Seneca Weekend Trip - Open Invitation

Hey all

So being a degenerate gambler, and having my birthday coming up means that I"m thinking of something to do for the weekend involving poker. Here's the plan

I'm thinking of arranging a weekend down to Seneca Casino on the June 1st weekend (Friday --> Sunday). I figure with enough interest, we can get a couple of hotel rooms split between a few guys and gals for two nights. Copious amounts of poker, and you guys can buy my drinks for me (hint: They're free).

So who's in?

List so far (* = needs confirmation)

Weekend Warriors
1. DrTyore Mark
2. Moose
3. Mmoose

One night wussies

1. Zithal Rob (Saturday / Sunday)
2. Zithal +1 (Saturday / Sunday)
3. Acid Joe (Saturday / Sunday)
4. Acid Joe's hoe (Saturday Sunday)
5. 2Bullets*
6. stpboy Shannon
7. stpboy +1
8. Jeff S


  • I'm not sure if I want to spend an entire weekend there, but I would be interested in car pooling for a session of poker at Seneca Casino.
  • I'm so disappointed to miss this. I've been itching to hit Senaca for months, and spending a couple of nights there with friends would be a blast. Do a round of Jagermeisters' for me!

    Mark, I really hope you get this off the ground, and I hope you have a great time!

  • I am most likely in for this. Just wanna get one week of school under my belt before I commit. So.... I'll letcha know by May 4th (ask me again at WPC VI).

  • You can probably book moose and mmoose.

    mmm PLO AND Pineapple...
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    I'm not sure if I want to spend an entire weekend there, but I would be interested in car pooling for a session of poker at Seneca Casino.

    If you really look like your profile pic in real life I would love to car pool with you!!!:)
  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    <wipes tear>

    Tell ya what, you can room with Blondefish
  • Slick_Perv wrote: »
    If you really look like your profile pic in real life I would love to car pool with you!!!:)
    Yep, he errrr SHE does...... yeh that's it! <insert str8 face here>
  • Aimee and I would love to go, I won't be able to firm up for a few weeks until I see what's happening work wise for me. Put us down as tentative.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Yep, he errrr SHE does...... yeh that's it! <insert str8 face here>

    Thats why I said IF you look like that!!! HAHAHAHA!!Go ahead and laugh guys. First off Im new on this forum, second I don't know DICK from JANE. Im sure if you see a profile picture with a girl on it the first thing you thing you assume is that the person is a female. So I made a mistake. But Im sure some of you weasels wouldn't mind either carpooling with a SHE that looks good either.:)
  • Slick_Perv wrote: »
    Thats why I said IF you look like that!!! HAHAHAHA!!Go ahead and laugh guys. First off Im new on this forum, second I don't know DICK from JANE. Im sure if you see a profile picture with a girl on it the first thing you thing you assume is that the person is a female. So I made a mistake. But Im sure some of you weasels wouldn't mind either carpooling with a SHE that looks good either.:)

    Lots get caught by Fish.
    (S)He is a middle aged Asian man.
    Welcome to the forum
  • No hijacking my birthday thread!

    You comin Ron?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    No hijacking my birthday thread!

    You comin Ron?


    Unfortunately I cannot make it.
    First round is on me though....^-^
  • Can I come join you guys and get buzzed and play some loose 1-2 nl down south?:)
  • Well, to be honest, I don't mind meeting a newbie...

    But we'll be getting a hotel room and such, and I'm not sure if you / others would be too comfortable sharing with a stranger.... anyone care?
  • I won't be there for the whole weekend (maybe), but coming up Saturday for the day/evening/night/nextmorning sounds like fun.
  • Well... I know thre's a couple people thinking the same... maybe I'll start a second section in the OP

  • Does anybody know if there are any decent tournaments in the area that weekend? I'm trying to find an excuse to use the US dollars I got when I sold a WPT seat to an American.
    Zithal wrote: »
    coming up Saturday for the day/evening/night/nextmorning sounds like fun.
  • Okay... let's get confirmation people

    Either confirm here or PM me.. once you confirm, I'm going to order hotel rooms based on 4 ppl / room, and you'll be expected to pony up the $...

    Also, if you're planning on doing a "just come down for one day" thing, confirm that too, I'll start a list in the OP of those that may come down for one day so you can try carpooling.

  • One room for us please. Two nights.
  • You may remove the asterisk from my name, I'm in.

    I have class until 4:30pm on Fridays, so I can leave anytime after that. I'll drive. Room for 3 more in my car comfortably. No rush to get back on Sunday, whatever works for you guys.

    g2's car:
    1. me

  • I guess we are one night wussy's. Aimee has to work saturday until 9 am then we are down there till sunday. I'll buy you a drink when I get there. Should be around 11:30 ish Mark.
  • Hrmm... may need to further clarify...

    If someone is going to be a "one night wussy", can you let me know ifyou're staying the night and need a hotel room, or if you are just coming down / driving back after some hours... also, which nights attending would be good to know

  • I just tried to book a room at the casino from June 2 till June 3 and they were sold out completely. I couldn't even get a one bedroom suite with a jacuzzi.
  • Yea... which is why I'm looking at other hotels nearby, and trying to book three weeks in advance...

    I can book for you guys, but I need to know ASAP
  • Why is Buffalo so popular? Fans anticipating Stanley Cup Final berth?
  • It's Memorial day too... maybe NF is touristy memorial day location?
  • Book us for Sat/sunday

    I want to PARTY...l an dplay poker
  • Quick bump for any last minute interest?

  • You got the rooms located?
  • I was willing to to use my car to carpool for a day trip, but my car keeps going back to the shop due to repeated "Check Engine" warnings, :( so I don't think using my car for the long drive would be a good idea. If there's nobody else interested in carpooling without staying overnight, is there a bus tour to and from Seneca Casino?
    DrTyore wrote: »
    if you are just coming down / driving back after some hours
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