betrthanphil;347951 wrote
You always say that it takes tough skin to be on this forum, well if everyone has such tough skin why do people need to be banned? what is wrong with banter? is it hurting anyone?
You told yoda he could come back if he only stayed in strat thread, trying to silence his voice. Only ones you allow to have a voice are the long time members that you have to see in person. I don't blame you for that, but if your gonna let them have a voice, let everyone!
Look, I know you aren't on here much and don't see most everything but I do, or at least until recently. Opinions are fine but there are guidelines to follow in life. He didn't, was asked to at least somewhat conform, didn't, totally messed up, called me everything under the sun. I asked him to stop, he refused, gone...
My asking him to stay in the strat threads was my attempt to avoid the controversy he was causing.. In retrospect that was probably a mistake.
Believe it or not, I actually liked Nick and at first tried to protect him.. He made it impossible.:(
FYI, both GTA and DrTyore (among others) have been censured by me numerous times.. However, they (up until now at least), have at at least honoured my requests...