Tonychanman;339118 wrotelowballers! if you're going to negotiate a price with someone, atleast do it in good faith.
i'm selling a set of 19" g35 forged rims and tires for $1200. I meet him and his dad to take a look at them since they're not in perfect condition. After inspecting them and saying they look good, he starts giving me his sob story about being a poor student. Of course he drives up in a G35... He says that he only has $600 to spend. I tell him that it's rediculous and that the offer is borderline insulting. He defends by saying "no no, I'm not trying to insult you, I only have $600 but my dad is willing to pitch in. So I ask, "so what's your offer then?". "$700". I tell them to get off my property.
How to negotiate with lowballers.
Your response is to high ball!
"$700!!!!!!!! ... So let me get this clear ... You're offering me four times $700 so $2800 total?"
"I really wanted four times 1200 so $4800"
"I could drop down to $4400 for all four"