$110 home tourney Mar 15 Brampton



  • Saturday's rebuy tournament had a Patience Factor of 8.7 and a Skill Level of 5. Like all_aces, the tournament felt fast for me. Here are a few options to consider for the next tournament:

    1) Use the exact same blind schedule without antes, but with each freezeout round lasting 25-30 minutes long. Twenty-five minute rounds would make the Patience Factor = 11.8 and the Skill Level = 6. I would estimate that the game would end at around Level 15 (instead of Level 12) or before 2 AM (depending on the total amount of breaks).

    2) WSOP, WPT and most other high buy-in tournaments have antes. With 10,000 starting/rebuy chips and 5,000 add-on, the blind/ante schedule of the WPT NAPC or WSOP Main Event can be used.

    3) Use the same rebuy format as the WSOP and OLG Casino Brantford, i.e., players can rebuy anytime they have less than the original starting stack. This would increase the prize pool (or you can decrease the $100 buy-ins).

    Increasing the add-on to 4,000 chips sounds good, but I don't think the 75/150 rebuy level shoud be replaced or a 500/1K level added.
    esool wrote: »
    I was surprised at how quickly the tourney ended, especially for me. ;)
    I think it was over at level 12 or 13.
    What do you guys think about this for adjusting the blinds.

    -Delete the 75/150 level and add a 150/300.
    -Add a 500/1000
    -Make the add on 4 or 5000 chips.

    Or keep it the way it was and make the blinds 30 minutes long.
  • Good times Bill. Thanks for putting this together.
  • Great game, as usual, Bill.

    Thanks for donating the prizes for those of us close to (but not quite reaching) the money. I will surely enjoy my $250 dollar golf shirt and hat.

    Overall, it felt a little faster to me than the normal Monday games (although I'm not sure why?). The one blind jump that felt big was when we went from 400/800 to 600/1200. But I'm no expert at designing tournaments...

    Congrats Devin on the win, and Ang & Haley for cashing!
  • Congrats on the win Devin. Bill...hopefully you'll host a couple more of these in the near future once school finishes up in April so I can try to donate some money...
  • RIGGED.....the ringer/TV star wins the game? RIGGED I say.

    Good game over all, it was fun except for the card deadness and the deck hitting Devin in the face. ;)
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    RIGGED.....the ringer/TV star wins the game? RIGGED I say.

    Good game over all, it was fun except for the card deadness and the deck hitting Devin in the face. ;)

    What do you mean it was fun "except" for the deck hitting me in the face? That WAS the fun part. Although I'm still a little bruised...
  • all_aces wrote: »
    What do you mean it was fun "except" for the deck hitting me in the face? That WAS the fun part. Although I'm still a little bruised...

    Fun for you...not fun for others ;)
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Fun for you...not fun for others ;)

    I don't know about that - I usually find it quite entertaining hitting Devin in the face with a deck of cards. Or a coconut cream pie. But let's not get personal...

    Despite this, and the fact that, once again (see Seneca $1000 main event super satellite), he eliminated me, I had a great time. Thanks for the game, Bill. Hope to play more in the future, it you'll have the ringers back.

  • Arnoldus wrote: »
    I don't know about that - I usually find it quite entertaining hitting Devin in the face with a deck of cards. Or a coconut cream pie. But let's not get personal...


    I guess getting hit in the face is better then getting kicked in the nuts.
  • Thanks for the input kids! I have a good idea of how I will tweak the next one. Something like this:
    $80 buy in / 4000 chips
    $40 rebuy if player has 4000 or less chips for an extra 4000chips. So you can rebuy before the first hand is dealt.
    Double rebuy available if a players is out of chips, $80 = 8000 chips.
    Optional add on, $40 = 5000 chips.
    There will be a ton of chips in play!

    25 minute blinds at the freezeout levels.

    It will be silly!
    I was thinking of having it in two weeks (29th) but I have found a much softer game on that date. So maye in a month..
  • I think I have a better plan:
    $60 buy in = 4000 chips.
    Available $30 rebuys for 2000 chips if player has 4000 or less.
    $30, $60 or $90 rebuy available if player goes broke.

    Add on: Either $30 for 3000 or $40 for 4000 chips. Lots of time before I need to decide..
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