Kristy;382924 wroteI'm his greatest contribution to the forum. ;)
He has messaged me every few months for years and encouraged me to come back. There are a couple other posters who sent me links to fun threads, but it was Fed hitting me up--this time during a two-week lull/semi-vacation-- that really did the trick.
I guess the question is, is my low content stuff>greater than Fed's annoyances for you guys? I only play a few NLHE casino tournaments a year; my state doesn't allow NL cash, and the best underground game in my area doesn't allow women. PLO only became more than a drunken crazy pineapple alternate recently. I was too much better at NLHE to see the point of really thinking about it much. So, it'll be some time between poker posts and Fed keeps OT moving at faster pace, which keeps me here.
I'm not saying he should do w/e he wants, but I am saying that OT is a lot more fun for people like me with him actively moving threads, and stirring the pot.
Your posts are infinitely more interesting than his, his content is virtually zero. I have had so many conversations with him over the years to try and get him to do anything more than post stupid trolling one liner's. They are old, boring, tiring and just plain stupid. In short, no comparison, although if he persuaded you to come back, that is a positive, I'll take one strike away from him for that. :)
Fed kills OT and a lot of the rest as well. If Fed is the only thing keeping you here, I call bullshit. :bs: >:D
Before you say it, GTA trolls, I troll, several here do, but for example GTA posts lots of interesting stuff. Fed hasn't posted anything since his BC escapades, that was stupid and immature but at least it provided entertainment value. P.S. I know he's reading this but perhaps when he gets back this time he'll change. Not holding my breath but maybe...