just discount my solid and correct points.


    As a former knife salesman at the fabulous House of Knives in Kitchener's Fairview Mall, I can tell you that I'd rather face almost any knife or sword we sold than a 10" Wusthof Trident chef's knife.

    Depending on the range involved, I'd also rather face a gun wielding attacker. A guy with a gun may miss and will eventually run out of bullets. His gun may jam. In a mass killing situation the knife wielder would also be able to strike multiple times before people really realize what is happening.

    Re: people discounting your points - maybe you don't actually have as many of those 'correct and solid' as you think? ;)
  • Big Mike wrote: »
    Re: people discounting your points - maybe you don't actually have as many of those 'correct and solid' as you think? ;)

    That's just nonsense :)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Well, discounting the fact that I also admitted I would likely get rid of large "kill em only" knives, which I'm going to assume is what they meant by "Large Knife", yes... guns are still bad. Yes, he still had access to guns, and if he had gone that way it would have been much worse.

    In one paragraph please briefly describe how it would be even remotely possible to "get rid" of large knives. Feel free to apply the same logic to guns as well, seeing as they are both just machined pieces of metal.

    DrTyore wrote: »
    Yes, most people that need to make themselves feel more manly through firearms use them correctly.

    Statements like that just make you look silly. Standing by with dick measurements.
    DrTyore wrote: »

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I really hate that I've managed to make myself the demon of the board because I know that means you guys all can just discount my solid and correct points.

    Nah, we still love you. If you do start making solid and correct points though... might be a different story.
  • I'll save you guys some time with your normal talking points for the needless slaughter.

    - Justin Bourque is just some wacko that fell through the cracks of mental health experts

    - He could have used a knife, flamethrower or baseball bat to kill those officers.

    - This rarely ever happens in Canada but it's going to sometimes, there's just nothing you can do to stop it.

    - If more people in Moncton had guns themselves, this nutjob could have been taken down sooner.

    - Screw tighter gun control, he could have made his own gun with a metal lathe.

    - Criminals don't abide by gun laws. No shit Sherlock but if guns were only in the possession of criminals it kinda makes the police's job a little easier to discern which is which.
  • also worth noting are the 1,960,380 licensed gun owners in Canada that did NOT shoot anyone yesterday.

    Very sad though, hate to see anything like this.
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    also worth noting are the 1,960,380 licensed gun owners in Canada that did NOT shoot anyone yesterday.

    That's really worth noting? That is the absolute minimum we should expect from gun owners.
  • sure, its just that in all the emotional outrage the two million of us tend to get lumped in with the one crazy guy. I'm just bracing for another wave of gun control BS I guess.
  • Nah . . . Mole already posted it. You're good . . .
  • Wow . . . looking closely at a still shot of that Colt it actually says Full motherfucking auto . . .

    Love the Stoner Weapons System.

    But I still like that crazy Russian out of North Carolina
  • ^ lol at the first comment:

    His dick told the police "I know we've had our share of fistfights but I never thought he'd pull a gun on me."
  • Gun Store in Vegas. More fun than you can imagine. Packages available. I think they moved from their old location to somewhere closer to the strip.

    The M24 SAW was my fave.

    Anyhoo, don't want guns here. More fun there. That's all I have to add to the thread. Ahem.
  • ha, that is awesome!
  • Very cool . . .
  • The best part...

    About being against guns is that I don't have to do any work looking for examples.

  • Yeah, if only they treated guns like drugs.... just make them illegal, that way no one can ever get any.

    Side note: somebody should have shot that guy.
  • Give it up Bfillmaff . . . Mark is always right. Even when he's wrong.
  • Nah, he's techincally not wrong - there's nothing wrong with a dislike of guns. It's fair and even I share the same dislike when talking about lunatics having them.

    Where we disagree though is the idea that taking *my* guns would have any kind of effect on what crazy people do with theirs, or the idea that you could ever stop their availability.
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    Where we disagree though is the idea that taking *my* guns would have any kind of effect on what crazy people do with theirs, or the idea that you could ever stop their availability.

    But he'll insist he's right about that, which is sort of my point.
  • Ha yeah I enjoyed that Jim Jefferies special. Had to bite my tongue for parts of that bit - and he makes a lot of points that can be easily rebutted - but hey its comedy.
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Nope . . . so what?
    Bfillmaff wrote: »
    Ha yeah I enjoyed that Jim Jefferies special. Had to bite my tongue for parts of that bit - and he makes a lot of points that can be easily rebutted - but hey its comedy.

    Easiest one to rebut is the notion that mass killings magically stopped in Australia when they enacted the Port Arthur Laws. didn't even put a stop to mass shootings in Australia.
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I'm afraid I disagree with Jim Jeffries, in that I am losing all respect for those 50% that disagree.

    "So, fuck off!"
  • Minimum 13 more dead, another school shooting

    I find it odd that the gunman went ahead and did this anyways - I mean, 2 or 3 other recent gunmen have been killed by police (A little sad that I can't precisely which gun massacres they were in the last 2 years), so, shouldn't this mean that potential gunmen wouldn't commit the act since, you know, they likelihood is they'll die? It's almost like instant death sentence.... why isn't it working?

  • Easy way for an otherwise unremarkable person to find their 16 megapixels of fame.
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