Bankroll Building

I participated in a thread like this in another forum and thought why not start one here (being my new favorite poker forum):). It was inspired by Chris ‘Jesus’ Ferguson’s quest to build a bankroll from $0 to $10,000. Here’s how it works:
  • Pick a starting point, for example today, April 3, BR = $100. This figure (whatever it is) will become 100%
  • Each day (or whenever you feel like it) figure out how much your BR has grown (or shrunk), for example tomorrow April 4, BR = $120. Now your BR is at 120% (based on your starting point)
  • Post your progress as follows:
Day 1 (April 3): 100% or $100
Day 3 (April 6): 106% or $106
Day 6 (April 9): 108% or $108, etc…

…and maybe a brief summary of what games you play, stakes, etc…

· You don't have to state the absolute $ value of your BR, but feel free to.
· 100% is your starting roll, 0% would be bankruptcy.
· This is not meant to be a contest!

I think this thread would really keep us (whoever participates) motivated. Who’s with me? I’ll kick it off (I’ve been tracking it since March 1st)

Day 1 (March 1): 100% or $43
Day 33 (April 2): 301%

Playing mostly $1 + .20 and $3 + .40 SNGs


  • about 2 weeks ago: 100%
    now: 150%

    not playing a whole lot, just keeping busy during the days while I'm off work due to an event involving a table saw and what used to be fingers :)
  • thathoser wrote: »
    about 2 weeks ago: 100%
    now: 150%

    not playing a whole lot, just keeping busy during the days while I'm off work due to an event involving a table saw and what used to be fingers :)

    Ouch! Obviously not on your mouse hand...
  • why do people always start to track their bankroll after a couple of positive sessions? must be human nature.

    One thing I have always been trying to establish is how do you determine your starting bankroll? is there some sort of standard guideline based on your income, etc.? Assuming you have a steady income and this is extra cash available not needed for other necessities. Then, once you have established your starting bankroll, if you lose your bankroll, how long do you wait before you begin with a new bankroll? I have seen lots of posts on managing an existing bankroll (i.e. don't risk more than 5% of your bankroll in any one sitting, etc.), but how do you determine your actual starting bankroll?
  • I keep my bankroll separate from my other money. If I go busto, I'll prob deposit a couple of hundred and rebuild from there.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    One thing I have always been trying to establish is how do you determine your starting bankroll?

    It is money for playing poker with that is separate from your other money that you use for paying bills and spending and saving. If you don't track your wins and your losses you are just gambling IMO

    Is there some sort of standard guideline based on your income, etc.?

    It is not about income. I could afford to play lots higher than I usually do but I only allow myself to play there once I have earned the right to do so.

    Then, once you have established your starting bankroll, if you lose your bankroll, how long do you wait before you begin with a new bankroll?

    16 days, 4 hours and 19 minutes must past before you start a new bankroll. This is documented by the Geneva Convention.

    I have seen lots of posts on managing an existing bankroll (i.e. don't risk more than 5% of your bankroll in any one sitting, etc.), but how do you determine your actual starting bankroll?

    It is whatever you decide it is. If you want a bankroll of $5000 then put $5000 aside for playing poker. Play only in games that meet fundamental bankroll requirements. If you lose a bunch, drop down in limits and grind your way back up.

    If you work with a bankroll it means you track what you are doing with your poker money and you have a plan for growing it. Tracking is the first step because if it is all in black and white and the results say you are losing you are forced to man up, be responsible for your game and make the appropriate changes.

    If you just peel a couple of hundos out of your wallet every time you go to a game or casino you can go a lifetime with out realizing that you are a consistent loser.

    asdf asdf asdf
  • Mine would probably be something like this....

    Day 1 (some time back in 2004) = 100% or $100
    Today = -5000%

    I just wish that number was a joke. I have had some awful sessions where I played way above my "bankroll" (aka whatever I had in the account at that time) limits.

    I have always had very poor bankroll management skills, but I truly admire those who do it. Without keeping track of this stuff, I don't think you can ever seriously attepmt to make a good amount of money playing this game.

    Nice thread Marco, and great response from Caddy.
  • Graham wrote: »
    Mine would probably be something like this....

    Day 1 (some time back in 2004) = 100% or $100
    Today = -5000%

    I just wish that number was a joke. I have had some awful sessions where I played way above my "bankroll" (aka whatever I had in the account at that time) limits.

    I have always had very poor bankroll management skills, but I truly admire those who do it. Without keeping track of this stuff, I don't think you can ever seriously attepmt to make a good amount of money playing this game.

    Nice thread Marco, and great response from Caddy.
    didn't you just gone pro two weeks ago?
    with - 5000% roll????
  • didn't you just gone pro two weeks ago?
    with - 5000% roll????

    Pro? haha.... not I
  • "It is money for playing poker with that is separate from your other money that you use for paying bills and spending and saving. If you don't track your wins and your losses you are just gambling IMO"

    I guess you could work backwards to figure out the required bankroll. My game of choice is 1/2 NL. I usually like to buy in for the max of $200. Based on a 5% max. requirement, I would need a starting bankroll of $4k. I'm probably like a lot of players; you start tracking your bankroll, have a couple bad sessions in a row and slack off until things pick up again. I know, you don't have to spank my hand and send me to the corner.

    Jesus also recommends getting up from the table when the you have more than 10% of your bankroll in front of you in chips (cash game). This would be difficult for most players as it basically is saying where you have doubled up, get up and leave. Assuming you have started with 5% of your bankroll in the cash game.
  • I have tracked my bankroll, pretty much every session, every transaction for the past few years now. I think its a must if you take it seriously. Though with online its easier to keep track of everything, and your roll is seperated. Unfortunately I don't have a live poker roll at all.
  • Tracking strictly live play, either home games (mixed games) or clubs (tourneys), since 15 November, 2007.

    Starting roll = 100%

    Current roll = 205%
    Highest roll = 225%
    Lowest roll = 90%

    Would have been higher if I had not decided to fall prey to some FPS on Tuesday night. Why couldn't you have posted this thread LAST week. lol

    Pretty much echoing actyper here. If you want to improve, you have to keep some form of records, even if it is just a journal like I do. I also diary my sessions with relevant hands that I can remember (both good and, er . . . less good), and situations or reads I can improve on.
  • that's a good idea
    i never keep track of home games, because i play those for fun with friends, don't really consider anything but fun time....
    i should start doing that.
    I found live roll is very hard to keep track, usually i get home 1am, and time to sleep.
    but online is good for me.
    April 2007 100%
    May 2007 200%
    June 2007 ( -97.5%) almost went busto
    April 2008 1900%
  • Wow! Some great points.

    Milo, I like the daily diary idea (I may look into doing that).

    PokerJah, I agree with Cadillac, your starting BR is what you decide it can be. And yes, if you follow Chris Ferguson's rules, you'd need 4K to play 1/2 otherwise you're playing at limits that are too high.

    Graham, that just sucks. I hope it turns around for you.

    I don't really track my live games. I only play in home games and have gone to a few Friday night Tourneys in G-town, but other than that I play mostly online. My live BR is basically a wad (probably too small to classify as a wad) of folded $20's hidden in my wallet where my wife can't find it (wait, should I be writing this?...) that I use for buy-ins. I've only had to replenish it once after I blew it playing 3 $90 WPT Step 1 satellites at fallsview last year.
  • Yeah, Marco, I highly recommend the journal idea, too. I come home and it's the first thing I do after an outing. Just to have that record of profit/loss, along with some other basic details. Forces you to keep track of plus nights as well as minus evenings. No lies allowed. The diary entries are more the "feel" portion, and some significant hands from the night in question.
  • I do keep track of various eventful hands most nights; what I usually do is whenever an important hand plays out and I want to make a note on a certain player, I put it in a text message on my phone and add to the message throughout the night. then when I finish the session for the evening, I send the text message. That way you can go through it in the morning or the next day when you have time.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I do keep track of various eventful hands most nights; what I usually do is whenever an important hand plays out and I want to make a note on a certain player, I put it in a text message on my phone and add to the message throughout the night. then when I finish the session for the evening, I send the text message. That way you can go through it in the morning or the next day when you have time.

    That would probably work better than trying to remember everything and is a lot less weird than Gus Hansen's voice recorder method, but does anybody look at you funny when you're doing it?
  • Graham wrote: »
    Mine would probably be something like this....

    Day 1 (some time back in 2004) = 100% or $100
    Today = -5000%

    I just wish that number was a joke. I have had some awful sessions where I played way above my "bankroll" (aka whatever I had in the account at that time) limits.

    I have always had very poor bankroll management skills, but I truly admire those who do it. Without keeping track of this stuff, I don't think you can ever seriously attepmt to make a good amount of money playing this game.

    Nice thread Marco, and great response from Caddy.

    I feel your pain ! :(

    Man if I go back to day 1 on Stars when I knew pretty much nada about poker...
    That was in 2001 I put 50$ on Stars join the highest possible NL table I can find with my roll... I get a crazy mofo hand and triple up in the first 20 minutes I'm like WTF me > poker.

    From then well... I'm prolly close to your -500% lvl haha.

    (I did get a bunch of 300-400 wins in tournaments but I put it on my CC card right away only to have to deposit back later on).

    Latetly though it's been way more stable since my play has improved greatly sadly I feel I'm more proned to tilt than I used to be.. weird.

    So .. on topic...

    I'm going to start a brand new pokah rollz0r (make it look serious).

    so ...

    April 4th - 100% (100$)

    Future - ?
  • This is how I do it.

    Where I am at

    $25 Initial Deposit on Stars
    $100 Poker Room
    $250 Deposit on Stars for the expressed interest of satelliting into PCA

    $375 Total Deposit

    $1625 Cashout to pay for Vegas Trip
    $2738 Current Online Roll

    $4363 Total
    ($375) Deposits

    $3988 Profit

    Plan For Limits
    $2738 Current Roll is 55 BI for $50NL where I currently play. At $2500 I was planning on moving to $100NL but have decided to wait for $3000. 30BI gives me a nice cushion in place so if I hit a bad stretch I don't have to move back down.

    In 30K at hands at $50NL I have had a 9BI downswing, a recent 7BI downswing and several in the 5BI range. I feel my style has a bit more variance than your average $50NL winning player but in the end is more profitable as well. We will see how it translates after I move up.

    Over 30K hands at $50NL I have shown a profit of 6.5PT/BB 100 hands. At 4 tables and avg. 85 hands an hour. This translates to $22.10/hour. I will have to beat $100NL for a minimum or 3.25PT/BB 100 to continue on the same trend.

    Plan for my Game

    I have practice almost 0 table selection up until this point. I look for a table with full stacks or if there are short stacks I don't mind them sitting on my left as long as the big stacks are on my right. I ease into my sessions and play pretty tight until I get some reads and then I go to work getting the monies. I am going to be more diligent about this when I move up.

    When I make my move my plan is to tighten up my game for a little bit until I get comfortable with the level. The game will have more aggression and I don't want to fall into the trap of over compensating for it and playing bad. This is good in theory, hopefully I can stick with it.
  • Cad,

    What game did you play when you first started on stars with your initial 25$ ?
  • InsaneGuy wrote: »

    What game did you play when you first started on stars with your initial 25$ ?

    lol the lowest limit at the time was $1.20 45 man SNG's. I played about 15 of these and got to $50. Then I moved to $5.50 single table SNG's and played those until I moved up to the $11's.
  • cadillac
    i though you were on ftp.
    anyway, 30K hand at 50NL for stars, how much bonus can you buy with FPPS earn?
    in compare to your rake paid, those bonus = to how much % rakeback?
  • I don't keep track of my broll in terms of %age -- well, i guess it's at 100% as I cash-out anything over my required broll. I guess it's +700%? from when I first started playing 5-6 years ago, but I haven't moved up at all in the past few years due to playing distance of higher games in the Toronto area.
  • cadillac
    i though you were on ftp.
    anyway, 30K hand at 50NL for stars, how much bonus can you buy with FPPS earn?
    in compare to your rake paid, those bonus = to how much % rakeback?

    I deposited $325 on to Tilt on Jan 1 and have pulled $325 in bonus and $240 in RakeBack since. About 5K of my hands were on Stars during this period when the Tilt software has been buggy.
  • Haven't played much the last few days, but at least my BR is still moving in the right direction.

    Day 1 (March 1): 100%
    Day 33 (April 2): 301%
    Day 38 (April 7): 338%
  • from 150% to 110% over the last week or so.
  • thathoser wrote: »
    from 150% to 110% over the last week or so.

    nice to see an honest answer.
  • I track all my games and bankroll on a spread sheet I made up. Deposited $50 on full tilt Jan 4 currently at $144.63 playing $2.25 SNG. Just moved up to $5.50 9 player SNG, 3 games 3 first place finishes.Its tough playing the lower limits but I am very disiplined with my bankroll, as it grows I will move up in limits.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    nice to see an honest answer.

    why thank you :) I (roughly) track my br when i'm up or down, only way to know how i'm doing.
  • I started with $50 on Poker Stars almost 2 years ago to the day. Began playing .05/.10 to .25/.50 LHE. Ground it up to $200, then whored Prima sites for awhile to get to $2000 or so, while improving my game and playing .50/1. During this time I did some casino/blackjack bonuses. I'm now playing LHE 1/2 to 3/6 with one recent successful stab at 5/10, some SNGs and trying to work on my NLHE game (looking forward to HOC!) My online roll is now about $12,000, although about $3000 of this is from casino whoring.
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