Kristy, Congrats on joining the club

Congrats on joining the exclusive club of people who have been banned from the forum for a period of time and returned. I do hope you'll come back after the week so I can add you in.

Members include (my memory is a little foggy):

BBC Z: Banned Member - Poker Forum Canada

13cards - Banning - Poker Forum Canada

Harthgosh - My banning - Poker Forum Canada

BigE -



  • Come back Kristy :(
  • Come back Kristy :(

    LOL she has fanboys
  • Errr., just to set the record straight. She wasn't banned, she left on her own, this time ostensibly because the filter was implimented. She also felt she was being threatened with banning if she didn't "cool" it a little. On MSN I had been trying to head off trouble and she took that as a threat of banning because I said I was trying to prevent anyone getting banned, not her specifically. I have the MSN convo... Sorry BBC Z et al, your records are unchallenged at the moment.. lol

    By the way, where does your name originate from BBC Z? Is there some interesting background? In fact I've wondered where many members contrived their names from.. Maybe a new thread?
  • Sorry Jeff,

    BBC Z is right... I did put a temp ban on her account (late last night) for 7 days to cool off and let these stupid situations die down. I felt it was the right thing to do at the time.

    I hope that after that time she can come back as she is a valued member on this forum and has a lot of good friends here, but as some have said lately she was getting a little out of control, and after numerous attempts to reason with her over msn, it was the only thing left to do.
  • Well sort of, but that was after she left, or said she left. You edited your post at 1:30 am to say you had temp banned her, well after she said she was gone...
    So does that really count, did she make the record books? I think BBC Z should have the final say in that since he is the official keeper of record for bans... :)
  • If you think that was going to be her last post ever then I have some beautiful swampland in the Everglades that I think you should consider adding to your portfolio.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    If you think that was going to be her last post ever then I have some beautiful swampland in the Everglades that I think you should consider adding to your portfolio.

    really I've been looking for that..... how much, I'll see if Kristy wants to go halfs with me. Are alligators included?
  • If you think that was going to be her last post ever then I have some beautiful swampland in the Everglades that I think you should consider adding to your portfolio.

    I think Kristy, the real life person will be back.. the real question is if we'll ever see 'Kristy_sea' post again.
    I think BBC Z should have the final say in that since he is the official keeper of record for bans...

    Gonna have to see how this plays out.. but the fact that the owner banned an account supercedes any informal self-ban a member puts on themselves.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    I think Kristy, the real life person will be back.. the real question is if we'll ever see 'Kristy_sea' post again.
    I agree with you, I think Kristy is really too smart a lady to quit out of spite. Hopefully she realizes that she is not "giving up" on her point or "giving in" by coming back. We all should be able to agree to disagree without harming our friendships. She is welcome in my threads (including with her valued opinions, strong as they may be) or at my table or anywhere else for that matter, any time she wants.

    BBC Z wrote: »
    Gonna have to see how this plays out.. but the fact that the owner banned an account supercedes any informal self-ban a member puts on themselves.
    LOL, you cetainly have a way with words BBC and nice to see you ready to step up to the plate and make a ruling... :) Sounds like you're stepping into the big time Kristy...
  • what happened?
  • BBC, wondering what happened in your life to settle you down? I do appreciate the 'new BBC' much more then I did the old. Not that I am assuming I had anything to do with it...

    Wonder when/if Kristy will ever have a ...transformation.

  • BBC, wondering what happened in your life to settle you down? I do appreciate the 'new BBC' much more then I did the old. Not that I am assuming I had anything to do with it...

    It's not so much that I changed, but that the forum community morphed to accept my uhh.. 'communication style'..
  • stpboy wrote: »
    BBC, wondering what happened in your life to settle you down?
    uhhh, he mellowed? lol.. I may get a shot for this....:)
  • Wait a sec...

    Kristy got banned? What the **** for? And last night? She wasn't even on the forum last night!!!

    This is just fucking nuts!

    No offence to Graham and the mods, but when I first read that CPF had been sold my first thought was "I got a bad feeling about this". I SAID this to several people, and although I'm sure you've got good intentions....

    Losing Kristy to this forum is a big FUCKING mistake


    PS FWIW if I see a bunch of damned *'s... I'll be pretty pissed too

    EDIT: Okay, post re; banning made yesterday.. my bad...

    Still a big mistake
  • I think she needed to cool down Mark. If you look at it objectively, as I know you can, I'm sure you can see the logic. There is a reason why you uphold yourself with the highest level of respect for others on this forum. Can't you expect atleast an ounce of that respect back from the rest of the people on the forum?

    How many times have you come into discussions and played mediator? I think you may be letting your personal feeling for Kristy cloud your forum judgement. No, I dint!

    (super-tiny penis boy)

  • Not quite Shannon, and you know I love you... tiny penis and all

    I've talked with Kristy on this, and have discussed the whole "pick your battles", but honestly, I'm coming more and more to her side here....

    Kristy posts something, someone attacks her, she tells him to **** off... this scenario's happened a dozen times or more in my time here. Did we have a referendum? Did we have a witch hunt? Nope.... in fact, the one I was personally involved in with BBC after Royal Cup I was kinda neat, since a bunch of forumers came to my defence, but if I recall correctly, he taught me something, that although I forget on occasion, I like to think I'm a better person for.... BBC and I talk on MSN fairly regularly now (though usually about 'rasslin), and I've come to like the dude...

    Kristy's got something we all can learn from too. A lot of things regarding poker, but about this issue, everyone's peacekeeping (and hey, I'm normally that dude too), but quite frankly, I don't wanna be treated like a kid, and even Graham's language around the issue - "a cooling off" or "time-out"... You know who hears these terms? Kids....

    'nuff said

  • stpboy wrote: »
    I think she needed to cool down Mark. If you look at it objectively, as I know you can, I'm sure you can see the logic. There is a reason why you must uphold a minimum level of respect for others on this forum. Can't you expect atleast an ounce of that respect back from the rest of the people on the forum?

    How many times have you come into discussions and played mediator? I think you may be letting your personal feeling for Kristy cloud your forum judgement. No, I dint!

    (super-tiny penis boy)



    --- You can get surgery that will fix that problem of yours.
  • No way!! As if they banned Kristy.
    'Active community' morale wise, it is probably a horrible decision.

    But now that this site isn't, as the punks would say, "Oi! Oi! **** The Man! DIY!", I guess they care more about the lurking, rare posters that give them hits (money).

    A 'Kristy_Sea', even with her obsession with checking the forum, cannot compete with the loads of unique IP hits jaybateman77's are getting them. Those are the members they want to recruit. Since Jay is a fag, it needs to be a G rated forum, in order for 'The Man' to earn his business.

    Kick out the jams motherfuckers!
  • Wow, it looks so weird that the f.u.c.k is gone.
    Asterisks are sooooo late latin.....Just like how this forum is soooo 2006.
  • She said she wasn't going to post here ever again, so what does it matter?

    The only reason I gave her the 7 day ban was because the way she departed she had to call me an asshole after I tried over and over again to reason with her on MSN.

    Edit... If you have any further questions about this, send me a PM. I will not respond any further in this thread.
  • Graham, first congrats on the purchase of the site, but this is a tight community. They meet regularly and play poker all the time, this is there site. Its a peoples site, where they do as they wish and everyone gets along. I don't post that often but I do check it daily and read what is going on.

    Personally I think if you start policing the site and banning regulars you will lose your customer base. Kristy kept the forum interesting and was active all the time, now you take her away and in time when more people step out of line to what YOU feel is appropriate, you will have no forum left. As you ban members others will leave with them, starting a chain reaction.

    I think if you are a businessman you will realize this and leave the forums to the members and the community. Don't come in and strong arm them or you will lose your newly acquired business.

    PS this is just my 2 cents!
  • Graham, first congrats on the purchase of the site, but this is a tight community. They meet regularly and play poker all the time, this is there site. Its a peoples site, where they do as they wish and everyone gets along. I don't post that often but I do check it daily and read what is going on.

    Personally I think if you start policing the site and banning regulars you will lose your customer base. Kristy kept the forum interesting and was active all the time, now you take her away and in time when more people step out of line to what YOU feel is appropriate, you will have no forum left. As you ban members others will leave with them, starting a chain reaction.

    I think if you are a businessman you will realize this and leave the forums to the members and the community. Don't come in and strong arm them or you will lose your newly acquired business.

    PS this is just my 2 cents!

    Yes, this is a tight community, but there are rules to this forum, and if a member can't adhere to them, or refuses to, Graham has full rights to ban them for a week, etc. I don't think this site is going to fall apart because a member was banned for not following the rules. The intent of this site is to discuss poker in a Canadian context, allow players to find local home games, etc., with a little off topic thrown into the mix.

    Kristy did make an attempt to add new threads to the forum, more than a lot of the other active members. But she can't do as she pleases on this forum, unfortunately.
  • No i am not saying that at all, you missed my point completely. As in anything rules are ment to be followed and enforced when broken. To this date there wasn't much enforcement from the site to any members unless something severe was done wrong.

    Now for the new company to purchase this site and start policing it they may piss more then a few people off. The way the site is, is why it's so popular amoung its members. There are hundreds of poker forums, all closely moderated and way more members and subjects on poker to discuss.

    This forum is more of a social playground for Canadian (more so Ontario) poker players. They come to discuss poker and talk about their poker adventures and stories, and mostly for fun and lots of jokes and laughs. How many close friendships have been forged from players meeting on this site. All I am saying is if it is going to be NOW run like most other forums and so closely watched and always having the threat from admin that we may get banned if we don't adhere to their rules. This is our site we are the people who make it operational and why Graham seen it as a good investment, so I say WE make the rules and what takes place. If not its simple to start a new forum for all the regulars to go to and continue like the site has for years.

    Also for the record I do not know anything that kristy did or why she was banned, but frankly I don't think stuff should now be getting enforced that wasn't before.
  • Also for the record I do not know anything that kristy did or why she was banned, but frankly I don't think stuff should now be getting enforced that wasn't before.

    The site was in limbo for a while and no moderator was active, which resulted in the site starting to deteriorate. If you read some of the posts in question, there were plenty of warnings given. As noted, Graham took these discussions offline and he got no where.

    If I come to the Airport Club and start swearing at the table, you would likely warn me (assuming as in most clubs, this is clearly against house rules). If it continued, you would likely throw me out of the club. How is this any different? There are posting rules clearly listed on the site; if you can't follow them, you may get banned.

    I agree with the statement, 'we make the rules', and these rules are clearly listed and have not been raised as an issue in the past. So clearly, the majority of forum members are in favour of these rules, otherwise they would not exist.
  • I'd like to add my comments on this...
    I haven't been here as long as other member and I do not know any of you guys personaly...

    But, as far as Internet Forums goes... you need to avoid that kind of "police" as much as humanly possible.
    I'm an Internet addict... (well... not in a bad and crazy way but... I've been on this shit for so long and I'm registered to so many forums it's not even funny...) and doing a police, enforcing rules on members that have been here a LONG time... will kill the place.

    I know what the objective of this forum is... but it's also a place for people to escape a bit from reality and vent their emotions/bad day/good day/etc.

    I don't see what harm it can do to a forum if people curse or engage in some verbal battle. If it looks bad, close the topic, ask the party to get it to PM and it's done. Heck, delete the posts if it's REALLY bad... but banning someone is taking it a step further.

    I'd understand banning someone if he posts shit like and didn't warn people what it was or said somethng like, look @ pokerstrat (don't use that link btw).

    But in the case of fighting with another member that's another story. Also... why filter stuff? Isn't gambling 18+?
    Unless you're some catholic maniac who gets offended by a swear word I don't think anyone will get offended by someone who says FUCK.

    Also... (I know my post isn't going anywhere..)
    You want to attract "NEW" members and make the site biggers... fine by me, but that's NOT the way you'll make money, or get sponsor, etc.

    What will get you stuff is stability.
    Most members , when they join, stick around, talk, post, play poker, try new website you throw at them with promotions and all that stuff... how can you know new members will do that? Or maybe new members will ruin the reputation... what if a 1000 more people join but only 1% of those download that new poker software to use the promotion?

    Ban old members to make the site mom-friendly and you'll lose your stability.

    Look at Nascar. They're the perfect exemple. Buy a ticket once and you have first dibs as long as you keep buying tickets. Does nascar have cash problem? Hell no.

    Anyways... I vote we bring her back
  • FWIW

    Airportclub is right

    All the warnings and shit were lame, and unnecessary.

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    If I come to the Airport Club and start swearing at the table, you would likely warn me (assuming as in most clubs, this is clearly against house rules). If it continued, you would likely throw me out of the club. How is this any different? There are posting rules clearly listed on the site; if you can't follow them, you may get banned.

    I agree with the statement, 'we make the rules', and these rules are clearly listed and have not been raised as an issue in the past. So clearly, the majority of forum members are in favour of these rules, otherwise they would not exist.

    Well the Airport Club doesn't exist no longer but say you had a game you played regularly with some close friends, like on here we have conversations with close friends. Now you have your game and everything is good, you play, win sometimes lose other times, but all in all you have fun like poker should be. You rant eachother, swear on bad beats and just have fun, you enforce rules that should be to keep the game fair for all but some rules you bend of ignore to keep everyone happy as it is your game and you are used to this process. Now the owner of the club sells and a new owner comes in, in your first tourny, you get near the bubble and get rivered but still have a stack you could play with and most likely money, you get up and swear saying "Fucking river" The owner comes over and gives you a 10 minute penalty. This is a rule, and now he chooses to enforce when I doubt it ever has been in a home game EVER!!!. Would you not lose your marbles and most likely the players would never play there again.

    My point is, everyone is used to this site, shit happens and we are all adults, just like if it happens in real life. We deal with it ourselves, and always have, shit how many arguments have taken place on here, its mostly why I still troll the site, very entertaining. But if now we are going to enforce the rules, then i think that is total bullshit, and in no way would it be fun anymore. And the fun part is why this site is successful, new people join and fit into the community cause it's laid back yet very useful.

    I don't think the site needs changes, if we start acting like dicks and throwing down the "banned threats" we now lost our site and I think if that happens you will see people leave too, once the main posters leave, then the forum slows down and when that happens no new people will want to join something with zero activity.

    I like the site and the way it was, everyone has fun and is a way to escape reality and all talk and discuss and "argue" about issues we enjoy POKER.

  • Okay, lets use your example of a card club. Lets say, about three orbits before the "****ing river" outburst you had been warned by the "new owner" about abusive language, because you were verbally abusing another player over their donkey playing style. He was even nice enough to take you aside, so as not to lead to any embarassment for you. What then?
    Nope, sorry, hypotheticals do not cut it. My understanding is that a warning was issued, off-line, to cool it. If that warning was ignored, what choice is left. To not follow through on the warning is basically an abdication of responsibility/authority.
    I do not like Kristy's absence any more than the next person, but she is an adult who makes her own decisions. One of them led to the ban, so be it. That was her choice, as is whether or not she returns to posting here. I hope she does come back, but I think the rest of us need to move on from this soap opera.
  • Oh that reminds me.. "She who shalnt be named" informed me that this is her second ban. So I think she easily tops my list.

    And I just like to say I hate the metaphor based argument. Every situation is unique.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Oh that reminds me.. "She who shalnt be named" informed me that this is her second ban. So I think she easily tops my list.

    And I just like to say I hate the metaphor based argument. Every situation is unique.

    Amen. So, how DID you come by that handle?
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