Kristy, Congrats on joining the club



  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Oh that reminds me.. "She who shalnt be named" informed me that this is her second ban.

    If that is what I think it is, I say FOUL!
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    "She who shalnt be named"

    Best nickname ever. GG BBC.
  • My wife prefers the original:

    "She who must be obeyed"
  • Well the Airport Club doesn't exist no longer but say you had a game you played regularly with some close friends, like on here we have conversations with close friends. Now you have your game and everything is good, you play, win sometimes lose other times, but all in all you have fun like poker should be. You rant eachother, swear on bad beats and just have fun, you enforce rules that should be to keep the game fair for all but some rules you bend of ignore to keep everyone happy as it is your game and you are used to this process. Now the owner of the club sells and a new owner comes in, in your first tourny, you get near the bubble and get rivered but still have a stack you could play with and most likely money, you get up and swear saying "Fucking river" The owner comes over and gives you a 10 minute penalty. This is a rule, and now he chooses to enforce when I doubt it ever has been in a home game EVER!!!. Would you not lose your marbles and most likely the players would never play there again.

    My point is, everyone is used to this site, shit happens and we are all adults, just like if it happens in real life. We deal with it ourselves, and always have, shit how many arguments have taken place on here, its mostly why I still troll the site, very entertaining. But if now we are going to enforce the rules, then i think that is total bullshit, and in no way would it be fun anymore. And the fun part is why this site is successful, new people join and fit into the community cause it's laid back yet very useful.

    I don't think the site needs changes, if we start acting like dicks and throwing down the "banned threats" we now lost our site and I think if that happens you will see people leave too, once the main posters leave, then the forum slows down and when that happens no new people will want to join something with zero activity.

    I like the site and the way it was, everyone has fun and is a way to escape reality and all talk and discuss and "argue" about issues we enjoy POKER.



  • Bump because I forgot to actually add Kristy to the list.
  • I thought that was because Graham cracked after 4 days and lifted the ban.

    fucking pussy! ;)
  • What we need is a good banning around here. It's gotten boring.

    Kristy wanna fight with me?
  • Bah, that Kristy chick is just some silly skirt what does she know.

    That should start a decent flame war that gets one of us banned. Never having actually met you Kristy, I don't have anything else inflammatory to add. Truly sorry, please accept my apologies for not being able to make it more personal.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Bah, that Kristy chick is just some silly skirt what does she know.

    That should start a decent flame war that gets one of us banned. Never having actually met you Kristy, I don't have anything else inflammatory to add. Truly sorry, please accept my apologies for not being able to make it more personal.

    You think THAT is going to set off a K-bomb?!? Jeez, even rocco managed to work in sex toys and swear words . . . Weak sauce Shtebs.
  • Very true Milo. It was obviously intended to be strictly tongue in cheek because I don't really have any actual ammo to use on Kristy at the moment. Hence the weak and vague chauvinist comment followed with and apology ;)
    I don't really aspire to reach Rocco/Pattycakes level of discourse. Maybe later tonight, after I've downed several beers and killed many braincells, I will be able to spew forth a similar level of hostility and general idiocy but I doubt it.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Very true Milo. It was obviously intended to be strictly tongue in cheek because I don't really have any actual ammo to use on Kristy at the moment. Hence the weak and vague chauvinist comment followed with and apology ;)
    I don't really aspire to reach Rocco/Pattycakes level of discourse. Maybe later tonight, after I've downed several beers and killed many braincells, I will be able to spew forth a similar level of hostility and general idiocy but I doubt it.

    You'll never get anywhere with THAT kind of defeatist attitude. Might I recommend some Waterloo Dark? ^-^
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