Interesting bad beat, enter at your own risk



  • You are being an ass hole the way that you tell me the so called truth.

    If you were in my position, Im sure you would be rethinking you current position.
  • Sir Watts, just curious...On a table like that are you looking to hit and run? Or if you get up to 30k or so do you stick around and play? Or if you get 30k or so do you rathole(no offence obviously) and come back in a half hour or so with 10k?
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    So.. Watts... Who's the fish in that game?

  • I'm done. You don't understand the definition. Yeah it sucks but it is not a bad beat. Get over yourself.
  • I'm done. You don't understand the definition. Yeah it sucks but it is not a bad beat. Get over yourself.

    Ill get over myself if you go eat another baby you freak
  • Just doing the usual shortstacking thing yeah, I left as soon as I doubled up. The other short stack sheldonzou was terrible, though playing 20xBB deep online I'd hardly say I'm at much/any disadvantage against the others. Being shorter than everyone else actually gives me an advantage, but I don't want to get into another big discussion of short stack strategy.
  • Tineybrowneye has shown strength with her raise. She is now in first postion, given the two folds before her. At this point I wouldn't have reraised her myself with pocket tens. However, this matters not if you raised or called because once you hit trips on the flop you were pretty well gonna stay in the pot.

    Sorry about your bad beat, but that seems to be the way in online poker. I have often thought that programmers build in "excitement" hands to generate more rake for the site. I have seen a perponderance of honour hands facing off against each other (i.e. KK and QQ running into AA in the same hand). Do "excitement" hands mean the sites are rigged?.... we not really because people play hands differently and anyone has the same chance of getting the winning (or bad luck beat hand) dealt to them.

    The way I see it anyway.

  • ny_giantss wrote: »
    Flint, you really are retarded.

    i have k-4 he has kk.

    flop is k-4-2 rainbow
    turn is j
    river is 4.

    i have hit my full house and he has hit the higher boat.

    i lost half my bankroll.

    do you get it now.

    are you smarter then a 5th grader or are you a moron.

    I'm sorry, you were behind and hit a hand and lost. Sorry but that happens. If you lost half your bankroll you were

    A) playing in stakes over your head
    B) playing with an inadequate bankroll.
    C) no smarter than the 5th graders or morons your cursing
    D) making up BS which got called out.

    Sorry dude before you start calling everyone morons or losers look in the mirror.
  • KK vs K4:

    Preflop: Kings 94%

    Flop: Kings: 99.9%

    Turn: Kings: 98% were smoked the whole time. It wasn't so much a bad beat, but definitely got outplayed. He trapped you, and you fell for it. Live and learn.


    ps...Do us all a favor, and stop calling people names. This a a public site, in which we all have the right to criticize your terrible play. You can't get pissed off everytime somebody disagrees with you, or points out an error you've made. Grow up.
  • Maybe NY will grace us with his presense at the next WSPC event. Just maybe.

    BTW NY, I am not only not a virgin (3 kids will attest to that), I am also not unemployed, nor do I live in my moms basement and borrow her station wagon when I want to entertain the ladies, nor do I spend all my waking hours pounding it to porn. Lose your attempted e-thuggery and accept the fact that you were never ever ever, not even close to ever being ahead in your hand. You just got rolled, and if you are playing with your entire roll at one table, then you are in need of BR management lessons.

  • I just find it ignorant when somebody calls me an idiot for a simple typing error.

    The fact of the matter, is that I had a dominating hand considering the situation, yet my opponent had the other "better" dominating hand.

    I did not know people were so criticial in a situation of this type.

    Someone makes a mistake and the whole forum goes banana's.

    well excuse me, ill make sure that i never ever make a mistake again,

    because i am sure that none of you will ever make a mistake again either...
  • I think it's a matter of vocabulary here.

    People who play poker a lot have a certain vernacular - when you started (inappropriately) using it, we all noticed.

    Further - bad beat stories are mildly irritating (yes forum, I have finally found that out) to others, especially when yours came off as

    A: Impossible (5 kings)
    B: Completely not a bad beat (you were WAY behind the ENTIRE hand)

    So, given the typing error - meh - the phrasing you should have used would have been "Damn, I had to go broke here didn't I?" or "Could anyone else have gotten away from this?" not "Check out this bad beat".

    Compuease already gave the definition so that's there... read it again.

    So, this is all relatively small stuff. However, the aftermath of these mistakes was made exponentially worse. Flintbones pointed out (quite correctly, and I hadn't noticed until he mentioned) that this doesn't even count as a bad beat. Your response ("low life poker loser", "asshole", to Flintbones and "you morons", "retarded" to MDSguy) you fail to consider that these are two well respected members of this community... and you are not. This isn't because of any fault of your own (at that point), but because none of us know you that well. We welcome valid input, questions, and thoughts - this whole thread (though entertaining) has become none of that. It displays either a lack of maturity or plain foolishness on your part. I'm going to assume you're an allright guy, new to poker, and hoping to learn... I may be wrong, as you've done nothing to prove I'm right. Roll with the punches, take your jabs, but don't be a child about it.


    And FWIW: The Flintbones "baby eater" thing was me - Myself and JohnnieH were at the BCC, and Flintbones walked in, and me in my completely random nuttiness announced to our whole table re: Flintbones "Hey, see that guy over there? Yea... he eats babies".

    I don't know why, but it was funny as hell, and stuck! See? Sense of humour!

    Oh, and MDSguy's effort in the bad beat HH.. that was AWESOME... and appreciated - funny stuff!
  • Mark, your attempt to restore this forum to it's "normal" level of sanity (whatever that is) :) shows your maturity level. While we can all joke around and not get offended because most of us know and play with each other (no man-flirting jokes here) on a regular basis, those who are newcomers to this forum may not know this and sometimes get caught up in the "friendly" barbs. It appears that NY is quite young and perhaps we can give him a chance to "start over".

    To NY, I know you got off to a bad start here with the creating of multiple id's and since this forum has had quite a bit of both this and spammers some of us get a little sarcastic at times. However all of the regulars here are great people so why don't you try to get to know us personally by coming out to some of the forum live events......
    I promise Flint won't eat you and g2 won't look up your momma.....
    Just try not to keep throwing insults around while hiding behind your computer screen and you may find a whole new world..

    And again Mark, why are you always the guy here trying to bring out the asbestos suits and mediate on here? You can both fan the flames and put them out, almost at the same time, it's a great skill, never lose it! :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    However all of the regulars here are great people

    Actually... deep down I'm a complete prick, I just like to manipulate you puppets. :P

    "And again Mark, why are you always the guy here trying to bring out the asbestos suits and mediate on here? You can both fan the flames and put them out, almost at the same time, it's a great skill, never lose it!"

    See above
  • ny_giantss wrote: »
    Typical Jokerstars.

    I was in a 278 dollar hand two weeks ago.
    I was in the BB with k4 and it was only me and the guy is the sb.

    he doubled the blinds so i limped.

    So you smooth called.
    ny_giantss wrote: »
    flop is K-4-2

    i raise and get called.

    So he must have bet into you. Otherwise it is not a 'raise' it is a 'bet'.

    Since he bet into you (maybe?) AND called you, obviously he must have had a piece of the board.
    Any betting on the other streets that might let you know you were behind?
    ny_giantss wrote: »
    i check raise and then go all in.
    Interesting how you managed to check raise from the big blind, when the small blind would act before you.

    Why go all in? What was the pot at this point? On a paired board, only a moron would call a large allin bet without a boat. The only hand that calls you, beats you.

    Your biggest mistake was playing for half your bankroll.
  • It actually COULD have been a bad beat...

    ...if the K4 had won.
  • No need to explain Moose....the story was bogus but it did attract alot of attention on the forum.
    moose wrote: »
    So you smooth called.

    So he must have bet into you. Otherwise it is not a 'raise' it is a 'bet'.

    Since he bet into you (maybe?) AND called you, obviously he must have had a piece of the board.
    Any betting on the other streets that might let you know you were behind?

    Interesting how you managed to check raise from the big blind, when the small blind would act before you.

    Why go all in? What was the pot at this point? On a paired board, only a moron would call a large allin bet without a boat. The only hand that calls you, beats you.

    Your biggest mistake was playing for half your bankroll.
  • Moose, Sstar, and IM-ON-TILT,
    we have discussed the fact that I am a complete retard. Thanks for reiterating my error for the 100th time. I really think I need to hear it again from someone else :S

    To compuease: I appreciate your suggestions. I just feel like this community is somewhat "group" based and that it is a breeze to pick on the new guy.

    I also realize that some of the things I said (ass hole, moron, etc.) were uncalled for and rude.

    I would like to appologize to FlintBones and g2 and DrTyore and any others I may have insulted. I did this due to the fact that I was getting defensive from all of those picking on me.

    The problem with this computer business is that you can not really tell the tone of someone's voice. When I was trying to explain my situation, I used unnecessary words but my tone was not meant to be livid;

    anyways, I want to say sorry for my behaviour.

    I guess I will have to start a new account???
    or not....
  • It's all good man.

    My advice is to take everything you read on the forum with a grain of salt, and when/if you feel like you're being attacked, just take a deep breath and try to give people the benefit of the doubt that they are just trying to offer constructive criticism. Or if they are clearly attacking you, who cares, it's just the internet... don't lose sleep over it.

  • g2 wrote: »
    It's all good man.

    My advice is to take everything you read on the forum with a grain of salt, and when/if you feel like you're being attacked, just take a deep breath and try to give people the benefit of the doubt that they are just trying to offer constructive criticism. Or if they are clearly attacking you, who cares, it's just the internet... don't lose sleep over it.


  • ny_giantss wrote: »
    I guess I will have to start a new account???
    or not....

    No you don't, you already have around 8 or 9 accounts, don't you?
  • ny_giantss wrote: »
    Moose, Sstar, and IM-ON-TILT,
    we have discussed the fact that I am a complete retard. Thanks for reiterating my error for the 100th time. I really think I need to hear it again from someone else :S

    All I ever said was that its a fake story...I have nothing against you, just the make-beleif bad beat. I could care less if you make a million accounts....having said that....Welcome to the forum!
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    having said that....Welcome to the forum!

    All of you!
  • LOL.......!
    MDSGuy wrote: »
    All of you!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    No you don't, you already have around 8 or 9 accounts, don't you?

    Actually no, I have two accounts; one which I no longer need to use.

    The other account I used was due to the fact that this one was banned for I guess "too many" posts.

    But now that I can contribute, there is no need for mu duplicate account.

    But thanks for the accusations JohnnieH...appreciated
  • ny_giantss wrote: »
    But thanks for the accusations JohnnieH...appreciated
    westside8 wrote: »
    A few has been banned. ny_giantss was found to have created 10 accounts while posted with 2, and riderrr created 8 accounts while only posted with one. They have all been banned and the ban on the accounts will expire in 2 weeks. If anymore accounts are found to be created they will be permanently banned. I have also notify sloth of the "CPF Bucks whoring" in case they try to cash-in their money.

    Yeah, I'm actually created 10 bad.
  • why do people care
  • I created 10 accounts because I was pissed off.
    I did this so that if I got banned I could resort to something else.

    But anyways, I dont really care because
    1) supreme poker is terrible
    2) this is a site for fun, it is not a bank
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