Lazy Man Olympics Ii - Saturday Oct. 6



  • Update: Rules for Liar's Dice

    Liar's dice is a gambling game most recently seen in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"

    With 5 dice, the first person rolls, and declares a hand... hand order is as such (low to high)

    High number
    2 pair
    Three of a kind
    Full House (3 of a kind + a pair)
    Four of a Kind
    Five of a Kind

    Unless specifically declared, each hand is assumed to be of the "lowest" value. E.G. "I have 2 pair" means he has 1-1-2-2-3. "I have 2 pair, 6's and 4's" means 6-6-4-4-1 and "I have 2 pair, 6's and 4's, 5 kicker" is 6-6-4-4-5.

    Play starts with one player rolling and declaring their hand. They then pass the cup of dice to the person on their left. This person decides if the person is lying about their hand. If they believe them, they must not roll and declare a hand BETTER than the last hand declared. A person may remove any number of dice from the cup in order to better their odds.
    E.G. The declaration is 2 pair, 6's and 4's. The person believes the roller so looks at the dice. He decides to remove the two 6's and rolls the remaining three dice. He then declares three of a kind, 6's and passes it on.

    Eventually, someone will disbelieve the person before them. They must then lift the cup off the dice (without looking first). If the person's rolled dice is not AT LEAST AS GOOD as their declaration, then they lose one life - otherwise, the other person (who called liar) loses one.

    E.G. Declaration is "full house", someone calls liar and reveals 3-3-3-3-2. The person was NOT lying since he had at LEAST a full house and the caller loses a life.

    We will start with 5 lives.

  • One other question... for "Perfection" (which I just bought tonight)...

    It's going to be one-handed (so the other hand can supply you with sweet sweet alcohol).. but should it be your non-dominant hand?? i.e. left hands for all us righties and vice versa?

  • Bad news man. I gotta bail on LMO. :(

    C'mon people, any last minute entrants?

  • Hey All!

    It's time to make your liver quiver! NOON TODAY BABY!!!

  • Wish I could join you guys, sounds like a blast. Have a great time all.
  • Mark, my phone is dead due to the rain this morning. I can't make it though. My ball team needs me as we lost a guy this mornign, give you a shout later.

  • Shannon... come later on... after the game.. we'll still let you in on the hilarity

    Just so everyone knows... a few people are coming, but can't make it until later... .we're going to let them in on the fun, but they can't accumulate points for the final standings...

    Anyone have a problem with that is a poopey-head.

  • WHAT?? No updates? Was kinda hoping to hear about the first PASS OUT victim.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    WHAT?? No updates? Was kinda hoping to hear about the first PASS OUT victim.

    I ran into the group at the say that they were well on their way is an understatement at best. Apparently some of the participants were already cut off. Oh and this was 5:30pm with only bowling complete. I also look forward to a complete update, including court dates.
  • I checked in with them later to see the carnage. Johnnie's camera has a few pics that I *hope* will be posted here.
  • Sorry I missed it, can't wait to read the details!
  • Well...

    I'm home.... I passed out before the SNG (sorry Kristy / Josh!), but here's the quick highlights:

    1st place : JOHNNIE H --> Johnnie dominated the bowling and made a come from behind victory in liar's dice (down 1 life to 4!!). Placed second in poker, and I think he made middle of the pack in pool. He may have won perfection...b ut I left my score sheet at Bristol

    2nd place: DRTYORE --> The host took down the pool event, placed third in poker, and second in liar's dice. Middle of the pack in bowling and I believe dead last in perfection was enough for the silver

    3rd place: Ryan_yo --> Ryan didn't dominated any event, but his consistency allowed him to take home the bronze!! (alright, I can't really remember how he did in any of the events!)

    Last Place: Haddon --> Josh arrived at the event already drunk, his heroic efforts embodied the spirit of the event. However, his last place finsihes in two events because he was unconscious upstairs did him no favours ;)

    Side notes:

    - I'm moderately concerned as to what pictures JohnnieH may have...
    - I just now remembered we ran into Nic.. sorry about that brother
    - I'm really glad the waterloo bowling lanes had an upstairs and a downstairs, I don't think our group would have gotten on well with the 7-year old having a birthday party

    All in all, a great time, thanks to everyone for participating, thanks to Tye for hosting at the lovely Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino, thanks to all those who joined us later in the day, and all the well wishers!

  • Here you go Kristy!



    The rest can be found on Facebook.
  • In a black t-shirt? Strange.
  • Oh goodness...

    Time to go and do photographic evidence damage control on facebook! Dammit Johnnie, you and your camera...


  • Well.. NSFW I guess...

    Thanks Johnnie.. jeez...

  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    Gotta quote it just in case...
  • I think I took all four of those...Sorry Josh and Mark. ;)

    (does Josh wear anything but black?)

    I'm still laughing at my absolute disgust and disbelief in the picture of Mark in my lap and Ty behind me...who ever took it captured my sentiment perfectly!
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