Brantford Winter Classic



  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Did anybody here play in or hear about the results of the first two tournaments? I heard that in the $50,000 tournament on Monday, a quarter of the players had already busted out before the end of the fourth blind level.

    Sorry for not posting earlier ...

    I played the $500 tournament on Monday. BlondFish is correct, there were just under 80 left after the first break (4 levels), and 49 left after the second break (7 levels total).

    I finished 25th.

    My table (Table 6) was *very* tight early, which meant no one was busting out, so we were just exchanging chips between us. As a result, there were fewer chips at our table, compared to others.

    I did virtually nothing the first 4 levels. The next 3 levels, I picked up some big hands (AA three times), and knocked out 4 guys. I had about 25,000 chips at the second break, with the average being just over 10,000.

    Unfortunately for me, I didn't pick up much after that. Lost a good portion of my stack against AA.

    Overall, I was very happy with my play up to the end of the 7th level. Not so happy after that!!

    I haven't been back, so I don't know who won, but would be interested in hearing.

  • I played the $1500 last night. Only made two hands early and misplayed one a bit.

    I did work my stack to 8000 and stayed there until 19'th spot. From 70 to 19, I stole my way the whole time and only saw one flop where I picked off a blind steal with 78o. He had 93 and I made two pair by the river.

    Final hand was QQ vs KQ. Flop is JT3, turn is a 8 and river is BAM the Ace. F'n 4 sided dies -- IGHN.

  • Hey Magithighs, I assume you were at the other table when it was down to 20 players, because I don't remember seeing that hand you got knocked out at on showdown.

    I played last night too, met Blondefish and his friend there. Was pretty much card dead the first 4 levels till I picked up pocket queens when I was down to 2000 in chips, and I got Jason Sagle to double me up to 4000. Me and Jason somehow wound up at the same table again.

    I went on a bit of a card rush in the 2 levels right after dinner break picking up KK twice, AA once (but no action), and AK and JJ once. TGrew my stack up to 18,000. Then after that for the rest of the night, I went card dead again. Survived by outplaying people off the flop with my 6 4 suited, and re-stealing with my 8 2 diamonds. I think I mucked AQ (suited and unsuited) at least 4 times in the tournament preflop, cause I kept bumping into Kings and AK.

    I actually had a really bad seat, since I had a brantford regular, sitting on my left, he was pretty agressive, chip leader most of the way, with a lot of gamble to him (he'll call big bets with draws) and since I was card dead, I didnt have much of a hand to slow him down with. I was able to have my stack peak at a bit over 38,000 but lost a huge pot when I got rivered by my opponent on my left.

    I made it to the top 10, but finished with only 30,800 in chips (a bit below the 50,000 average stack), but I'm not too concerned since they are dropping the blinds to 200-400 on Saturday with 45 min levels. Leaving me with 77times the BB and tons of play. There were a couple of big stacks at my table, someone had over 90,000 in chips, and the guy to my left had over 75,000 in chips. We ended the day at the 1500/3000a100 level.

    I loved the stucture for a $1500 tournament. It was way better than Rama's tournaments and GBH's tournaments. With 45 minute levels, also a separate tournament area keeping the cash games alive in their regular room is great. Also how they're bumping down the blinds on the final day allowing everyone with at least 15,000 in chips to have a chance is also great. I mean no one likes flipping coins for $100,000.

    Only complaint was that the dinner buffet sucked, and only allowed us 30 minutes to eat.

    Didn't see the Magician or Unabomber there though. But I heard the Magician's card/chip tricks looked amazing in person.
  • Congratulations, Popkorn! :wav:

    After registration, players were given a $20 meal voucher, a Brantford Casino card protector, and a "Winter Classic" cap upon elimination. All the 100 seats were sold out, so it looks like the prize pool will be the maximum $450,000. One bad thing is that $30,000 is taken out of the prize pool for the top 5 point-getters of the five tournaments, so single-event players like Popkorn will get less money.

    I knew my table was tough when last year's winner was pointed out to me and to my left was the same guy that I went heads up with at the World Poker Tour satellite that I had won. He played at the WPT and made it past the first day. My table was tight-aggressive and it took almost a full hour before we saw the first showdown to the river: my two pair lost to a higher two pair. :rolleyes:

    A few minutes before the end of the fourth level, a card was contaminated with blood and players were told to go for the 30-minute break early. Popkorn, magithighs and I were all in a similar position of being below our starting stacks. I bluffed several times to keep from becoming short stack. My Royal Cup teammate muffinnuts had doubled up early and had an above-average stack for most of the tournament.

    As Popkorn mentioned, the buffet was not worth the $20 voucher that we had to hand in, and after lining up at both the washroom and restaurant, there was not enough time to eat a buffet.

    After the break, I went above 5,000 chips for the first time. Last year's champ and table chip leader raised to 400. I had pocket fours in the BB and called. I got my first good flop of the night when a third four appeared. I checked, champ bet 600, I min-raised and champ folded.

    Earlier, WPT guy made a bold re-raise bluff with only middle pair and an Ace on the flop. The guy to his left - he would later be called "donkey" - had the top pair along with a Q kicker and called the raise. After the turn, WPT guy went all-in. Everybody in the table knew that "donkey" was winning and made the correct call. For some reason, WPT guy expected his opponent to think the way WPT guy wanted him to think; he referred to him as a "donkey" for not folding his better hand as he "SHOULD" have done after the re-raise. :confused:

    Unfortunately for me, the formerly tight-aggressive player turned out to be a real donkey with his new big stack. He started raising in early position with junk, only to be re-raised all-in by the shortest stack. The donkey would call with his garbage and doubled up the short stack twice. He kept raising with garbage and kept building up the short stack, who now had me covered.

    I got A-K and raised. Donkey called. The former short stack re-raised all-in. Everybody else folded to me. My M was down to 6. My pot odds were 3:2 or a break-even percentage of 42%. I put him on a middle pair and as long as he didn't have AA or KK, I knew that it was correct to call his all-in. "Short stack" had the Wayne Gretzky and screwed my Anna Kournikova. Had the short stack not been quintupled up by the donkey, I would still have chips left and maybe even won a side pot against the donkey.

    As for muffinnutes, he had 15,575 chips on the final hand before the third break in the same table as magithighs. He had the Wayne Gretzy and ended up all-in but was eliminated by Brokeback Mountain.
  • Thanks Blondeflish.

    Yeah, I forgot to mention how I hate that points structure they have there, and taking 5% out of the prize pool for it. I mean it's unfair to the players that are not available to play in the earlier events. Also even if you were available to play, it was like impossible to get a seat for them since they're all sold out. So does it seem fair to take 5% out of a 300 player tournament, for the 100 players that were able to play in the $500 and $1000 events? So technically 200 players are donating their 5% for the 100 "lucky" ones that were able to play.

    I hope they would do something about that in following years, hopefully the winner of the $1500 one would at least make it to the top 5 of the points leader board to get some of that 5% that was pulled out.
  • I played friday night and the level of play at my first table was brutal (and thats being kind). With blinds at 25/25 and 25/50 if you made it 250 to go there was a donkey that would push ALLIN 5000. It made it tough to play early. After being card dead early I picked up QQ 2 out of 3 hands and moved my stack from 2800 back to about 5200. A little later with blinds at 200/400 I picked up QQ again in mid position and made it 1300 to go, the small blind reraised to 3900 leaving 1150 behind, we basically had the same stacks at this point and folding at this point didn't seem right so I pushed ALLIN and knew by his look I was ahead, he did call with AK off and I survived the board to bust him out.

    We got down to 30 players and I was sitting with 16000 and was dealt 88 after 1 limper (blinds 300/600) I made it 2600 to go and it got folded around to the SB and he called, BB and limper fold and the folp comes 2 3 10 rainbow, he checks and I bet 4400 he thinks and calls, I figure a big ace but thats about it, I know that if the turn is non threatening and he checks I will push. The turn is a 7 he checks and I push my last 9000 into the middle, he goes into the tank and then announces call and flips over AK (wtf?) of course the Ace falls on the river and he believes me made a great call.

    On a side note: Carl from Topflight who drove up with my would later bust this kid out when the kid called Carl's set of 10's and reraise of 20K with..... yes you guessed it AK on a board of 10 3 3.

    Good luck to anyone thats left.
  • what do u guys recommend for any tourneys comming up?
  • Voodoo wrote: »
    I play Thursday but trying to swap with a friend that plays Friday since I have a meeting that night I can't get out of.

    On a side note:

    Nice meeting Crazy Fri there last Saturday... him and I took turns knocking each other out in the 180

    Best of luck to all...
    Hey its nice to see some local do well in the tourney, I busted out at 24th when I flopeed Trip q's with AQ in the hole. Board QQK short stack move all-in. I push all in to isolate and get a big stack caller. The shorts stack has JJ in the hole. The big stack caller has AK.....needless to say the turn cards a 2 and the river is a K....but I was happy with my play considering my first table was stacked with very good players.

    Anyway it was fun playing in the satellites with you and your friends. Hope to see you soon....and bust you out one more time'

    Crazy Fri

    Pokers not about the cash, its about making good decisions and gettin' lucky
  • hi everyone. i came across this site surfing the net. I was the guy lucky enough to win the 500$ buy in on the 22nd. i got a lucky break on the very first hand when i had pocket q,s. i raised 100 and i got 1 caller. i was in position.the flop came q 10 rag, opponent made a big bet ,so i put him on trip 10,s two aces or two kings. i decided to try and take the pot right there and then so i raised all in, he called and showed trips held up. i managed togive away my chips slowly but surely, until with about 13 or 14 people left i had one of the shortest stacks. if i would have bubbled i would have cried like a baby cause i bubbled in the same tournament back in Sept. anyway i battled and reached the final table with the second shortest stack..if memory serves me.. but i bobbed and weaved and i managed to win[at 4 am lol]there is definetly luck involved,but i played straight forward oker, very little bluffing, alot of blind stealing and betting my good hands hard when i was in position. i had a wonderful time. it was a well run tourney. of course the $ was good but i really had was a real pleasure being at the different tables..all the people at the tables were friendly and courteous . the dealers were patient and understanding with me because this was only my 2nd live tourney,,i dont play cash games..and i was a little sloppy handling my chips..they helped me get through it all...
  • Congratulations Martin. I was at your first table in seat 1. I was the guy who knocked out 3 people after the first break. How did you do in the $1000 tourney?
  • i made it down to the final 3 tables..but i got short stacked and went out quietly lol
  • I got completely fucked in the $1500... I played Wednesday night... I went out 40th...Here was the situation...

    I got k-j behind the button... I raised 3 people called...Flop came k-j-2 two hearts down...BB bet after SB checked...Person in front of me folded... I took my time and placed him on two hearts(he bet 1200 into a pot of 5000) so I pushed all in with my remaining chips(7500 more to call for him)...He insta calls me and shows 4-6 hearts...No pair, no draw aside from the flush draw...He hit the heart on the river and I began the pissed off taunting..."HHHHAAAAAWWWWWWWHHEEEEEEEEEEEEE and you're a donkey"...The whole table was in shock when he showed an insta call on 4-6 draw... How brutal is that... I had no diea there would be such donkeys to go through in that minefield...
  • Choron wrote: »
    I had no diea there would be such donkeys to go through in that minefield...
    I'm assuming this was your first tournament...
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    I'm assuming this was your first tournament...

    No, no it wasn't... I finished in the money in both WPT events that were held in Niagra last year...
  • What place?
    Choron wrote: »
    No, no it wasn't... I finished in the money in both WPT events that were held in Niagra last year...
  • Choron wrote: »
    I began the pissed off taunting..."HHHHAAAAAWWWWWWWHHEEEEEEEEEEEEE and you're a donkey"QUOTE]
    Are you sure you're old enough to even have played Niagara before?
  • I'm 21??? soooo yeah
  • if you raised 3 times the blind and he called with 4 6, even fom the bb...that would be questionable in my opinion...but making a vocal scene about it?..kinda questionable as well..
  • if you raised 3 times the blind and he called with 4 6, even fom the bb...that would be questionable in my opinion...but making a vocal scene about it?..kinda questionable as well..

    Nah I didn't make a scene, I was just like you're a donkey and good game to everyone else then I left... Not like I had to be asked to leave...
  • Choron did not cash in both events at WPT Fallsview. I don't know his name, he may have cashed in one event, but he did not cash in both.
  • Whats the next great games comming up for Ontario b&m?
  • $500 rebuy tourney at the GBH in June.

    Whats the next great games comming up for Ontario b&m?
  • This month's Canadian Poker Player magazine has an article about the Winter Classic 2007. See . Popkorn is mentioned along with a player who just won this week's online shootout for the WSOP Main Event prize package (in addition to winning the U$12,000 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure package a few months ago).

    Hopefully, the first televised CPT event in Ontario will finally happen at the Ultimate Poker Challenge this Fall.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    This month's Canadian Poker Player magazine has an article about the Winter Classic 2007. See . Popkorn is mentioned along with a player who just won this week's online shootout for the WSOP Main Event prize package (in addition to winning the U$12,000 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure package a few months ago).

    Hopefully, the first televised CPT event in Ontario will finally happen at the Ultimate Poker Challenge this Fall.

    hey, im not chopped liver ya know..i got a 2 line mention
    regards..milking it for all it,s worth lol.
  • It's been a couple of years since you were over to see me in Kitchener and when my daughter told me to google your name I was so pleased to see that you were doing so great. It's funny, I was considering entering that tourney too, but chickened out. Looking forward to the day we meet again, hopefully on a poker table. Take care, email me.
    Your friend
  • Hey Sharon...don,t chicken out on the next one[Oct1]..if a calling station,fish, donkey like me can on this is interesting..catch ya later....
  • If I have the money I'll go and do my best, and you are indeed no donkey Martin, give me a call ....
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