Senca Trip - Part Two (All Poker)

Shopsy shows me and the monkey the poker room. I am happy as the faces seem happier then the mopes outside. The room is dark and cold but the chips clip and pur...

The monkey pulls a banana and gets ready. The excitement builds.

I signed up for the 1/2 $100, 1/2 $200 the 2/5 $400 and a sitngo. Me, the monkey and Shopsy head for the main cage after signing up in the pokerroom.

$500 gets me $517us in exchange and back to the room we go. The stink of losers is heavy in the main casino, but the pokerroom seems like a safehaven. We need to get back there and quick.

The sitngo starts. $60, $250 first, 1000 chips and ten minute blinds. The monkey is jumping up and down and throwing feces all over my shoulder.... eeeeeooooo, eeeee ooooooo....
First hand in the BB, everyone limps I look down at A8s and bump from 25 to 250. Everyone folds except one before the button. It is a guy wearing a dirty sweatshirt, an adibesse toque and a really cheap looking ring. How did this guy escape the hallway?
Ok... lets play.
Flop comes TT6, I check and caller bets 500. Im nice to him and ponder a call, it gets him to flip his cards as I fold. T4 suited. He should be back in the hallway.

Next hand, SB, I complete a 3 bet that is called around the table with Q9.
Flop comes Q9Tr. Checked to guy in the last hand. He insta pushes and ofcourse I call. He flips J6 and the monkey on my should bends over getting ready for the anal tearage. Turn J river 8.

Oh well...I get immediately seated at a 1/2 $100max. Ok not my first choice but it looks fun.

First hand min raise from UTG, I call with A7s two seats later. As does the rest of the table. Pot has $40 preflop and ten players...the monkey looks to make sure we are not playing limit at Brantford. Flop 773, $10 bet from UTG I flat call, all the rest of the table fold except button. Pot $70 turn 7. UTG pushes and as I am new stack I don't even have to consider what the button will do. Button folds, UTG shows aces and bitches a bit. The monkey takes a bow for his wonderful play.

A few hands later I flop a nut str and I am just over triple stack in less then 2 orbits. The monkey starts estimating the wins at this pace and starts to plan a trip to Africa to hand pick golden organic banana's near the Safari.

Ofcourse, I am putting on a show, talking and having a great time. Preflop pots are typically $30-50. I am seeing the losing/winning cards and players are telling me what they are folding.

Another sitngo enters and decide to take a break, the table is getting quiet and they realize me and the monkey show is costing them money.

I join the sitngo and it is purefish, we are hitting 8pm and the lack of American online poker sites is starting to show. I literally run the table from the 3rd level on, I am hit in the face with the deck and the monkey is starting to think about the Bellagio complementary fruit baskets. I get heads up and the other player is pushing every hand, blinds are 400/800 with 10k on the table. I call with A8 to 73 and lose the huge stack. Then KQ to Q8 and become small stack fight back a little but it is of no use and take second. The monkey farts on the other player. But as there are 10plus rail birds watching I try and be gracious.

When we were down to top three, they ask for licenses. I had a player who was going to take 5% to cash my voucher so I wouldn’t get hit with withholding, but the pitboss busted that plan. I give up my $45 and take my winnings and realize how silly I was to play. The Monkey dawns a bomb vest and considers doing the right thing and taking out the IRS rather then some highschool drop outs in Iraq. He's my hero.

I come back to the maniac table and there are some seat changes. AA boy has moved to my left, along with another regular and on my right is the loose superfish from the first sitngo. I like the fact that they respect my abilities, but am saddened to be giving up position to him.

I am in most times with the best of it, and controlling small losses with second best hands, then I get rammed.

The loosy goosy has managed to double his stack through a miracle 4 outer and is going in preflop with just about anything for $15-25. I reraise his $20 opening with QQ. He flat calls flop come 27J and he bets $30. I flat call hoping he'll push on the turn. He does and shows me A2 for bottom pair. ofcourse a river A comes and the monkey laughs at me.

I take a few more hits and I am rebuying. I do this three more times and am wondering what the hell happened to the monkey's horseshoe. The superfish has bought in 6 times in three orbits yet I am the only one to lose to him. Hope his kids have a good christmas.

I review my play. KK vs JT for $50 preflop. Flop comes KQ7 and I lose to the straight on the turn. 99 vs TT we both hit sets. I am just going through some variance and decide to sit stuck and get it back.

Within an hour this hand came up.

Stradle limp with 44 mid position, get to thee the flop with 9 others. Flop comes 664. I open with $6 get raised to $25 then reraised to $50 from BB.
At a regular table I would inst push but 64 reraise from the BB has me slightly concerned. I call and first reraiser pushes for $100 more pot had about $225. BB calls all in for $90 and I insta call. The monkey starts pulling a special anal rapage diaper from his gunney sack, but puts it away as they both show 67.

I dodge the bullets and am back with a reasonable stack. I get up to $850 or so then this hand comes up.

I have TT in late position, original AA guy reraised my $10 opening to $25. I flat call. Flop comes T84. I check he bets $40, I consider reraising but want to see how much more I can get. Turn comes brick but gives two clubs. I think I may see AKc as he seemed to like the turn to see where I am and bet $100 he calls (didnt get anything from that, could be a draw maybe JJ/QQ not the reraise I was hoping for with AA/KK). Turn comes another low club, no straights but there is a flush. I check, but make it look like I like that card, he tanks and finally weakly bets $50. Slighty confused, I strongly consider pushing for his last $200.
I beat all over pairs, but he did not rebet the turn. There is no straight.
A pure bluff is ruled out as he tanked. He would have instabet a bluff as well as bet more. The monkey says AK.... AK clubs.....
I just call and he turns over JQc.

The monkey loses his bowel control and my shirt gets dirty... I go for a walk that one hurt. eeee oooo uuuuu eeee....pfffft

I hover between 400-600 for the next few hands and finally fatigue catches up with me. I cash out at 2am with $539.

I realized that this is the local pokeroom. Alot of these guys are locals, most of them are bad, but this is their Saturday night game. They order pizza and assorted other outside food. They know the dealers by name.

One dealer got a few tips from me as he was screwing with the JQc guy. He would deliberately deal his cards so he had to stretch across the table, or catch them before they hit floor. Even skipped dealing him as his back was turned talking to a railbird but still in his seat.

There are alot of other Canadians in the room, smoking a free booze is attractive to most. I am only recognized by one player someone I played at the shop with but I felt like I have played here for years.

I will be back, this a fun place and the rape isnt as bad as a session fee, plus the drinks are cheap.

I will make sure to get the Monkey some washable plastic underwear.

Actually left the room at 2:15 got to the car by 2:45 and home by 4.

Me and the monkey got to sleep late..


  • Redington wrote: »
    Next hand, SB, I complete a 3 bet that is called around the table with Q9.Flop comes Q9Tr. Checked to guy in the last hand. He insta pushes and ofcourse I call. He flips J6 and the monkey on my should bends over getting ready for the anal tearage. Turn J river 8.

    Get back to the table, you chopped!
  • Hey Big Guy
    That was one great read, and you are still one crazy F. Where is the busty avatar? Yah gotta let me know the next time you and the Shopper are heading down - I'd like to join yah. I'll bring the 'Blow Up Doll', she'll get along with the monkey! Keep them reports comin. See yah later.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Get back to the table, you chopped!

    oops probably wasnt a jack... we definitely chopped but it brings up two other interesting hands.

    LP with A2 suited, everyone limps to me. I call as does everyone else.
    Flop 345r
    Lady in the BB (who just sat down and had all of her chips in $1's)
    pushes with $90 into a $20 pot. I insta call and she flips AA
    Turn brick, River 2... nice chop.

    BB with 54o, MP raises to $12 and is called three ways, so I call as does EP limper. $72 in pot flop comes J54r. I check, EP bets $5 yes $5...raised to $45 from original raiser I smooth call thinking I am best and EP folds. Turn comes 3 I check OR bets $50 with $100 back. I push and he insta calls..
    He has AA and my two pair are good..... until the river 3

    The monkey thought maybe we should go bowling.
  • "the monkey looks to make sure we are not playing limit at Brantford." HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH <inhales> HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

    Damn, that's funny..
  • Redington wrote: »

    When we were down to top three, they ask for licenses. I had a player who was going to take 5% to cash my voucher so I wouldn’t get hit with withholding, but the pitboss busted that plan. I give up my $45 and take my winnings and realize how silly I was to play. The Monkey dawns a bomb vest and considers doing the right thing and taking out the IRS rather then some highschool drop outs in Iraq. He's my hero.

    Is the $45 30% of $150???
    So they take witholding tax on even $150 wins????
    I thought it had to be higher than that?

    Does anyone know how to get this back?
  • Thanks for the informative and funny report. How long did it take for a 2/5 or 1/2 $200 seat to open up for you?

    I think it's time to break my Seneca virginity and do some raping in US pesos! ;) I want to go with anybody I know who knows how to get there, and I'll be driving from Highway 403 in Oakville. By the way, I also plan to go to Casino Rama on Wednesday night on my way back from the $240 CPT tournament at Great Blue Heron Casino.
    Redington wrote: »
    When we were down to top three, they ask for licenses. I had a player who was going to take 5% to cash my voucher so I wouldn’t get hit with withholding, but the pitboss busted that plan. I give up my $45 and take my winnings and realize how silly I was to play. The Monkey dawns a bomb vest and considers doing the right thing and taking out the IRS rather then some highschool drop outs in Iraq.
    I will be back, this a fun place and the rape isnt as bad as a session fee, plus the drinks are cheap.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Thanks for the informative and funny report. How long did it take for a 2/5 or 1/2 $200 seat to open up for you?

    I checked the 2/5 at midnight but it had been spread to $1000 max buy in and there were at least 3 stacks at 2500+ not a game I want to buy in short to.

    I never bothered getting to the 200 max buy in as I was at the 'action' table.
  • Great report, Tyson.

    Sorry to hear about your about your bung hole.
  • Thanks. It's interesting that Seneca seems to be very flexible, while Ontario has overly restrictive gaming regulations. I hope that the Niagara casinos will apply to the AGCO to increase the ridiculously low $200 maximum buy-in to at least $500.

    IMHO, playing against $2,500+ stacks in a 2/5 game does not put one at any intrinsic disadvantage. I'm looking forward even more to going to Seneca for the first time. It's good to know that the maximum buy-ins can be arbitrarily increased so much, so I can bring more US pesos instead of trying to use my virtual bank card in the US.
    Redington wrote: »
    I checked the 2/5 at midnight but it had been spread to $1000 max buy in and there were at least 3 stacks at 2500+ not a game I want to buy in short to.
  • I checked the 2/5 at midnight but it had been spread to $1000 max buy in and there were at least 3 stacks at 2500+ not a game I want to buy in short to.

    Why not buy in short???

    I love this trip report!
    Can't wait for you next report.
  • Blondefish, my advice is to walk over from Niagara or drive through Fort Erie. Especially on weekends, to avoid the massive lineups of cross border shoppers. Usually minimal wait at Fort Erie and then you are at Seneca in about 15 minutes.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Blondefish, my advice is to walk over from Niagara or drive through Fort Erie. Especially on weekends, to avoid the massive lineups of cross border shoppers. Usually minimal wait at Fort Erie and then you are at Seneca in about 15 minutes.

    Seconded, I was shocked by how fast it was to walk across the border and back.
  • pokerJAH, let me know the next time you go. I'm more likely to end up walking into Seneca College instead of Seneca Casino, :biggrin: so I'd prefer to break my Seneca cherry by going with anybody I know.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    Blondefish, my advice is to walk over from Niagara or drive through Fort Erie.
  • Go out the front door where Casino Niagara dumps onto the road.
    Look for Rainbow Bridge (hint; it is the only one crossing the big river in front of the hotel)
    Walk over the bridge and then look for the big umm, well, rainbow lit up motel!

    It is very easy to find, but I was also with someone that probably saved me an hour of wandering around aimlessly.

    We'll let you know the next time we go.

  • I was thinking saturday sometime after 2ish
  • Oh, And if you"re coming Tyson, the monkey rides in the back!!!
  • hrmm I thought the monkey was driving...

    oh wait THAT monkeys name is Cory

    --- where are we meeting?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    pokerJAH, let me know the next time you go. I'm more likely to end up walking into Seneca College instead of Seneca Casino, :biggrin: so I'd prefer to break my Seneca cherry by going with anybody I know.

    Not sure the next time I will go at this point; will likely go again in the New Year but you are probably looking to go sooner than later. I would expect the walk to be about 30-40 minutes and dress warm for that bridge crossing. My next casino visit will be Turning Stone in December on my way to NYC.
  • Does Seneca have a currency exchange or anything like that or do i need to bring my own greenbacks ?
  • currency exchange at the cage in the main casino
  • Yes they have currency exchange.
  • Will a casino take your money? Is that really what you are asking?
  • With pkrfce9 away at Turning Stone, a friend and I were the big winners in our weekly Friday night game. We will play our rush by heading for Seneca Casino this afternoon with American pesos. :) Trip report to come.
  • To make an interesting but long story short, I now know why so many Canadians cross the border to play at Seneca Casino. When the 2/5 table finally got started, I became the biggest stack on the table on the very first hand and I was still the biggest stack when I left. When my car passenger saw my pile of chips and $100 bills within the first hour, he knew that I had found a new poker home. :) If anybody has any questions about Seneca, I will try to answer.

    My friend was also up for the day, so we plan to car pool to Seneca often. We plan to play in the $150,000 "On The Border Poker Challenge", which is a Skill Level 6 tournament on Sunday, December 9 with $540+ buy-in. This is a better value than any Ontario casino tournament (except for OLG Casino Brantford's $540 5,000-chip tournament). If anybody is interested in a rake-free, legal home game satellite, please PM me.
  • you get exchange at the main cage in the casino area, NOT the poker room
  • Now that I've broken my Seneca cherry, I just can't get enough and I have an insatiable desire to "make a run for the border". ;) While I'm waiting for my friends to phone me back about carpooling, is there any other forumer that's planning to go to Seneca tonight, tomorrow or Sunday night?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    When the 2/5 table finally got started, I became the biggest stack on the table on the very first hand and I was still the biggest stack when I left. When my car passenger saw my pile of chips and $100 bills within the first hour, he knew that I had found a new poker home. :) .
    Waiting for the future report where the neg variance or downswing kicks in... lol.. Wonder if that gets reported...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Waiting for the future report where the neg variance or downswing kicks in... lol.. Wonder if that gets reported...

    No I think Buddy has found a new home at Seneca.

    More Canadian talent heads sound again......
  • I always listen to the wise old Rock and have been waiting all year long for the negative variance that he had previously warned me about. I finally experienced it this month, when I had only three winning days (including a 5/5 session at Fallsview Casino) up to last Friday. I was like "WTF?! I have been getting these mind-blowing poker epiphanies of how to maximize average profit since the previous month which was my best month ever, so why do I keep losing this month against players who don't even know how to calculate pot odds??" After compuease left our Friday night game, things have completely turned around. I have won four consecutive cash game sessions with an average win rate of $183/hour! I am prepared for the next inevitable negative variance, but I have to play my rush so I will be heading south yet again tonight. :)
    compuease wrote: »
    Waiting for the future report where the neg variance or downswing kicks in... lol
  • I agree, most people seem to report only the good sessions and forget about the bad sessions. I am guilty of this to some extent as well. Any hands you want to talk about Blondefish from your sessions at Seneca? I be interested to hear which hands made you money vs lost money.
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