Tonight at Surpreme!



  • HAHHA I was there...the WORST string of hands I ever got till I got the Kings and then slapped at the river LOL

    I had pocket 3s that hand WHEW lol

    eh I woulda called just to eliminate him

    you should also look at it that he had 4 cards to make you draw dead at the end :P HAHAHA if you thought he had a pair
  • friggin bubble! what kind of donk calls off more than half their stack with 54s with people yet to act? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!
  • just to clarify, being new to these events (wouldn't want the wrong type of impression going around).....

    the person who called with 45 went on to win the thing. it wasn't me. or haddon for that matter.
  • I'm gonna make you work for your argument =)

    What did you put me on?

    Assuming you think you had 10 outs...I flat called your raise and re-raised your bet and you didn't put me on a 10.

    You're behind if I held: Ax, Kx, 8x, 77's+

    Even though I bet you KNEW you were behind...why would you call?

    I know everyone is gonna post oh he had 5-1 on his money, blah blah blah...but I think people depend on odds sometimes TOO much.

    i.e. You pay me $1 to play Russian Roulette...I'll give you $5 if I don't shoot you (even if you get shot, it would be in your legs because you "had enough chips"). I have a 6 chamber gun and 3 bullets...I get two shots. I'm giving you 5-1 on your money and you have a 50% chance of not getting shot the first time, would you play?
    (correct me if the odds on this don't resemble the hand in question somewhat, I don't even know if this makes sense...if it doesn't, just completely ignore me....hahahahah)

    Enjoy =)

  • To be honest, I put you on a random hand.

    Yes, you had called me preflop, then reraised all in for only a couple hundred more.

    BUT.... you were shortstacked (biggest part of my mistaken read), and on the button.

    I figured your pre-flop call was largely influenced by being on the button.

    The re-raise had you and me headsup. With only 2 hundred more for me to call, I wouldn't be crippled if I lost. Not in great shape to be sure, but I could still play real poker (and I did manage to get back to a decent stack).

    Lastly, since i figured you were pushing due to your low stack, and the fact that if you lost, you'd be eliminated, I closed my eyes, and pressed call. I truly believed I had ten outs. I truly believed you didn't have a ten. My only worry was that you had higher overs. Obviously, If I knew you had 99, I would've been long gone before then.

    I am fairly new at this game, so if my logic is seriously flawed, please criticize (without too much hostility).

    I do know that I certainly didn't make the worst call of the night....


    EDIT: Obviously, included in the above was my 5-1 odds i was getting. I tried to leave this part out based on your reply.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    friggin bubble! what kind of donk calls off more than half their stack with 54s with people yet to act? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!

    for a second I thought you were talking about me....but then I remembered it was 2/4 suited and it knocked a guy out (TiMsUm?).
  • I enjoyed this tournament (finished 3rd), but I do have a couple of concerns.

    First, there seems to be a problem with the connection. I was disconnected a couple of times, as were other players. Is there any way to fix that?

    Second, the bad beats were ridiculous. It seemed like if you went in behind, then you were good. Personally, I took a few, then layed a STINKY one on compuense. My KK vs AA, Jeff flops a set, but I went runner-runner for the straight. MY EYES, IT BURNS!! THE GOGGLES, THEY DO NOTHING!!!

  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    for a second I thought you were talking about me....but then I remembered it was 2/4 suited and it knocked a guy out (TiMsUm?).
    nope not you joe. sooooooooooooted and connnnnnnnnnnected? YOU GOTTA GO, JOE!

    i think it was the guy on your right maybe? it seemed like a horrendous call to me but there he was stacking my chips.

    in other games, i've seen people in the chat say 'NH RETARD'. never done it myself but somedays i am sorely tempted!

    no probs with the connection johnnie. my biggest problem was with my blinds. they kept disappearing...
  • Shrugz8888 wrote: »
    HAHHA I was there...the WORST string of hands I ever got till I got the Kings and then slapped at the river LOL

    I had pocket 3s that hand WHEW lol

    eh I woulda called just to eliminate him

    you should also look at it that he had 4 cards to make you draw dead at the end :P HAHAHA if you thought he had a pair

    Yeah, sorry about cracking your kings. it was the PERFECT setup for you because you'd just gone allin the previous hand and were doing it again right away so of course it smelled like you were stealing the blinds. I got really lucky there.
  • It was the guy that ended up winning the "negmike".(who made the hot call)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    First, there seems to be a problem with the connection. I was disconnected a couple of times, as were other players. Is there any way to fix that?
    I had no connection problems, and we had 2 computers going.
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    Second, the bad beats were ridiculous. It seemed like if you went in behind, then you were good.
    Same as Stars. Same as live. Didn't notice anything out-of-the-ordinary ;)
  • Same here, no connection problems, and beats about normal........ for me!

    As an aside, I notice that both Trev and Joe have both themselves and significant others playing at the same time, does Supreme allow this? And no I am not suggesting collusion, just wondering. I may get my wife to play, she actually played some of the Lucky Lou tournies under my id and really enjoyed it.
  • compuease wrote: »
    As an aside, I notice that both Trev and Joe have both themselves and significant others playing at the same time, does Supreme allow this? And no I am not suggesting collusion, just wondering. I may get my wife to play, she actually played some of the Lucky Lou tournies under my id and really enjoyed it.
    Yes, it works fine (as do Paradise and PokerStars). From what we've found, most sites allow you to play MTT's from the same IP, but not SnG's (even multi-table SnG's like the 45-person at PS is banned). Hope that helps.
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