Lazy Man's Winter Olympics - December 9th EVENTS LIST

Hey all

 So, here is the official events listing for the LAZY MAN OLYMPICS.

As you'll note, there's an ongoing poll where you can express your own opinion as to what should be an event, I want to remind you of a few things:

 a:  Events shoudl fit the theme of "LAZY"
 b:  Drinking is a necessity during each event
 c:  I reserve the right to ignore the poll completely and choose whatever I damn well please.

So, vote away, and post any other ideas, if I personally like them, I'll add them to the poll.

That said and done, let me introduce the first event:


 That's right, the game of kings.  We'll be playing 3 games of bowling, and taking the average score from everyone.  Here are the additional rules.

 A:  Every third frame (3 - 6 -9)is the beer frame.  The two lowest scoring persons getting the lowest score in that frame must go purchase enough beer for their lane (I'd assume 2 pitchers would be fair).

 B:  No one person may be the "beer bitch" more than twice per game.  Beer bitchery is reset each game (Game 1, 2, and 3)

 C:  You can opt out of this, but you will be taunted mercilessly, and cannot drink from the pitcher - get your own you snob.

 D:  If Mario gets a turkey (3 consecutive strikes on his lane) - everyone buys him a drink - EVERYONE

 E:  If you get a turkey, Mairo buys you a drink.

 F:  Any side bets / prop bets are encouraged, but remember to keep money for pizza / cabs / poker games later on

 G:  If you get us kicked out of the bowling alley, you pay for your lane, and lose the event with a score of 3.



  • In keeping with the Lazy part, can I assume that the bowling is 5
  • edited the OP

    10 pin... I don't trust any of you goobers to be able to firmly grasp a 5pin ball - at least the 10 pin one has holes to stick fingers in

  • May the turkey gods smile on me that day.
  • Bowling, Darts, Pool, GT Snowracing and poker.

    Oh, and Liars Dice.

  • I can see this costing me alot of money (worst scoring in beer frames :S)
    but screw it.
  • Why is the low man buying the beer? It should be the high man paying the penalty because he clearly isn't drinking enough.
  • frames!
  • Allright.. the 2nd event is decided.

    Event #2: LIAR'S DICE

    Don't know how to play? Here's the gist of it.

    We have a set of five 6-sided dice, and each player starts with three lives. The first player (decided by rolling) rolls all five dice, and declares a hand. This player then passes the dice to either his left or right. This next person now must decide if the person is lying or telling the truth.

    IF YOU THINK THEY ARE TELLING THE TRUTH - you peek under the cup, and now have to roll and declare a hand better than the previous declaration. You may roll any number of the dice, from 0 to all 5 (you remove dice you wish to keep, exposing them to the others). For example, player A rolls and declares two pair, 5's and 3's (5-5-3-3-1 is his declared roll). Player B must now declare a better hand when they pass it on. (NOTE: This "better hand" can be as simple as declaring two pairs, 5's and 3's with a 2 kicker). So, player B may choose to remove the two 5's and roll three dice for three of a kind, or remove both the 5s and 3s to go for a full house. Play continues where each successive player must declare a better hand than the previous player, until someone calls them a liar.

    IF YOU THINK THEY ARE LYING: You simply lift the cup off of the dice without peeking first. If you are right, and they are lying, they lose a life. If they were telling the truth, you lose a life. In either case, whomever lost the life (or caused the loss of life should it eliminate a player) begins the new round, rolling all 5 dice, and choosing to go left or right.

    **NOTE: A person is only lying if their roll is not equal to OR BETTER than their declaration. For example, if the roller declares two pair, but actually has three 6's, they are not lying. Essentially, your declaration is that "I have a hand at least as strong as..."

    Extra Rules:

    Olympic Bracket:
    - Upon getting caught in a lie, you will be expected to take a mouthful / shot of your alcohol of choice.

    - Upon catching someone lying, you will be expected to take a mouthful / shot of your alcohol of choice.

    Demonstration Bracket - Must chant "Let's get Scotty" with some regularity.... even if he isn't there.

  • Wooeeee! Got you boys on the dice! I am going to try and make this just for that I think :D Mark, put me down as a maybe and I will let you know in a week or so.
  • I'm also down as a maybe but we'll see closer to the event...

  • Sorry Mark, but I am out. I get back from a business trip that day and I am sure the wife and kid would love me to drop off my bags and go get hammered. Damn, I really wanted to play dice.

    Maybe I will take a liar's dice protege and stake them for the event for a % of the winnings.
  • Foosball is kicking ass in the poll, is it an official event yet?

  • g2 wrote: »
    Foosball is kicking ass in the poll, is it an official event yet?


    Two things:

    A: Backgammon is actually out-scoring foosball

    B: Remember, I can ignore the whole damned poll if I choose to.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Two things:

    A: Backgammon is actually out-scoring foosball

    B: Remember, I can ignore the whole damned poll if I choose to.


    Eliminate Foosball and I'll pull an '84 U.S.S.R, and boycot these games!

    Seriously, we have to play something where you are SLIGHTY active, using hand eye coordination. Isn't that the purpose of handicapping ourselves with alochol? Backgammon is a great game, but it's kinda (VERY) boring.

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Backgammon is a great game, but it's kinda (VERY) boring.



    I really do not want to play Backgammon...that is a sure fire way to first sober up and then fall asleep!

    Foosball or bubble hockey would be much better!
  • Personally I agree with the above anti-backgammon
    It's likely going to take a lot longer than any of the other games, and will
    sober up most of the athletes while we wait and watch. And heckle the
    fools playing backgammon as an olympic event ;)

    Something fast paced like foosball of buble hockey might be better for keeping the drunks awake and full of life :)
  • Oh this sounds oh so much fun, Im new here how do I join you guys?

    Foosball makes me hot, but I think we sould add somthing, every time you get scored on, you drink a beer.
  • Okay.... time to announce EVENT #3!!!

    After viewing the voting, and reading the posts, I am proud to announce the third event of the Lazy Man's Winter Olympics.... quick recap

    Event #1 - 10 Pin Bowling
    Event #2 - Liar's Dice

    and.... EVENT #3



    1. This will be a double elimination format, with round-robin assignments for opponents
    2. Each game will be a best of 7 series, with the winner being the first to dominate their opponent 4 times.
    3. Play will consist of each player displaying their hands, counting "1...2...3..<show>". Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper.

    4. Any fouls / non-definate throws will result in a loss to that person.

    5. Loser of each game needs a drink to sooth his wounds

  • Yawn..........
  • ?

    Don't like it?

  • ?

    What, don't like?

  • Mark, ignore Johnnie's yawn. ROCK PAPER SCISSORS is quite possibly the greatest [lazy] game in the history of the world!

  • g2 wrote: »
    Mark, ignore Johnnie's yawn. ROCK PAPER SCISSORS is quite possibly the greatest [lazy] game in the history of the world!


    After poker of course.
  • Card Toss Biathalon
    1. Closest to the wall, 5 cards each, elimination, even the judges can be Lazy for this!!
    2. Tossing cards into an object (eg. Hat) 10 cards each, elimination, again not too taxing for the judges

    Please note: only one hand required, you can use the other for a beer, food. etc.and you could do this seated!!! LAZY!!!!!


    what about Trivial Pursuit or Scene It

    Milton (not so) Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »

    what about Trivial Pursuit or Scene It

    Milton (not so) Slim

    Trivial Pursuit? You ever tried to end a game of TP in less than 3 hours? Now, maybe Star Wars edition, but then you could all just drop your $ in my lap and save yourself 1/2 hour.

  • I like Dave's idea. Let's throw our $25 KEM cards around the room.

    Seriously, Rock-Paper-Scissors? Alright, anything is better then Backgammon. We could always play it between throws in the bowling alley. I'm assuming that there will be a rule where you MUST be holding a beer in your non-battling hand?

    And as for TP, we REALLY need to get Chuck and Jamie out, and have a Battle Royal! Although that would probally be the end of most of our friendships. LOL.

  • Sigh, I am angry!!!! :mad:

    I will not be able to defend my Oylmpic Silver Medal (although I still firmly believe the Gold Medal holder should be stripped of their title and it should be passed down to me along with the cash, his alcohol test came back 100% clean - ie HE DID NOT HAVE A SINGLE DRINK!!!!). I call :bs:

    Anyways, Sat Dec 9th is my company Christmas Party so I am obligated to attend.

    Good luck to all and see you for the next summer event I guess?
  • A devastating blow to the LMWO line-up, hopefully however, we'll get more people signing up when I announce.....

    EVENT #4

    Fan favorite, and potentially the most strenuous event - FOOSBALL!

    That's right, standard foosball rules apply, single elimination tournament, games go to 10. If my neighbour is in and doesn't mind, we'll use his table, however, if that is unavailable, we'll just have to run it concurrent with the bowling!


    One on one foosball

    Each time you're scored on, you take a drink

    If the ball hits a "dead" area, possession goes to whomever has a closer player.

    No "360 spins" - i.e., you kick the ball, don't just heave on the rods.

  • Big E wrote: »
    Sigh, I am angry!!!! :mad:
    Anyways, Sat Dec 9th is my company Christmas Party so I am obligated to attend.

    Awweee..E, say it ain't so!! Boooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

    Ok, you gotta go, fine, have a good time. I guess.

    Event #4 sounds great, Mark!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
  • Hey Mark,

    My exam schedule is a piece of crap! I'll get to participate assuming I'm not flying out to take advantage of the free ticke from Paradise.
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