hand #158
PokerStars - $8+$0.80|350/700 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:
CO: 14,345.00
BTN: 23,784.00
SB: 21,964.00
BB: 47,370.00
Hero (UTG): 18,729.00
UTG+1: 10,729.00
MP: 25,025.00
MP+1: 6,699.00
CO posts ante 85.00, BTN posts ante 85.00, SB posts ante 85.00, BB posts ante 85.00, Hero posts ante 85.00, UTG+1 posts ante 85.00, MP posts ante 85.00, MP+1 posts ante 85.00, SB posts SB 350.00, BB posts BB 700.00
Pre Flop: (1730.00) Hero has Ah Qd
Hero raises to 1,400.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, BTN calls 1,400.00, SB calls 1,050.00, fold
Flop: (5580.00, 3 players) 4s 3d 5s
SB checks, Hero checks, BTN checks
Turn: (5580.00, 3 players) 6h
SB bets 700.00, fold, BTN raises to 1,400.00, SB calls 700.00
River: (8380.00, 2 players) 8c
SB bets 700.00, BTN raises to 4,900.00, SB calls 4,200.00
BTN shows 7d Kd (Straight, Eight High) (Pre 31%, Flop 22%, Turn 50%)
SB shows As 7c (Straight, Eight High) (Pre 69%, Flop 78%, Turn 50%)
BTN wins 9,090.00
SB wins 9,090.00