My first PDA (public display of asshole-ishness)

I know, I know I've been wowing you all with my level of 'rancid bitch' for years...but this is the first time I've lost my mind in a casino...I thought it might make a good thread. I've got 7-5 sooooted :h on the button. EP moron raises 5x (which means nothing: 45s or better ;) ) 5 callers, pretty much all deepstack and retarded..I call, blinds do too.

flop :ah :qc :6h

original raiser checks,
MPdonk= bets $10, he has an ace with a good kicker 100%,
reasonable player=call(pure speculation on what he has..but he's raising a draw oop so tpmk seems most likely)
(the rest fold)

Turn Jx flush

donk= $10 again, RP=call, me=call
(oh, $10 donk had a H.A.R...but then tanked...he's got a-j)


donk=$10, RP=fold, me=raise..I don't remember how much, but it doesn't matter: I was getting express the whole way..this is just icing.

nit=tank & call

me="I have a flush"
donk=refuses to show me his cards, but demands to see mine

I'm a little annoyed by this, he's been sort of a cry baby all day, berating other players even on hands he's not involved in etc. etc.

I'm tired, and I snap..."I say, what Sir, are you implying? If you want to see my cards just flip yours over and then I have to show."


He won't flip because I've told him he should, Cranky Kristy won't flip until he does because he's implying that I'm sort of disgusting degenerate angle shooter. (yes I know that technically I'm to show..but I'm gambling that he doesn't and our dealer was very happy to stay out of our way) He starts freaking out and raising his voice at me, telling me to 'shut up' 'chaser' etc. etc.

I lose it, it becomes a full on verbal brawl ending with two floors and my saying 'go fuck yourself'

So that's my story portion, thought it might be fun to swap war stories...let's hear yours..the worst thing you've ever done at the table.


  • sweeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!

    did you smack him in the face????

    i hope some donk gets lippy to me one day, but then again i am more crazy then you kristy.:)
  • lol..I'm pretty fearless but scrapping with a full size man is WAYYYYYYY out of my range.

    I'm saving that for some 88 pound asian girl who buys in for the min. ;)
  • So wait a minute now... We're you at Marks family game? :)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »"I have a flush"
    donk=refuses to show me his cards, but demands to see mine

    I'm a little annoyed by this, he's been sort of a cry baby all day, berating other players even on hands he's not involved in etc. etc.

    I'm tired, and I snap..."I say, what Sir, are you implying? If you want to see my cards just flip yours over and then I have to show."


    He won't flip because I've told him he should, Cranky Kristy won't flip until he does because he's implying that I'm sort of disgusting degenerate angle shooter. (yes I know that technically I'm to show..but I'm gambling that he doesn't and our dealer was very happy to stay out of our way)...

    Where to begin??

    1. He called you. Show your cards.
    2. He has every right to ask to see your cards first.
    3. Announcing your hand does not cut it. Table a winning hand or muck...
    4. He isn't "implying" anything. He wants you to table your hand first. See #2.
    5. Causing a scene over something like this is why players complain about session fees and only getting 5 hands in before dealer changes.
    6. Do this when I am the floor and I will show you the door.Doyle.bmp
    7. Your bolded statement is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard.
    8. Your dealer probably wasn't happy to have either of you on his/her table.
  •'re bitchy today.

    Try to take it out on someone in your own miserable frustrating life...I didn't deserve the above and it is not even relevant to the OP. If you want discuss what's good form at the table start your own thread.

    The dealer was happy, he flirted with me all day and I'd advocate that you talk to your staff about what is appropriate since another one asked me out three times and harassed me to the point where I switched tables to get away from him.

    I never implied at any point that I was in the right or suggested that anyone
    act this way: and infact after taking a walk I apologized to my table and dealer..I started this thread so we could swap our blow up stories..

    and in summation, for your unnecessary rudeness, (even when the OP clearly states that I know I'm in the wrong) and slam from nowhere..MOD EDIT: Unneccesary language removed...
  • You posted.... I replied... don't like it?...keep your trash in a PM
  • Where's Hobbes.. wasn't he looking for something like this?
  • Sorry Kristy but, even with my temper, I think these sorts of things are -ev. I got nothing . . .

    But the idea of you and some Asian chick getting into it? Meow . . .
  • Kristy, I don't see anything that 13cards said to be attacking you. Can't we all just get along! :) Let's get back on track with Kristy's question... "the worst thing you've ever done at the table."
  • too late, Mark's got the right idea.

    The fact is that 13cards chimed in with nonsense that has nothing to do with the OP which was intended to be fun.

    he's not attacking OR educating, he's irrelevant and I'm tired of him.

    He serves no purpose other than the constant and tiresome bragging of "I know our house rules and have power over you"

    There are other just as well informed forumers and if he logged off we'd probably never even notice ... the only posts he made today were "oooh, I bet I can make you him/her feel bad and therefore myself feel good"

    13: seriously I'm sorry if you're short or funny looking or have a crooked whatever, but try to be a positive force once in awhile, even I muster up a "Happy Birthday" or "GG" now and then.
  • Ok, I understand your side. The best thing to do in that case would be to add 13cards to your ignore list that way you won't have to hear from him ever again.
  • I'd argue that what should really happen is that people who are offended by a simple pun (which the deleted bit was: playing off the insult I handed my opponent in the OP) should add ME to their ignore list...

    Why is that less reasonable? As it must somehow be- since you've chosen to step in and edit? ;)

    Can we please put my post right now and agree to let the adults run wild and free and choose for themselves?
  • Personally I'm a fan of unnecessary language....


    EDIT: FUCK YEA! :)
  • lol.

    you're my super-fav, you know that right?
  • Honestly, I don't care fix the post back, if you guys want to fight it out on a forum thats fine... I just don't see the point to it. The point of these forums is to help one another out with their poker games, meet people with similar interests, and have fun in my opionion.
  • Whoa whoa whoa....

    I thought this was to meet hot poker chicks with low standards?!?!? Fuck Google sucks :)

    Don't worry Graham.. this kinda shit happens sporadically! :)

    Drtyore "Fuck Yea" Mark
  • I'll sort things out....

    Please BAN ME, mods.

    I will enjoy lurking much more than I am ever valued posting.

  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    I'll sort things out....

    Please BAN ME, mods.

    I will enjoy lurking much more than I am ever valued posting.


    Your efforts and contributions are appreciated here. Don't go away on the merits of this thread.

    I have seen enough idiotic behaviour at poker tables to understand what it must be like for you to have to deal with it every day and why your response took the tone that it did.

    It is obvious by the title of the thread that Kristy realizes she was inappropriate in her actions. Unfortunately, that only makes it worse. She has obviously been around long enough to know the difference between what is acceptable and what is not and that it was up to her to show first.

    Nothing is a bigger pissoff IMO that people arguing and posturing without showing cards on the river when action is closed. "I am paying a session fee here folks!! I don't care about your history or any of your BS. Table your friggin cards and lets go!"
  • Graham wrote: »
    The point of these forums is to help one another out with their poker games, meet people with similar interests, and have fun in my opionion.

  • cadillac wrote: »
    Your efforts and contributions are appreciated here. Don't go away on the merits of this thread.

    I have seen enough idiotic behaviour at poker tables to understand what it must be like for you to have to deal with it every day and why your response took the tone that it did.

    It is obvious by the title of the thread that Kristy realizes she was inappropriate in her actions. Unfortunately, that only makes it worse. She has obviously been around long enough to know the difference between what is acceptable and what is not and that it was up to her to show first.

    Nothing is a bigger pissoff IMO that people arguing and posturing without showing cards on the river when action is closed. "I am paying a session fee here folks!! I don't care about your history or any of your BS. Table your friggin cards and lets go!"

    Agreed... last thing we want to see is a valuable member leaving over this thread! I am closing this thread as nothing productive seems to be coming out of it.
  • It's back..


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    speaking of public displays of assholes... i'm pretty sure you have, right mark?
  • Honestly? I'm trying to think of the most assholeish thing I've done...

    I know I"ve done stuff to piss people off, but nothing malicious that I can recall....

    I'll keep pondering.

  • lol. i was talking about the whole 'taking the pants off' thing that you always do. 'public display of asshole' - get it?

    i saw you get kicked in the nuts (HARD) at the last royal. i thought that was pretty asshole-ish of the guy who did it. he should be a dead man.

    And then Kristy did it at Bristol....

    Wait a second... STOP HITTING ME IN THE CROTCH!


    P.S. - yes, I will stop hijacking the thread
  • Most entertaining thread ever.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Honestly? I'm trying to think of the most assholeish thing I've done...

    I know I"ve done stuff to piss people off, but nothing malicious that I can recall....

    I'll keep pondering.


    Uhh trying to look at my cards while action was still pending comes to mind.
  • I know what Kristy gangbang!! who's in?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'd argue that what should really happen is that people who are offended should add ME to their ignore list...

    Seriously, someone please show me how to do this!!!
  • hate to do this, but 13cards is right except for number 7. where are you dealing again? cause that is not the stupidest thing, thats called a poker rule.

    i am glad the wsop put in new rules this year for penalties against stupid celebrations.

    kristy was also right for standing up against a stupid donk and she said she apologized to the others at the table.

    quote=13CARDS;139856]Where to begin??

    1. He called you. Show your cards.
    2. He has every right to ask to see your cards first.
    3. Announcing your hand does not cut it. Table a winning hand or muck...
    4. He isn't "implying" anything. He wants you to table your hand first. See #2.
    5. Causing a scene over something like this is why players complain about session fees and only getting 5 hands in before dealer changes.
    6. Do this when I am the floor and I will show you the door.Doyle.bmp
    7. Your bolded statement is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard.
    8. Your dealer probably wasn't happy to have either of you on his/her table.[/quote]
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