GTA Poker;335886 wroteFed posted an entire fake thread on a poker forum about going pro and has acted like a child since that time after being called on his BS so IMO that makes it fair game for anyone to give their opinion on the topic
to be fair, it isnt fake because he has sent me pics of stacks and stuff at casino.
so just cause your opinion is one thing doesnt make it fact.
And mike definatly isnt the only one acting like a child.
I forgot that not everyone grows up though.
As long as you think bullying people is ok, i guess that makes it right. But when does it stop? Number of people have taking their lives because of bullying and its people like you that think its some big joke. If there was any karma in the world you would have a child that got bullied everyday and you would get to see the effect it had on him every day he came home from school.
Then maybe you would understand that some of the things you say cross the line. But until that happenes I doubt you ever see the light.