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The Ironman - a new tournament concept

Came up with this format over the weekend, detailed it a bit at Moose's (to rave reviews) and thought I'd share it here for the University kids... Enjoy!!

(PS: I do not condone playing this tournament. Do so at your own risk)

"The Ironman"
A No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament

Preparation: Participants being beer. The host buys a bottle of tequila.

Each player recieves 2,000 chips to start. Standard blind schedule is used. Whenever a player finishes a beer, they recieve 2,000 chips at the start of the next hand. If a player busts out, they may re-buy in for 2,000 by taking a shot of tequila.


- The re-buy period ends once the bottle of tequila is empty. (The host should announce to the group when the last shot is up for grabs)
- If you bust out on the hand you finish a beer, you only get the 2,000 chips if you re-buy back in.
- Bonus chips for finishing a beer continues past the end of the re-buys.
- If a player pukes, their hand is folded, they surrender any chips in the pot, and the rest of their stack is returned to the bank.
- If a player passes out, they are blinded out until they a) come to (at which point they can continue playing), b) are blinded out, or c) puke (in which case, see the above rule)

Feel free to add your own suggestions! (For example, you must pay each person at the table 1BB for the right to leave the table and go pee)


  • Will this be a bristol event?
  • I'm gonna cry if you run this when I'm in Ottawa. Really, I will. I'll webcam myself and youtube it!

    Instead of 1BB paid out per player in exchange for a piss break... I vote for just one of the smallest chip in play. I really like the rule, but I wanna make it cheaper for those of us who take a lot of p breaks while drinking a lot of beer :D

  • Those who like it, like it a lot. Those who don't, meh, fuck 'em.
  • Buyin requirement is 12 beer. There is no maximum requirement.

    If you bring light beer you have to drink 2 for 1. If you bring premium beer, as determined by official host list, you get 3000 chips per beer.

    Optional addon at end of rebuy period - you bring host a beer in exchange for chips. Extra 2000 chips on top of addon if it is a beer the host has never tried before.

    Each person that busts must offer all remaining beer to remaining players at table in order, starting with the person who eliminated the player and proceeding to the right. Each person may take one beer until all beer is gone or no-one wants any additional beer (ha - not).

    Super Kill pot - anyone winning 3 pots in a row, automatically posts 3 bb but gets to make a rule which remains in effect until that table breaks or the player is moved. Anyone breaking the rule, must take a drink and pay the owner of the rule a single chip of the smallest denom in play as penalty. If the player wins 4 pots or more in a row, he/she continues to add rules but also must post 4 bb etc. Note: said player is exempt from his/her own rules. The Super Kill pot rule is in effect until the final table is formed.
  • Reason #101 why Rob is the greatest poker host ever.

    I'm in.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    Reason #101 why Rob is the greatest poker host ever.

    I'm in.

    I don't think professional beer guzzling poker players are allowed...LOL
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I don't think professional beer guzzling poker players are allowed...LOL

    Can't light weights drink 1/2 bottle over 1 full bottle? :D
  • No.

  • light weights can drink whatever they want...just enjoy being the shortstack at my table....

    Hobbes...see you at the Royal. I have responsibilities this time...so, i'll cut er back a little... :)
  • Ummm...

    Rob? Can I totally lift this for the Lazy Man Olympics? ;)

    Hrm... it could take a stupid amount of time....

  • Awesome idea...
    Though I'd outdrink you all since Quebec beer > *

    Yep I said it!
  • OMG, what a great idea!

    Pre-congrats on winning the tournament Wolffhound!
  • And to think, we used to play Passout when we were younger. Who says times haven't changed for the better, or is that bettor. What a great idea. Can't you see Tony G and Mike Matusow heads up and all hammered up in next years WSOP playing this format. It would make for great action.
  • I've discussed this with Josh. If you're worried about your carpets Rob: The Shop will host.

    Lets get this moving.
  • Also, Josh and I are discussing his 'training schedule'

    I just thank god I'm good with the short stack, and will work on my plunger technique.

    Can we make it any mix drink..not just beer?
  • We're going to have to standardize the drinks....

    I'm sure Rob has a pouring device of some format for Mix drinks to equal to a beer.

  • 1 shot drink = a beer I think..but my next Q is, I drink doubles=4000 in chips?

    I want to do this, we just need someone to TD with tourney chips.
  • Not sure drinks are fair game.
    If you make (example) sex on the beach.

    You can drink one ALOT faster than you'll drink a beer, especially after you had 5-6.

    So if you want to go with drinks we'd have to setup a "timer" rule that would force you to wait a fixed amount of time before you get your chips even if you're done with your drink.

    Just to make it fair game :)
  • ummm, why don't you want us mixed drinks players to get hammered faster? Seems like a pretty fair trade off.
  • With Rob as our host, I'm assuming that light beers are DQ'd?
  • I think it would be much cheaper and convenient for everyone if someone just bought a keg. Errr maybe 2.

  • I am soooo in! God someone host this. If you'd have thought of it a month ago I coulda hosted at my old place where I didn't give a F. In the new house nooooooo way!

    This is perfect for an all day outside event tho?
  • g2 wrote: »
    I think it would be much cheaper and convenient for everyone if someone just bought a keg. Errr maybe 2.

    That is a great idea! It gives everyone (except Wolffhound) an even playing field. ie....no light beers.

    I have a few suggestions also.

    1. Biggest suckout of the night MUST eat the worm.
    2. Everyone bring their own pail to puke in. (Rob get the hose in the backyard ready!)
    3. NOBODY DRIVES HOME!! (I know this should go without saying but I feel better putting it out there)
    4. Everybody where old clothes. Or something in rubber
    5. I agree with Big_E about playing outdoors.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    4. Everybody where old clothes. Or something in rubber

    Unless "clothes optional" is a rule, I complete call this as a rule that is prejudiced against a minority of poker players - namely Moose and I

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Unless "clothes optional" is a rule, I complete call this as a rule that is prejudiced against a minority of poker players - namely Moose and I


    If you want to get my puke all over your gitch, that's fine. But remember what happened the last time we were all drunk at Robs and you had no pants.
  • spam removal
  • I can see my Bristol points rising already. This is classic. Can I pitch a tent rob? I can play poker and not look at my cards so playing blind drunk should be easy.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    If you want to get my puke all over your gitch, that's fine. But remember what happened the last time we were all drunk at Robs and you had no pants.

    Hmmm.. I don't know any of you personaly so this is a bit disturbing...
  • Don't worry InsaneGuy

    Even if you've known us for years it is a bit disturbing....

  • Well I'm know for my ... weirdness if you ask people I know (my nick is really self-representing)

    but I've never had to mix puke with no pants... well... once with I wasn't with a bunch of guys... well I think she wasn't a guy though she did look rather bad (the next morning that is...)
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