Moose - Beware the Allins of March Tourney - Cambridge



  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    Don't worry Dave I will be there. I miss you to:)

    Glad to hear it, you always make the game more enjoyable.:wav:
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Glad to hear it, you always make the game more enjoyable.:wav:

    What would make the game more enjoyable is if you posted here with a list of your friends that wanted to play. Esp. the loose ones. ;)

    Seriously Dave, get some of those guys to play.
  • moose wrote: »
    What would make the game more enjoyable is if you posted here with a list of your friends that wanted to play. Esp. the loose ones. ;)

    Seriously Dave, get some of those guys to play.

    Ya get the chip farm. ;)
  • pms sent. 10 people at once is nice. all the newbies + Kristy got directions. Let me know if anyone else wants'em.
  • Hey

    I am new to cambridge just moved from hamilton a couple months ago and havent played live in awhile, but if you got 2 empty seats I can fill them (it's not that I am huge and need 2 seats but my brother is in town that weekend so I cant ditch him)


    P.S. I will need the address.
  • Ok I will need an email address since you are not set up for pms. After I email you, edit your post and delete the address so you don't get trolled for spam.

    Normally I look for references from people I don't know but Cambridge people have to stick together. If you misbehave, 5 minutes at the beer store will round up a pack of Newfies willing to beat you up for the price of a tall boy. ;)

    Edit: Haha. Just found this old thread. Let me know if that email is still good.
  • The one in the other post works
  • email sent

    Btw. No penalty for f-bombs thrown when ddmilcan 1 outs Kristy. 2 outers - Kristy may only say "Damn, that's unfortunate."
  • mark, be sure to bring the donkey ears for the new guy :D
  • dont worry I come complete with my own donkey ears

  • Since you are new I added in all the names so you know who we are.
  • Thanks

  • dont worry I come complete with my own donkey ears

    Methinks you will fit in real well around here.. :)
  • Bah!

    He's just rippin off my costume from Moose's!

  • compuease wrote: »
    Methinks you will fit in real well around here.. :)

    He certainly will. :D
  • moose wrote: »
    Since you are new I added in all the names so you know who we are.

    Now if you'd only quit putting me down as Rob on your lists. :)

  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Now if you'd only quit putting me down as Rob on your lists. :)


    Freudian slip. What can I say. **** you. haha.
  • Can I get a volunteer to come at 1 pm at help me carry the table up from the basement, general set up etc. Pays beer.
  • moose wrote: »
    Can I get a volunteer to come at 1 pm at help me carry the table up from the basement, general set up etc. Pays beer.

    I'll help ya.
  • Hello,Mr aces here.Myself and a friend would like to play if we can get down there in time and you still have room.Unfortunatly we cant garantee we will show up so dont hold any seats for us if you have other players who want to play.Im sure as always this will be another great tourny.This crew of poker players hold the best tournys in ontario.
  • Sure there is room. It starts at 2 pm. Should we blind you in or not? If not, I can't add you if you are late. If yes, then we will be blinding you in for up to 40min or until you let me know you aren't coming.

    You've been out before. Do you need directions again?

    Let me know what you want me to do.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I'll help ya.

    Hobbes beats me to the punch. First time coming, will leave plenty of time, directions look good, will probably arrive Friday nite about 11:00, I did hear free beer didn't I

    Milton "Truckin' on down that road" Slim

    See you Saturday, really, not Friday night, I have another Poker game to go to in Milton
  • It's free beer for one hour. You are welcome to sit on my porch for as much as you want outside of that time.
  • Still waiting to hear from SmokinAces, Tyson, Westside8 and Preroller.
  • I'm out...probably won't be able to get my act together today to finish what I need to get done.
  • Myself and my friend would really like to be there tomorrow, but that of course is pending the weather and road conditions.
  • If there is room could you add Miranda and Jen?

    Please PM directions.
  • ...and yes plz send directions

  • Mr & Ms Moose for your hospitality. As always the trip down the 401 makes for a good day of poker.

    Milton Slim
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