philliivey;336861 wroteLook at Kristy and I, did not get along there for a period of time but told her I understand how she was, like dealing with Milo and comp all the time will make anyone fucking loopy.:D.
Look Philli, I have defended you numerous times and avoided banning you when so many wanted to, and this is how you treat me? You sir are a cad!
Talk about loopy..
philliivey;336861 wrote
If Darb does not want to come back that's fine, I don't want to put pressure on him for voting in his favor.
It's not his choice, he is not being invited back no matter what you or the 2 or 3 supporters he has say.. It is not a voting issue. His controversial claims were just way over the top and he refused to stop even when asked nicely..... Sorry he had to go and even if Scoops ALLOWED him back it would be with severe restrictions and on a very short leash...