CDN Dollar

How high will it go? Anyone care to guess.


  • With the rate it's been going, I see CDN$1.05 to the US$1
  • $1.02 CDN to $1.00 USD :D
  • I never thought I'd see the day where it gets to par.. incredible.
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    How high will it go? Anyone care to guess.
    Can't answer that without a timeframe in mind.

    Within a month 1 CAD = 1 US (probably by the end of the week actually)
    Within a year I can see 1 CAD = 1.15 US
    Within 10 years I can see 1 CAD = 1.5 US (vice versa to what it was not too long ago)
    Within 20 years I can see 1 CAD = 2 US

    In case you can't tell, I have no respect for the US economy short or long term :D

  • We'll get to par before oil gets to $70 a barrel.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    We'll get to par before oil gets to $70 a barrel.
    Do you mean back to $70/barrel? Oil is currently $82/barrel.

  • 98.67 close today.

    Soon I can go to Seneca on a discount. Goodbye Fallsview and CN.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    I never thought I'd see the day where it gets to par.. incredible.

    Wow you are a young one :)
  • g2 wrote: »
    Do you mean back to $70/barrel? Oil is currently $82/barrel.


    Yes...that is what I meant :D
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Yes...that is what I meant :D
    My $0.02 Wes, "The Boss" would look way cooler than "The BOSS". It looks like you're trying to compensate for some shortcoming ;)

  • g2 wrote: »
    My $0.02 Wes, "The Boss" would look way cooler than "The BOSS". It looks like you're trying to compensate for some shortcoming ;)


    For the record, I didn't change it to that..
  • There is now going to be incredible pressure on the Bank of Canada to lower interest rates. As we export a shitload of stuff to the states this will slow our economy. The US economy is going to hell in a handbasket so we better be prepared. That aside my sportsbook and poker accounts are killing me. I buy in at 80 cents and now they are almost worthless..... :)
  • the question should be, how do we profit from this situation? any good US stock picks?
  • Anyone think that the two countries will merge currencies? The US has already started revamping their greenbacks to make it harder to produce funny money. The NA version of the Euro will happen before $2us=$1can
  • Anyone think that the two countries will merge currencies? The US has already started revamping their greenbacks to make it harder to produce funny money. The NA version of the Euro will happen before $2us=$1can

    The "Amero" will be the future currency for Canada, US, and Mexico. Watch for its debut in 2008.

    As a side note, another "terrorist attack" on the US is coming and it will signal the start of full scale war on Iran, the crash of stock and housing markets (this is already in motion), and oil prices soaring higher than before. Everything in this world is linked together in one way or another...
  • As a side note, another "terrorist attack" on the US is coming and it will signal the start of full scale war on Iran, the crash of stock and housing markets (this is already in motion), and oil prices soaring higher than before. Everything in this world is linked together in one way or another...

    What's it like wearin a tinfoil hat in public? I guess after a while people get used to it? I hate these ppl that spread end of the world FUD.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    What's it like wearin a tinfoil hat in public? I guess after a while people get used to it? I hate these ppl that spread end of the world FUD.

    Please point out where I said it's the "end of the world". If these events could end the world, it would have ended after WWI with the great depression or WWII. I hate people with a closed mind and not able to respect others' opinions because they don't share your vision.
  • Please point out where I said it's the "end of the world".
    another "terrorist attack" on the US is coming and it will signal the start of full scale war on Iran, the crash of stock and housing markets (this is already in motion), and oil prices soaring higher than before.

    Do you even read what you post or does the tinfoil block brainwaves too?
  • As a side note, another "terrorist attack" on the US is coming and it will signal the start of full scale war on Iran, the crash of stock and housing markets (this is already in motion), and oil prices soaring higher than before. Everything in this world is linked together in one way or another...

    I knew I should of held on to my Petro Canada shares... rats...
  • If these events could end the world, it would have ended after WWI with the great depression or WWII.

    Do you read what other people write or is your head so far up your ass that you can see your heart beating?
  • For anyone who cares, here's an article from December 2006 predicting everything that is happening now.
  • Do you read what other people write

    It's hard to have a discussion with a person who don't understand what he's actually saying when randomly stringing words together in a sentence.

    Anyway, for everyone who predicts a bear there someone predicting a bull. Survivorship bias makes one look like a genious and the other a moron, thus, making both sides irrelevant.
  • 0.9995 CdN

    Finally hit: $1.004
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    It's hard to have a discussion with a person who don't understand what he's actually saying when randomly stringing words together in a sentence.

    It's also hard to have a debate with someone who has no useful information or news to back him up. What argument(s) do you have other than "take off the tin foil hat"?

    Just take a brief look at what is put out there as news these days. It's all relevent to what I said before.

    "Bush optimistic about economy";_ylt=Akq9QTlYzPrtkKwxNVEUlUWs0NUE

    LOL after everything that's happened, does anyone still listen to him or what any politicians say?
  • All due respect to BBC_Z's world affairs expertise but don't be so quick to ridicule old Hugh there. Let's not be so naive. I don't think he is that far off.

    There will be a showdown with Iran in the next 5 years if things do not change on both sides. Those fanatics running the country fucking hate the US and Iran is one of the world's largest producers. You don't think that could have an impact on the price of oil?

    You think the US has taken care of its terrorist problem? If anything there are more terrorists looking for a chance to hit the US now than before 9/11. Heck, they have homegrown terrorists just waiting for another chance. It is not a question of 'if' there will be an attack but 'when'. I hope they don't just settle on Canada since it is an easier target. Oh wait, dogs don't shit where they sleep, right?

    The biggest impact the terrorists could have on the US would be to threaten to disrupt the production of oil to make it (more) prohibitively expensive. What kind of impact would that have on the economy? Anybody ever read about the oil embargo in 1972? Many of the major producing countries have serious issues with fanatics and these guys can quite easily disrupt pipelines and ports. How long before they start mining shipping lanes?

    The US housing market is in big trouble right now. That is a leading indicator for the economy. Things could improve with the reduction of interest rates to more affordable levels but that is a long road. Of course reduced rates means a lower dollar and hence more expensive foreign exchange, which also means higher costs to repay foreign debt.

    With the huge deficits and high levels of personal debt, how long before world lenders say 'enough'? The day is coming. Maybe not this year but things cannot continue the way they are. Canada got close to that point a number of years ago but has started to get its financial house in order. If anything the US is in a worse position today.

    The world will not end but changes are coming. Should be interesting for anyone that cares.

    Looks like they're 'running out' of oil in Iran (can't get the invesment they need to pump it)..
    The US housing market is in big trouble right now. That is a leading indicator for the economy. Things could improve with the reduction of interest rates to more affordable levels but that is a long road.

    Jebus Cripes, I wish people would understand that the entire SUBPRIME mortgage industry is microscopic compared to the entire industry itself. Some companies went stupid and loaned money to people with no credit (ie not prime candidated, sub prime).. These crappy mortages then got sold to business because Moodys rating service is crap. It'll get sorted out and it's not a doomsday situation. Subprime got blown out of wack cuz it's a slow summer for real news.
    With the huge deficits and high levels of personal debt, how long before world lenders say 'enough'?

    Do any research? Canadians are far more conservative and carry far less debt than americans (where tax deductable mortgages promote debt).
    The world will not end but changes are coming. Should be interesting for anyone that cares.

    Ok.. you have you opinions of the impending change of the world as we know it.. I'm a firm believer in "The more things change, the more they stay the same".. Crises come, crises go and the world just keep spinnin' along.

    The markets as they stand today are approximately where they were at back in 2001, except in the meantime, things are BETTER than they used to be. Earnings are up and the P/E of the S&P is like 16 or 17.. Not excessive, but not cheap.. So if we're gonna call for bad times ahead, we're gonna see it trade at what.. 10? That'll never happen with all the hedgies out there.

    Lets take your big bad Sept 11th as an example. The day after? Big changes, "OMG World is a different place", you can't get on an airplane without three anal cavity checks... Lets cue it to 6 years later. We're practically back at the exact same level of security we were at before.. I don't see the world revolutions that you do in comparing the two.

    Keep on spinnin' baby.
  • I hope everyone realizes that first of all Canada has more oil reserves than Iran. Second, the US prohibits the importation of oil from Iran so why would the US need to go to a 'showdown' with Iran over oil?

    The dollar broke over $1 US today. A strong dollar + tightening credit will help protect our companies from takeovers and buyouts. Instead of whining about needing protection they should get off their asses and do something about it themselves. I can't believe the crying today for the BoC to lower rates. Smart companies will use the strong dollar to invest in technology/capital improvements to improve productivity and make up for the rise in the dollar.
  • tightening credit will help protect our companies from takeovers and buyouts.

    Whats left to buy?
  • I'm actually taking a buisness course soon, I hope we talk about this, its really interesting.
    You guys really think that it will be 2US=1CND$??
    Something is going to happen to bring it back down, i know it!

    China's eco will PWN in 10 years-20 years.
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