Wetts1012;347979 wroteBut you should have been. Many times. Thats BTPs point, around here, either youre in, or youre out.
You frequently violate the first 3 membership rules, yet youve never been banned:
The rules of being a pokerforum.ca member.
1. Act your age.
2. Respect one another, respect members of pokerforum.ca, its moderators and visitors.
3. Refrain from excessive profanity
I dont really care, I should probably have been banned once or twice, it's just inconsistent. But its OK, because people "know" you, and youre just that middle aged guy who pulls down his pants in public because he still thinks its funny - so its all good.
I'll address these.
1st - Act your age. How vague is this? What does it mean?
2nd - Respect is something I give when people deserve it. Some of my personal hot buttons are when people are willfully ignorant, or use self-deluding logic to do what they want anyways, also lazy thinking. In many of the arguments (and I do love to argue) on here, I have argued with tonnes of people, when discussing guns, legal and rehabilitation practices, and even this particular topics of hate and prejudice. I usually look for references to back up my statements (i.e. scientific sources, studies, etc.) and at least at first try to stick to that approach. With regards to darb? He's demonstrated that discussing in a logical, coherent manner isn't really his style, and that's not the part that bothers me. His prejudice and "sneaky" approach to spreading it is unacceptable, the fact that he compounds that by saying his non-belief in race exempts him from being racist truly puts him over the top
3rd - Define excessive? I swear, sure. Can't really think of anyone that swears more than me? Possibly (since Kristy left), but swearing on an adult poker forum isn't all that big a deal clearly.
Bottom line, my point of bringing up that I've never been faced with punitive action? I don't step out of line. Comp and I have butted heads, and in PM's when necessary I've voiced my complaints to him, but respected his decisions overall, just as I respect him. If I read correctly, he's telling me I'm playing with fire again here, and that's all good... I'd be surprised to get a suspension over this because I'm sure I've done far worse in previous things, but I'll lay off now, mostly because I've no cause to make this more of a headache for comp.
I will say this though, darbday should not be affiliated with this site in any degree, and if something isn't done to ensure that, I will be very disappointed, and never shy away from saying that.
Wetts, IIRC you and I have played at a few Royal cups? If I'm remembering you right, I dig ya, hell I get along with 90% of the people I've met here. When I don't like someone it's usually for a decent enough reason, but hey, not everyone digs everyone. I'm not looking for new people to fight with. Argue? Sure, love to argue - good for the old think box, but fighting not so much. Same to BTP there, never much had issues with him as far as I can recall.
Anyways, I've said my bit, and I'll leave this alone unless I feel something needs to be said.
P.S. - partial male nudity is ALWAYS funny :)