hand #221
triple up baby!
PokerStars - $8+$0.80|900/1800 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:
UTG: 40,103.00
UTG+1: 21,731.00
MP: 43,833.00
MP+1: 52,065.00
LP: 14,753.00
Hero (CO): 16,232.00
BTN: 18,969.00
SB: 17,782.00
BB: 31,585.00
UTG posts ante 225.00, UTG+1 posts ante 225.00, MP posts ante 225.00, MP+1 posts ante 225.00, LP posts ante 225.00, Hero posts ante 225.00, BTN posts ante 225.00, SB posts ante 225.00, BB posts ante 225.00, SB posts SB 900.00, BB posts BB 1,800.00
Pre Flop: (4725.00) Hero has 3h 3s
fold, fold, fold, fold, LP raises to 14,528.00 and is all-in, Hero raises to 16,007.00 and is all-in, fold, fold, BB calls 14,207.00
Flop: (49467.00, 3 players) 3c Qc 5d
Turn: (49467.00, 3 players) Ks
River: (49467.00, 3 players) 8d
BB shows Ad Qs (One Pair, Queens) (Pre 38%, Flop 3%, Turn 0%)
Hero shows 3h 3s (Three of a Kind, Threes) (Pre 27%, Flop 69%, Turn 83%)
LP shows 7c 9c (High Card, King) (Pre 34%, Flop 28%, Turn 17%)
Hero wins 49,467.00