betrthanphil;335946 wroteto be clear to everyone here, I dont support mikes behaviours. I seen the messages he sent to you comp, and personally told him to stop being a tool. Jules knows this as well. I was also the one to say you might as well ban him because nothing good is gonna come from him being on this site. But to let him stay and people none stop poke jabs everyday. It gets annoying to read. Sooner or later it needs to stop so the forum can proceed as it was before.
ive been chewed out by people here that I respect tons for my behaviours.. some of it was a mixture of things building up and booze... i put up with alot of shit and I guess I lose focus on being the true good guy that I am... dont know what comes over me sometimes.. Ill wake up the next morning and be like "wtf did i post that for?!"
If anyjuan cares, i pwned up 1/2 cash tonight for 4 buy ins , won back all the money I got from being drunk and punting money the other night
I sent steve the pics to verify lol
Since Ive moved here, im up 13.2 buy ins playing 1/2 NL/PLO, ive played for 141.5 hours, im making about 18$ an hour .. still need to book a much better sample size... and ive run really well. Im also up a fair amount playing BJ and roulette... just 20$ spins or BJ hands, but im up about a K playing those. should be more but I had a lapse of judgement the other night when i was intoxicated to b honest
im keeping these stats with "notes" on my iphone, hope to find a good ap so u guys can see graphs and stuff.
also , while i play, ive been taking notes on players in my phone... helps me alot
I know my sample isnt huge and the amount of money im winning isnt huge dollars, but my bills are paid and I still love walking in the casino.. so thats a good thing.
playing WCPC main on friday, hope my friends that are coming out bring the run good.