Interesting bad beat, enter at your own risk

PokerStars Game #9274359242: Tournament #47108399, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2007/04/05 - 23:57:24 (ET)
Table '47108399 5' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: TinyBrownEyE (5200 in chips)
Seat 2: MDSGuy24 (3585 in chips)
Seat 3: HangingBalls (2055 in chips)
Seat 4: Dubfive (2750 in chips)
Seat 5: Champaign Ed (6675 in chips)
Seat 6: txgman69 (3235 in chips)
Seat 7: gsx allstar (2467 in chips)
Seat 8: Tazwoman75 (5275 in chips)
Seat 9: chsocer18 (2060 in chips)
txgman69: posts small blind 75
gsx allstar: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MDSGuy24
Tazwoman75: folds
chsocer18: folds
TinyBrownEyE: raises 300 to 450
MDSGuy24: raises 750 to 1200
HangingBalls: folds
Dubfive: folds
Champaign Ed: folds
txgman69: folds
gsx allstar: folds
TinyBrownEyE: calls 750
*** FLOP *** [8d 5s Th]
TinyBrownEyE: checks
MDSGuy24: checks
*** TURN *** [8d 5s Th] [Jc]
TinyBrownEyE: bets 600
MDSGuy24: raises 1200 to 1800
TinyBrownEyE: raises 2200 to 4000 and is all-in
MDSGuy24: calls 585 and is all-in
*** RIVER *** [8d 5s Th Jc] [8c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
TinyBrownEyE: shows [8h 8s] (four of a kind, Eights)
MDSGuy24: shows (a full house, Tens full of Eights)
MDSGuy24 said, "lol"
TinyBrownEyE collected 7395 from pot
txgman69 said, "wow"
Tazwoman75 said, "only pon PS"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7395 | Rake 0
Board [8d 5s Th Jc 8c]
Seat 1: TinyBrownEyE showed [8h 8s] and won (7395) with four of a kind, Eights
Seat 2: MDSGuy24 showed and lost with a full house, Tens full of Eights


  • Yeah, that stings a little bit.
  • reminds me of my four of a kind that got beat by a straight flush. It hurts but its just luck in their favour. Better it happen at a $4 table than a $400 table.
  • there's nothing you can do in this Pokerjah said...luckily it was a $4 tourney. Similar senario happen to me at the CPO last year in Fallsview and crippled my stack in half in day2.
  • I was playing in the 10R Satellite to the $650 WSOP satellite at the same time, 5 left 2 get seats, 3rd gets $310, I am CL. Within 3 hands I was out in 5th. AA gets cracked by 44, flopped set of 9s gets rivered by a flush 5 high, 4 clubs on the board, and then 44 flopped set vs QQ turn is a Q.

    Bad beat day.
  • Typical Jokerstars.

    I was in a 278 dollar hand two weeks ago.
    I was in the BB with k4 and it was only me and the guy is the sb.

    he doubled the blinds so i limped.

    flop is K-4-2

    i raise and get called.

    next card is a jack. all rainbow.

    river is a FOUR.

    i check raise and then go all in.

    I get called.

    I have the full house, fours full of kings.

    Guru334 has pocket kings. I lost over 130 dollars and half of my bankroll.

    I blocked myself internally from playing for a month.

    That should, and never happens. Only on jokerstarss....
  • ny_giantss wrote: »
    That should, and never happens. Only on jokerstarss....

    I call bullshit!

  • Board : K-4-2-J-K

    ny giants : K4
    Guru334 : KK

    WOW....I never knew there were 5 kings in a deck!

    ny_giantss wrote: »
    Typical Jokerstars.

    I was in a 278 dollar hand two weeks ago.
    I was in the BB with k4 and it was only me and the guy is the sb.

    he doubled the blinds so i limped.

    flop is K-4-2

    i raise and get called.

    next card is a jack. all rainbow.

    river is a king.

    i check raise and then go all in.

    I get called.

    I have the fluu house, fours full of kings.

    Guru334 has pocket kings. I lost over 130 dollars and half of my bankroll.

    I blocked myself internally from playing for a month.

    That should, and never happens. Only on jokerstarss....
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I call bullshit!


    5 kings....interesting...
  • lol. Posting at the same time Tilt..
  • LOL...thats a pretty juiced up deck! Now I know how Hansen beats the Nuts!
    lol. Posting at the same time Tilt..
  • LOL. Nice fake bad beat story.

  • g2 wrote: »
    LOL. Nice fake bad beat story.

    PokerStars Game #9274359242: Tournament #47108399, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2007/04/05 - 23:57:24 (ET)
    Table '47108399 5' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
    Seat 1: TinyBrownEyE (5200 in chips)
    Seat 2: MDSGuy24 (3585 in chips)
    Seat 3: HangingBalls (2055 in chips)
    Seat 4: Dubfive (2750 in chips)
    Seat 5: Champaign Ed (6675 in chips)
    Seat 6: txgman69 (3235 in chips)
    Seat 7: gsx allstar (2467 in chips)
    Seat 8: Tazwoman75 (5275 in chips)
    Seat 9: chsocer18 (2060 in chips)
    txgman69: posts small blind 75
    gsx allstar: posts big blind 150
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to MDSGuy24 [Ad Ks]
    Tazwoman75: folds
    chsocer18: folds
    TinyBrownEyE: raises 300 to 450
    MDSGuy24: raises 750 to 1200
    HangingBalls: folds
    Dubfive: folds
    Champaign Ed: folds
    txgman69: folds
    gsx allstar: folds
    TinyBrownEyE: calls 750
    *** FLOP *** [Ad Ks Kh]
    TinyBrownEyE: checks
    MDSGuy24: checks
    *** TURN *** [Ad Ks Kh] [Ac]
    TinyBrownEyE: bets 600
    MDSGuy24: raises 1200 to 1800
    TinyBrownEyE: raises 2200 to 4000 and is all-in
    MDSGuy24: calls 585 and is all-in
    *** RIVER *** [Ad Ks Kh Ac] [Kc]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    TinyBrownEyE: shows [Kh Ks] (five of a kind, Kings)
    MDSGuy24: shows [Ad Ks] (four of a kind, Kings)
    MDSGuy24 said, "lol"
    TinyBrownEyE collected 7395 from pot
    txgman69 said, "wow"
    Tazwoman75 said, "only pon PS"
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 7395 | Rake 0
    Board [Ad Ks Kh Ac Kc]
    Seat 1: TinyBrownEyE showed [Kh Ks] and won (7395) with five of a kind, Kings
    Seat 2: MDSGuy24 showed [Ad Ks] and lost with four of a kind, Kings
  • Not only is it a fake bad beat story but it isn't a bad beat story.

    K4 vs KK preflop..who was the favourite?

    Flop: K 4 2

    Two pair vs Trips. how the hell would this be a bad beat? Moron.

    Way to win our respect back.
  • meh...

    FullTiltPoker Game #2157860575: Table Canfield (6 max) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:13:08 ET - 2007/04/07
    Seat 1: SirWatts ($10,800)
    Seat 3: Phil Ivey ($104,352.50)
    Seat 4: sbrugby ($56,797)
    Seat 5: serb2127 ($34,347.50)
    Seat 6: sheldonzou ($8,000)
    deepsouth13 (Observer): JIggy, $500 more ok
    sbrugby posts the small blind of $200
    serb2127 posts the big blind of $400
    The button is in seat #3
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to SirWatts [As Ac]
    sheldonzou raises to $8,000, and is all in
    SirWatts raises to $10,800, and is all in
    sbrugby folds
    serb2127 folds
    SirWatts shows [As Ac]
    sheldonzou shows [2d Ad]
    Uncalled bet of $2,800 returned to SirWatts
    superdonkey55 (Observer): who are these donks
    *** FLOP *** [3s 5h 2h]
    mcniddy (Observer): here we go
    *** TURN *** [3s 5h 2h] [4s]
    *** RIVER *** [3s 5h 2h 4s] [8d]
    SirWatts shows a straight, Five high
    sheldonzou shows a straight, Five high
    sheldonzou ties for the pot ($8,298.50) with a straight, Five high
    SirWatts ties for the pot ($8,298.50) with a straight, Five high
    hottismattis (Observer): hahahahhaa
    TakeItBack (Observer): how much did u receive rizeagainst? i dont think u made it clear
    Kroezzz (Observer): hahahaha
    bngabor (Observer): ouch
    BIGBOOBLADY (Observer): lol
    superdonkey55 (Observer): thats so gay
    kurtis418 (Observer): aha
    mcniddy (Observer): lol
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot $16,600 | Rake $3
    Board: [3s 5h 2h 4s 8d]
    Seat 1: SirWatts showed [As Ac] and won ($8,298.50) with a straight, Five high
    Seat 3: Phil Ivey (button) didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 4: sbrugby (small blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 5: serb2127 (big blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 6: sheldonzou showed [2d Ad] and won ($8,298.50) with a straight,
  • Sorry let me revise that. I meant to have the river a 4.

    Sorry for that..

    But seriously, you must have known what I was saying.
  • To flint:
    I have nothing to prove to you, you low life poker loser. Why don't you go bitch to someone else. Quite frankly, it was not a lie. I mistaked my river by putting a king instead of a 4. Are you perfect? Good luck in a relationship asshole.

    To MDS:
    Im sorry, again for making a simple mistake which I now figure you moron's would understand...guess not. You creating that hole 5 of a kind sequence just really shows how much of a loser you really are. I guess being unemployed does allow you to spend alot of time of a poker forum making absurd, retarded posts. O yes, and when it comes to your avatar, I bet thats all the action you will ever get.

    Grow up children
  • Oh goodie!!
  • ny_giantss wrote: »
    Grow up children
    You're including yourself in there, right?


  • g2 wrote: »
    You're including yourself in there, right?




    thats really funny g2. I guess after 1700 posts, you know all the right jokes.

    I GUESS I would include you in my list of losers with no life?

    Its hard to say, but I think I have made my decision.

    I hope that by the time I am a 40-year-old virgin that I will be able to make as many funny posts as you

    I can only hope....

  • Haha... if he's aiming to be a 40 year old virgin, that means he's a virgin now....


    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Oh.. wait.. umm... childish.. umm

    My dad could beat up ny_giantss dad

  • ny_giantss wrote: »

    thats really funny g2. I guess after 1700 posts, you know all the right jokes.

    I GUESS I would include you in my list of losers with no life?

    Its hard to say, but I think I have made my decision.

    I hope that by the time I am a 40-year-old virgin that I will be able to make as many funny posts as you

    I can only hope....

    I'm 22. And for the record, not a virgin. Your mom can vouch for that. Haha, jk man. Jokes.

  • Oh and I honestly do hope that your posts get funny. A little bit of entertainment would be much better than a little mild annoyance. Conversation over. PM me if you really want to continue this crap.

  • Another really funny joke there g2.

    I can honestly say that I have never, EVER, heard a "yo mamma" joke in my life. That is honestly so funny OMG i think I just crap my pants.

    I guess that is another common trait of a child right?

    I have all the right answers.

    And btw, I am 21.

    OOOOOOO now what's you're supreme comeback?

    its been broughtn'
  • FullTiltPoker Game #2157860575: Table Canfield (6 max) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:13:08 ET - 2007/04/07
    Seat 1: SirWatts ($10,800)
    Seat 3: Phil Ivey ($104,352.50)
    Seat 4: sbrugby ($56,797)
    Seat 5: serb2127 ($34,347.50)
    Seat 6: sheldonzou ($8,000)

    So.. Watts... Who's the fish in that game? Have we moved a little over our heads now or what?
  • One thing NY,

    Could you explain your bad beat to me please? Since I am such a poker low life I don't understand how K4 getting beat by KK is a bad beat.

    And you're a dumbass.
  • Flint, you really are retarded.

    i have k-4 he has kk.

    flop is k-4-2 rainbow
    turn is j
    river is 4.

    i have hit my full house and he has hit the higher boat.

    i lost half my bankroll.

    do you get it now.

    are you smarter then a 5th grader or are you a moron.

    And I'm the moron?
  • Maybe its not a burn.

    But i think it is safe to say it is a bad beat.

    Pocket kings was the only hand besides pocket jacks that was beating me.

    Two hands were beating me.

    And he had one of them.

    You can not say that this situation was not at all a "bad beat"
  • Then you are new to poker and I apologize. It is not a bad beat under any definition.

    A bad beat is when you are ahead and then lose. You were never ahead in the hand. It is a sucky way to lose but not a bad beat. I'm not being an asshole. I am telling you the truth.
  • This definition is provided by PokerStars: "To have a hand that is a large underdog beat a heavily favored hand. It is generally used to imply that the winner of the pot had no business being in the pot at all, and it was the wildest of luck that he managed to catch the one card in the deck that would win the pot.

    Obviously KK is the large underdog to K,4.... Just though I would stir the pot..... lol
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