DrTyore;382768 wrote I was just a fan of making sure his history was open knowledge to everyone, especially considering the fact that his original persona of "Fedh8r" was about a dozen incarnations ago.
You're definitely my closest friend on this forum, and my love of you and your inferior Civ. Revolution abilities knows few bounds...
HOWEVER, you wuz def. trolling in that BAP thread...and it was great! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and wish that the powers that be had just replaced the anti-Semitic comment and left the rest alone for our viewing pleasure.
DrTyore;382768 wrote This brings us to a second point. He has been banned repeatedly over the past several years, continuing to return under various guises, with new back / cover stories for each. He always manages to reveal himself after falling into old habits, such as trolling and concocting fantastical life brags, and was banned again and again and again. However, a bit ago, suddenly he was allowed back on, with no real explanation (along with his forum buddy that we will get to in a second). He was to be kept "on a short leash", and was good for a while, but history repeats and what not, so he continued contributing little more than animated WWE gifs and old confused ladies. When confronted he busted out some anti-semitic language directed at an old adversary. This brings us to the third issue.
Fed really came to prominence when he paired off with another forum member (who is also back on a "short leash", but admittedly hasn't overstepped any boundaries). Fed initially was little more than a troll, but with this other forum member, they became virtual BFF's. The other forum member started contributing to various debate threads, but their rambling, nonsensical contributions were hardly helpful or productive. Fed backed him up repeatedly. When this other member started posting holocaust denying videos, and (generously speaking) hinted at a Jewish conspiracy running the world, he was banned. Fed stood by his man, and would advocate for his return repeatedly, but that only happened when this other member also came back in the guise of another name. Again, this other forumer is back under a new name, and no explanation given to his return being allowed.
In summary, Fed has ignored the rules, and been frustratingly protected by the moderators here despite his non-productive contributions. People like myself who have said he shouldn't be here have instead been threatened with being banned. Personally, I have actually tried to help fed out, even met him for lunch once when he was in town. I have tried to let him know (privately) when he was getting out of line, but despite this, he thumbs his nose and does what he wants.
Anyways. Since the newer guy there was confused, and since Kristy was out of action so long. There's a nice summary. I'm not sure if this post will be around in a bit, or for that matter if I'll be off on some kind of enforced vacation. Wildbill / Compuease - you guys know I like you both just fine, but I have voiced my opinion about the error in these calls. To the rest of you, odds are I'll see you in two weeks.
Thanks for that Mark, it really did help to understand. One thing I would say is that this is Fed's schtick..he's a GREAT troll. Entertaining, line-pushing, etc. and he plays his roll with a lot of panache. As you've said, sticking with his man, posting low-content asides, and I seriously still laugh at his avatar every time I even think about it. MorpheusWatLady-Hybrid 4 mod!
If you don't like the train, why always try to be the conductor? Let it wreck, and let people like Fed, and I, have our fun. Your opinion of "Worthwhile content" is not the only measure..I get a lot of enjoyment out of the tangential crap, and would ban the guy that always responds with stats and numbers (at least in OT) before I ever gave up Fed.
trigs;382770 wrotemy personal issues with fed were his outright and unprovoked hatred for me. he would troll everything i posted and every thread i started. i tried to openly ask him what his problem with me was but he refused to answer and continued trolling my posts. i PMed him a couple times and tried to communicate that way just to find out what i could do to get him to stop attacking me. he refused to respond.
I think I can get behind the decision to troll you. You're completely likable, active, and a great poster...you're a perfect mark for a troll-persona because you will engage in-- and insight-- defense.
I just feel like this would all be a LOT more fun if we all acknowledged that his e-character is likely a work of fiction, which is a valid use of the interweb. The real Fed loves his family, and cats. Talks sports. Makes jokes. Works hard. And is a guy you want to have a beer with.