If Shar isn't around, we need to be proactive in getting rid of this piece of useless
No mark, you need to stop calling fellow humans useless pieces of trash. And
this site needs mod that we actually mod and stop you from ranting with such hate.
Originally Posted by RWPKRPLR View Post
1. Try not to add fuel to the fire by replying and possibly making it worse.
edit: that being said have a good night sir
I'll give you that... it's a solid point.
But, I could argue that not saying enough and letting this guy back does more harm than by
Your arguing that your calling me racist and a useless piece of trash does
less harm? You need to stop feeling like you have a right to trample on people regardless of
what you think of them.
But you should have been. Many times. Thats BTPs point, around here, either youre in,
or youre out.
You frequently violate the first 3 membership rules, yet youve never been banned:
The rules of being a pokerforum.ca member.
1. Act your age.
2. Respect one another, respect members of pokerforum.ca, its moderators and visitors.
3. Refrain from excessive profanity
I dont really care, I should probably have been banned once or twice, it's just inconsistent.
But its OK, because people "know" you, and youre just that middle aged guy who pulls down his
pants in public because he still thinks its funny - so its all good.
This is what I
pointed out to comp, and then to scoops, So here Wetts agrees with the reason I called come a
bigot. Hes being prejudice. And we could have avoided this whole thing, had he put and end
to Mark bullying me and others.
Well you have now... so stop it, you SHOULD be somewhat above the name calling...
Ya but you should have put a stop to his violent behavior years ago, or given up your
position if you are unwilling to act on the responsibility.
Respect is something I give when people deserve it.
Yes Mark this is where you lack intelligence, intelligence is to respect everyone and not to
judge there worth.
use self-deluding logic to do what they want anyways
I'm going to suggest you are self-deluding to suggest I am illogical, I wouldn't be capable
of playing the high level of poker I do if I didn't have strong logic skills. Not sure you
can put that logic together, doubt you can.
In many of the arguments (and I do love to argue) on here
Yes we've been over this you are addicted to conflict. Its a terrible habit.
I have argued with tonnes of people, when discussing guns, legal and rehabilitation
practices, and even this particular topics of hate and prejudice.
Yes and you can't
see the irony in arguing about how to have a better world? Am I the only one who thinks thats
sick and twisted? Someone please speak up about this.
His prejudice and "sneaky" approach to spreading it is unacceptable, the fact that he
compounds that by saying his non-belief in race exempts him from being racist truly puts him
over the top
Again comp you or someone needs to delete this shit, its baseless and
I will say this though, darbday should not be affiliated with this site in any degree,
and if something isn't done to ensure that, I will be very disappointed, and never shy away
from saying that.
We know Mark because you're not capable of admitting you are wrong,
and as long as I am around everyone know you are and idiot for calling me racist.
BTW Darb - you forgot to include the fact that your Wikipedia fragment comes from a
paragraph that starts "It is argued that...". It is not stating it for a fact, it is providing
it as one argument in the concept of "race".
Ya thats right its argued, but I didn't
forget to leave it out. Who argues that race is a real thing? Racists, people that believe
race means something. I can assure you sir, we all came from the same place.
You have no idea what he was espousing,
Mark: If Shar isn't around, we need to be proactive in getting rid of this piece of
useless trash.
No mark, you need to stop calling fellow humans useless pieces of trash.
And this site needs mod that we actually mod and stop you from ranting with such hate.
Originally Posted by RWPKRPLR View Post
1. Try not to add fuel to the fire by replying and possibly making it worse.
edit: that being said have a good night sir
I'll give you that... it's a solid point.
Mark: But, I could argue that not saying enough and letting this guy back does more harm than
by aggravating.
Your arguing that your calling me racist and a useless piece of trash
does less harm? You need to stop feeling like you have a right to trample on people
regardless of what you think of them.
Wetts: But you should have been. Many times. Thats BTPs point, around here, either
youre in, or youre out.
You frequently violate the first 3 membership rules, yet youve never been banned:
The rules of being a pokerforum.ca member.
1. Act your age.
2. Respect one another, respect members of pokerforum.ca, its moderators and visitors.
3. Refrain from excessive profanity
I dont really care, I should probably have been banned once or twice, it's just inconsistent.
But its OK, because people "know" you, and youre just that middle aged guy who pulls down his
pants in public because he still thinks its funny - so its all good.
This is what I
pointed out to comp, and then to scoops, So here Wetts agrees with the reason I called come a
bigot. Hes being prejudice. And we could have avoided this whole thing, had he put and end
to Mark bullying me and others.
Comp: Well you have now... so stop it, you SHOULD be somewhat above the name
Ya but you should have put a stop to his violent behavior years ago, or
given up your position if you are unwilling to act on the responsibility.
Mark: Respect is something I give when people deserve it.
Yes Mark this is where you lack intelligence, intelligence is to respect everyone and not to
judge there worth.
Mark: use self-deluding logic to do what they want anyways
I'm going to suggest you are self-deluding to suggest I am illogical, I wouldn't be capable
of playing the high level of poker I do if I didn't have strong logic skills. Not sure you
can put that logic together, doubt you can.
Mark: In many of the arguments (and I do love to argue) on here
Yes we've been over this you are addicted to conflict. Its a terrible habit.
Mark: I have argued with tonnes of people, when discussing guns, legal and
rehabilitation practices, and even this particular topics of hate and prejudice.
and you can't see the irony in arguing about how to have a better world? Am I the only one
who thinks thats sick and twisted? Someone please speak up about this.
Mark: His prejudice and "sneaky" approach to spreading it is unacceptable, the fact
that he compounds that by saying his non-belief in race exempts him from being racist truly
puts him over the top
Again comp you or someone needs to delete this shit, its baseless
and false.
Mark: I will say this though, darbday should not be affiliated with this site in any
degree, and if something isn't done to ensure that, I will be very disappointed, and never shy
away from saying that.
We know Mark because you're not capable of admitting you are
wrong, and as long as I am around everyone know you are and idiot for calling me racist.
Data: BTW Darb - you forgot to include the fact that your Wikipedia fragment comes from
a paragraph that starts "It is argued that...". It is not stating it for a fact, it is
providing it as one argument in the concept of "race".
Ya thats right its argued, but I
didn't forget to leave it out. Who argues that race is a real thing? Racists, people that
believe race means something. I can assure you sir, we all came from the same place.
Comp: You have no idea what he was espousing,
Can you please post the evidence
so we can all know?
Comp: He was not banned because he called me a coward for refusing to censure others
calling him racist and anti-semite.
Put you did tell me in PM that you don't recall
anyone saying I hate Jews. So really you wouldn't acknowledge there was and issue. And you
certainly didn't put a stop to any of it. So I called you a bigot and a coward, which is
obviously true. Your not a fair mod at all. And you let a thread go on about calling a
muslim war child a piece of shit. Thats really racist, but when I protested by posting
american solider pissing on dead Afgah bodies, you remove that and threaten to ban me. I stop
and said fine then lock the thread. You wouldn't lock it so I harassed you and the thread
until you locked it.
That thread is REAL racism and REAL hate. Not bullshit racism, and the thread is there as
proof for everyone to see. It's anti muslim and racist.
Bill: He has a very different perception of Darb than a lot do on here.
Many share his same opinion on here, as does every single person that knows me. All of the
intelligent poker players here hold that opinion of me as well.
Bill: We've never met Darb in person, so I personally have no ability to comment on what he's
like in person.
But as a mod why are you letting Mark post hate rants about me?
Bill: Darb presented terribly in the latter stage of his presence on the forum in many
This doesn't mean you should allow Mark to continue the way he is.
Bill: His communication style was incredibly one sided. 'If you don't communicate with
me on my terms, we can't continue.
Yes Bill I was clear, put an end to the racism and
anti semite bullshit. You were clear back-ignorance, you decided to ignore it all and let it
Bill: You must comply or you're ignorant.
by now I'm positive you are ignorant
to the meaning of ignorant.
Bill: When he didn't get his own way, he lashed out angrily.
Nono, not
angrily, when I call comp a bigot thats not anger, or a coward, those are simply facts. I
lashed out at hellmouths mole, just so everyone knew what it felt like, not sure I'd call that
anger fully either. I positive you would go berserk if you had to put up with all this. Even
my conversations with mark are generally me calmly explaining that he doesn't have the mental
capacity to understand these thing.
Bill: I will agree with certain arguments that there is obviously bullying on this
Well thats kinda weird because thats what ive been so upset about in the first place and its
against the rules, wetts agreed there is bullying and YOUR A MOD!!!! Comp is supposed to be a
Bill: Should we be banning people every time they say gtfo to another member? The forum would
be dead in a month or less.
You shouldn't be a mod because you are asking this question
and its your duty to reprimand these situations. You are being ridiculous here, the forum
wouldn't be dead, it would be empty of assholes and would flourish.
Bill: The larger poker forums are much, much worse for bullying in my opinion. Not sure
what btp has to say about them. I'd be interested in hearing that in a positive effort to
affect progress.
Are you joking? you think two plus two allows bullying? Bill what do
you think being a mod means?
Thanks for your input.
Can you please go back to taking a stand against the forum now?
Ya I see hellmouth came
by to snuff philley. That pretty tough buddy. Out of everything going on here you feel you
have this to say huh? Contribute.
And I also will not play another forum tournament with Darbday.
Of course you won't, your still choked from the time i singled you out like you single others
out. Not fun is it?
HM: I play $8 180`s with him from time to time with no problem but this is a different
Thx i appreciate it. You should go back and re read the strat threads you used
to make fun of me in, theres some gold thoughts in there that you were berating me for.
Bill: So, let's hear your opinions on what Comp has offered to the forum over the years
a volunteer?
Well my first experience of him here was him accusing me of making up my
screename forboon, and he went looking on 2 plus 2 to prove im a liar. Since then he won't
put and end to the obviously bullying and hate mark and gta contribute to the site.
Scoop: This thread has brought out a lot of concerns with how the forum is being run
and too try and make this place a overall nicer environment for all I've turned on the
reputation system which I'm hoping will lower the negative posts.
Now that you are
here, and care, and are active, you can turn these things around. The biggest problem with
this site is that when I came to you with a complaint, you were unaware of the situation at
hand. You admittedly didn't know what was going on and still don't therefore ignorance spread
from the top down.
Also if you are going to re consider this forum, then perhaps you'll give me a voice in the first place. And a repuation system won't do shit if you still have the same mods deciding who gets to say what and who gets special treatment.