Port Perry Sitngo great experience
Played my first sitngo at the great blue heron
I didnt fair too well but i expected as much for my first b&m
However the players and the dealers were great--
no a@@holes and every one seemed to be having fun-- no sore losers at my table anyways
I highly recommend giving it a shot on wedsnesdays for 50.00 buy in
I didnt fair too well but i expected as much for my first b&m
However the players and the dealers were great--
no a@@holes and every one seemed to be having fun-- no sore losers at my table anyways
I highly recommend giving it a shot on wedsnesdays for 50.00 buy in
What's up Holem'
Am a regular at that place! Didn't go today though.....
I know most of the regulars there, pretty cool people....and lots of fun and excitement!
Let me know the next time you go...
but I opted for the NL 50.00 buy-in single table tourney
I prefer the tourneys for fun!
also on thursdays they have 100.00 buyin NL
Be great to get to know the regular crowd
I finished 2nd, and split 200/300, but a total waste of time IMO
if you go there why not fire one off to them aswell
info@gbhcasino.com <info@gbhcasino.com>
Hi there
I recently played in one of your mini holdem tournaments-- had a lot of fun
however i do have a suggestion as with the chips number being 40 and blinds doubling every 10 mins it really takes most of the skill out in favour of "luck" or early cards
if the tourneys had a buy-in plus a fee to allow your casino to make enough money on the games to allow them to run a little longer (for instance 800.00 in chips) then i really believe you will have a very loyal and ongoing client base for these events.
I love NL Holdem tourneys but it becomes a crap shoot when the chips are so few.
Robert G
The time of the blinds is ok but I am hopin they one day cap them at 32/64.
However, this game is a good experience, you have to be completely on point to make it out as one or two mistakes will cost you the game.
Think of it as a Chess game, some people like a 5 minute blitz , some people like the standard 20 minute game to think further and relax.
You're going down bud.....
Nice email to Port Perry. The blind structures at the Rama and Port Perry tournaments are so ridiculous that I haven't considered playing in one. I realize that we are discussing their SNG's, but it's almost as bad for their multi's. Hopefully one day they'll figure out that players can just as easily play on the net at a site that has a reasonable tournament structure. There is competition out there, so making their tournaments move along as quickly as possible--so they can open their tables for ring games and get the rake going again, or start another SNG and get another round of entry fees--is not a long-term +EV move for them.
That being said, if people keep playing in these tournaments, they'll never change the structure. The West coast is miles ahead of Ontario casinos when it comes to putting on a fair, reasonable tournament. Next time I'm at Rama or Port Perry I'll try to tell the poker manager just that. Maybe the fact that I'm on CPP right now will get them to listen to me, but I doubt it.
Thanks for sending them an email, holemhigh... maybe if they get enough of them they'll start thinking about quality over quantity.
double every 10 minutes, 11 handed table, that's AT LEAST 2 levels by the time the button does a full rotation, that is CRAZY, blinds doubling every 5 or so hands, nutz0rz.
didnt realize this was a year old, i did a search for info on the Port Perry sit n go's and found this thread. Is the structure still the same or have they changed it?
Devin, I am a Supervisor there and usually run the tournaments minis and multis.. If you have any questions or suggestions address them to GBHSftMgr as he has some pull in the Poker Dept
Sorry to put it on ya Lee, but can you please respond here to the pros and cons. A lot of the players LOVE these SitNgos I for one think they are a great way of introducing a scared novice to poker
If the blinds moved up every 15 minutes (maybe even every 12) since the latter stages takes 2-3 minutes a hand to sort out the all in and side pot (some dealers just don't get it, they think a 2 chip all in on a 16 BB is enough to win the whole pot). Or maybe even changing the blind structure, i remember getting up to 64/128 and with 440 chips in play, each hand was a pot committed play.
The strategy that I emplore when playing this is to take SEAT 11, since you will be the last to hit the blinds (you will most likely hit 2/4) and pay only 6 chips for the first 18 hands ish and hope to pick something up to double up off of. Then its just trying to find out who are the callers and who are the folders and its off to races.
Why any experienced player would invest in these crapshoots is beyond me when there are much better single-table freezouts on a regular basis around the GTA.
:c: :d: : :h:
Usually this opinion comes from players that never play underground. Myself, I play both, and have found the players the same in both (if not worse in undergrounds), have found the players as bad if not worse in Vegas over the last 1-2 years, etc,etc...I have yet to find a locale with consistantly good players.
So as far as playing freezouts in the GTA or vicinity I think the wiser investment would be playing in a game with better structure. Why play where there is a greater luck factor if you are a more skilled player?
so your telling me the button always starts in Seat 1, they don't even high card for the button or anything? holy jeez.
The other change I am implementing is to the blind structure. The blinds will go up every 11 hands and the blinds become capped at 10/20.
These changes are effective 24 August 2005.
Some other information for those interested:
There are less than 10 seats available for the 12 October 2005 Poker Challenge and more than ½ of the seats are sold for the 15 December 2005 Tournament of Champions.
The 9 November 2005 CPT Major Event is also approaching 50% full very quickly.
For any 7 card Stud players out there, I will be offering a Freeroll into the 2006 European 7 card Stud Championship to include Tournament entry, airfare, hotel and meals. This event will be held in Baden Austria in the late fall of 2006. This will be a bonus prize at one of our Tournaments next year. I'll have more details early in the new year.
Can you please post more specifics regarding these tournaments -- buy ins, structures, etc?
Thursday $100 (11ppl, $1000 to first, house take $100)
As mentioned, 11 hands and blind raises (before with 10 minnutes, the first few levles would take 6-7 hands, then it would be 3-4 hands with all the enormous chip counting and chopping).
I think the structure will be simiar to the previous one:
10-20 so it will offer more strategic play in the end. I am very excited abour the cap on blinds and structure.
Mr Manager, what time does registration for SNGs start on wednesday?
1) It's refreshing to hear from the other side of the casino.
2) I'm loving the concept that a B&M would even consider a freeroll..
Mr. Manager ... now I really feel old ... but then I am old <heavy sigh>. I'm going to have to change my avatar, Dave Scharf laughed when he saw it because it looks just like me.
Seriously Tilter... you are right on about the structure it will be exactly as you described. BTW we will be drawing cards for the button to start each sit 'n go. (I know the guys who scramble for seat 11 will hate me now `)
Players can register for the sit 'n go from 08:00 Wednesday morning or Thursday morning. Say hi if you come in to visit us.
Mr VERY VERY YOUNG Manager, so we can register @8am, but the SNGs will start @ 12 or @ 8 as well.
As for the high card for button...NNNOOOOOOOOO, that was my ultimate strategy, seat 11, no one wants it, except the guy who knows how to play the blind structure haha. Oh well, now I can actually take a seat like Seat 8 where i can see almost everyone.
You can sweet talk all you want Tilter, we will still draw for the button <LOL> ... we will start the sit 'n go as soon as there are 11 players on the list and willing to play, usually should be ok to go around 10:30 or 11:00.