Game 4 Player's List

Allen has a very nice lead after back to back wins, as well as placing in the top three spots every game so far. 'Hotter than the sun'? Even stars eventually burn out though. ;)

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-22 16:12:56
hecktor - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-23 20:14:54
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-25 08:35:55
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-25 12:36:34
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-25 13:45:30
Max - Seat Reserved - verbal
Derksen - Seat Reserved - post
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-26 15:52:29
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - posting
ElElliott - Seat Reserved - posting
MCflip73 - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-27 13:11:01
Omar_Suarez - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-27 17:34:49
Aaron - Seat Reserved - phone


  • Sure. I'll donate. $50 drop off at 8pm. I will make the arrangements.
  • derksen wrote: »
    Sure. I'll donate. $50 drop off at 8pm. I will make the arrangements.

    Do you wanna FedEx it? LOL.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Do you wanna FedEx it? LOL.

    Send it DHL..that way I get it on time ;)
  • +1

    Sorry AJ - I am gone for 2 weeks in Edmonton.
  • So you ARE in for this week Darryl?

    And did you get my email about the Royal Cup? that pic...Romer was obviously thinking about a bad beat when he did that ;)
  •, This week and next I am out.

    I got your email re:Royal.
  • Have fun in Edmonton!

    Got your message about the Royal...WELCOME TO THE TEAM!
  • Eleanor and I are in.
  • Thought I heard something in your backyard AJ when I read Daryll had!
  • nh sir........
  • Hey ..this is Fedex Ground anyways ...we work for Express hahaha
  • Hecktor wrote: »
    Hey ..this is Fedex Ground anyways ...we work for Express hahaha

    That's true...

    NOBODY loses your packages faster!
  • Kris has a huge chip lead on Derek headsup, and limps into the final pot. Derek pushes with K8s...Kris insta calls with AA...and they hold up!! Classic hand for The Hill!

    Kris takes first, Derek played very well (even though he could be read like a book) and takes second place. Derek had pocket jacks no less than 4 times tonight, and aces at least twice. Very nice run. Steve takes third with his custom "Short Stack PUSH' technique all worked!!! Max was bubble and tonights' chump was Micheal.

    Great game all. See you next week.
  • Congrats Kris!!

    Nice finish obviouly picked your moments well!
  • Way to go Kris, you played well last night and it was showing.

    Congrats to Derek and Steve as well.
  • Thanks guys and a great game everyone... Yeah, it was one of those nights for me when you cannot put your foot wrong, a very good feeling. Also, I have to admit that when I was in the pot I was catching quite well... and the last hand was just a very lucky break for me, pocket aces and Derek says: "I'm gonna raise, all in.." the rest was just a formality. So, as we have concluded last night: it is very easy to win in poker when you have a run of cards...

    See you next week guys,

    I'm on page 145...
  • Congrats Kris. I walked right into your aces. Well played. Good read;)

    An interesting game to say the least. AJ, tell Max I hope he doesn't slash my tires from all the verbal abuse. I was just kidding.

    Also, can you believe that I got a freakin parking ticket? Obstructing traffic??? WTF? Did anyone have any trouble at all getting out of the street, and passing my so called 'obstruction' of a car? I was actually on part of the snowbank!! Freakin extortionist Brampton Parking Authority. How the f*** am I supposed to 'fight' a $25 ticket during work hours? What.... take 4 hours off work, drive to and from Brampton. Ok, I think I've exceeded $25 by just a wee bit. But hey, it's not like I'm pissed about this or anything. Oh, and AJ.... please tell your neighbour the rat that they can eat my asshole. /rant

  • derksen wrote: »
    it's not like I'm pissed about this or anything. Oh, and AJ.... please tell your neighbour the rat that they can eat my asshole. /rant


    Ching Hill POTD?....definately made my day....
  • You have GOT to be kidding me!!! Is that f**king moron pulling that shit again???

    Derek, man, I apologize for the stupidity of my neighbours. You should that clown back up....its a freaking circus to watch, and takes him 20mins to back his van in his driveway. And of course, he has a backup warning beeper, and at 3am in the morning, wakes up the entire block.

    Again, man, Sorry.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You have GOT to be kidding me!!! Is that f**king moron pulling that shit again???

    Derek, man, I apologize for the stupidity of my neighbours. You should that clown back up....its a freaking circus to watch, and takes him 20mins to back his van in his driveway. And of course, he has a backup warning beeper, and at 3am in the morning, wakes up the entire block.

    Again, man, Sorry.

    I thought I was the only victim, I got a $25 ticket too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey man, not your fault. Some people are just idiots. It's genetic. It's not like I give a shit about the $25. I truly don't. It's a matter of principle.... and when it comes to principle, I typically.... I mean always fight tooth and nail. Fact is, I was parked on the snow bank with enough room for 2 cars to drive by, albeit that would be a bit tight. I was not obstructing the road. That is my issue. The fucknut of a parking attendant deserves to lose his fucking job for giving out tickets when citizens are disgruntled about what others do when no law is broken. Unreal!!

    The City of Brampton will hear from me.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    I thought I was the only victim, I got a $25 ticket too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Motherf***er. Who the f*** thinks they can arbitrarily dole out tickets to law abiding citizens. Man, now I'm pissed. Dude, I have photos of my car parked up against the bank. Allen and Kris are witnesses of this nonsense. I am going to fight this bullshit. With me?
  • derksen wrote: »
    Motherf***er. Who the f*** thinks they can arbitrarily dole out tickets to law abiding citizens. Man, now I'm pissed. Dude, I have photos of my car parked up against the bank. Allen and Kris are witnesses of this nonsense. I am going to fight this bullshit. With me?

    HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • What burns my ass the most was coming home last weekend after the Georgetown game...BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET FILLED WITH PARKED CARS!!! It put my driving skills to the test just to get to my own f**cking driveway!!! This is bullshit...wish I had taken pics last weekend now.

    Derek, if there's something I can do to assist your battle, let me know.

  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Derek, if there's something I can do to assist your battle, let me know.

  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »

    FedEx me the bill! When I get it next year, I'll consider it ;)

    <yea you too Romer>
  • Hmmm, definitely a nice twist to the game...,

    People might have to adjust their play going forward..., finish early to save $25 or ultimately stick around, roll da dice and take ur chances! The main objective: Finish in the money round to fund them bogus tickets!

    If I do get one, I will be writing mine off as part of my "entertainment" expenses! Sweeeeeeeeet..., taxable credit! Nice!

    Congrats Kris on the win! Deserving indeed!
  • I'll be honest with you guys, when Eleanor and I were pulling up the street I did notice it was a little tight around your car Derek, I can only assume that Romer was parked on the otherside of you.

    We were able to get around but it still was tight.
  • Thanks Steve for catching the errors in made when I posted the game yesterday. I had Eleanor down twice, and GregHartwick instead of Max playing. I've corrected the points now, and all is good...I hope.

    Freak'n migraines!!!
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I'll be honest with you guys, when Eleanor and I were pulling up the street I did notice it was a little tight around your car Derek, I can only assume that Romer was parked on the otherside of you.

    We were able to get around but it still was tight.

    Interesting indeed. I'm pretty sure I was there before Romer..... maybe he should have got a $50 ticket, and $0 for me;)
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