Game 4 Player's List



  • lol, so i wasnt the only one who got a parking ticked. I dont know what the hell i was obstructing my little civic was pretty much buried in the snow pile lol could not hae gotten any closer to the snow curb.
  • Sorry about this everyone. I had thought this was all behind us the last time, but obviously some people like being dinks.

    Due to the amount of snow and the pile in the middle of the cul de sac, parking may be an issue for the next little while. I suggest doing your best to avoid double parking on the road and using Hyde St at the top of my street as an alternative. And avoiding parking around #18 driveway totally. Also, the school has a parking lot that can be used if you don't mind the walk.

    I hope this doesn't deter everyone from coming out in the short term.
  • Every one should fight the ticket and say when they parked there was more then enough room and it was the person on the otherside that blocked them.

    Also AJ you should call parking when every any one on the street is parked badly when not on a Thursday night. Fight fire with fire.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Every one should fight the ticket and say when they parked there was more then enough room and it was the person on the otherside that blocked them.

    Also AJ you should call parking when every any one on the street is parked badly when not on a Thursday night. Fight fire with fire.

    I agree, but fighting a $25 ticket is like big betting into Max's draw;)
  • Well, I called the city of Brampton. Can't do diddly over the phone. They demand that I go there in person. fyi.
  • Typical bureaucratic b.s. Can't make it easy...and of course, their office hours don't correspond with the normal world, so if you WANT to go in person, you end up taking a day off...costing you even more.
  • Great job Chris ....nice win and nice play !
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Typical bureaucratic b.s. Can't make it easy...and of course, their office hours don't correspond with the normal world, so if you WANT to go in person, you end up taking a day off...costing you even more.

    Carpooling anyone?!?!? lol

    I propose we alternate vehicles to avoid the obvious "detection" and meet at the school around 7:45pm on the way to AJ's most watched neighbourhood.

    Anyone missing the designated pick-up time, well tough luck peeps so bundle up it's going to be a long walk. In the event we still manage to get a ticket for parking in da snow bank, the first passenger who chumps should get the automatic bill.

    It's going to be one expensive Thursday nite for some. Imagine, $50 to get in the tournament plus a $25 "add-on" but no bonus chips! In any event, parking ticket or not, we'll see you Thursday! lol


    The "addicted" amateur
  • There's plenty of parking actually, just have to avoid the double parking and stretch around Hyde St abit...they still haven't moved the snow pile on the roads yet, and with more snow on the way, it'll only get larger.
  • so i was at rama on tuesday playing some 2-5nl

    i bought in at $500 and after about 5 hours of playing i had worked up to about $900
    i was about to but up and leave, i was big blind had all of my chips in the rack and i decided to play that famous "last hand"

    so... i ended up gettin dealt 9,9 there was a raise to $45 and then a re-raise to $100 by the chip leader, about 1300 in chips. so i called,(3 people in the hand) on the flop comes 9,9,A and i had to take a second look to really see if i had the 9's and i did. first guy bets $65 and then i raise to 150. both call,then a 3 comes on the turn. there is a $200 bet by the chip leader, i call and on the river comes a 7, so it is down to me and the chip leader, he goes all in, i sat there and took a little look at him, knowing that there is no way he could beat me and i called. he looked at me and gave me the biggest smirk and flipped over his A,A he hit the boat. i looked at him, and showed him the 9, then threw the second 9 towards him.

    ended up leaving with over 1900 in chips, not a bad day at rama
  • VERY nice score Aaron! Flopping quads is definitely sweet. And it paid off nicely for you too.

    Watch that slow play though...that'll get you a lot of grief. Personally, I would have called in a heartbeat.
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