hand #231
PokerStars - $8+$0.80|900/1800 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:
LP: 48,720.00
CO: 72,196.00
BTN: 5,858.00
SB: 102,851.00
BB: 31,825.00
Hero (UTG): 55,542.00
UTG+1: 64,663.00
MP: 54,006.00
MP+1: 56,223.00
LP posts ante 225.00, CO posts ante 225.00, BTN posts ante 225.00, SB posts ante 225.00, BB posts ante 225.00, Hero posts ante 225.00, UTG+1 posts ante 225.00, MP posts ante 225.00, MP+1 posts ante 225.00, SB posts SB 900.00, BB posts BB 1,800.00
Pre Flop: (4725.00) Hero has Ah Th
Hero raises to 3,600.00, fold, MP calls 3,600.00, fold, fold, CO calls 3,600.00, fold, fold, BB calls 1,800.00
Flop: (17325.00, 4 players) Ts 9d Tc
BB checks, Hero checks, MP checks, CO bets 8,100.00, fold, Hero raises to 18,000.00, fold, fold
Hero wins 33,525.00