Cerberus;326447 wroteWould you go flying with JohnnieH?
Of the non female PFC members, who would look best in a dress? Please answer in essay form for all of our amusement, making sure to provide full details.
How do I get awesome facial hair like you? Every pic I've seen, you can have a badass mustache, goatee, beard and all things between. It tilts the hell out of me!
I would absolutely go flying with JohnnieH. One of my best friends got his licence through Air Cadets, and I am still very pleased that I was there to watch his first solo circuit at Brampton Flying Club. I was also allowed to go with him for a second circuit, as his Instructor Pilot knew my Father through hockey. Not sure if that was kosher with the regs, but this was 25+ yrs ago, so I think the statutes have lapsed by now.
Though I always thought I looked good in my Ceremonial Kilt, you specified "dress", so here goes . . .
I think the best drag queen on this site would probably be the DrTyore himself. I say this for a number of reasons which I will expand upon now.
Mark is a decent looking man (no homo) for his age, and you cannot have a pretty drag queen without a pretty boy. Further, he keeps his hair short enough so that all manner of wigs become possible as accessories, and his complexion makes facial hair less problematic (Movember fund-raisers notwithstanding). Though somewhat stocky of torso, we all know that this can be easily controlled with modern foundation garments (right, Shatner?), so Mark's "figure" should not be an issue. Moving lower, Mark's predeliction for dropping trow has provided evidence of a decent set of gams which we can shoehorn into a pair of slut-strutting heels. Finally, Mark's outgoing personality, and sky-high self-confidence and braggadocio pretty much guarantee he would "own the room". Dress Kristy in a three button suit, and snap-brim fedora, and I guarantee a win at most Hallowe-en costume parties.
Facial hair can be over-rated, especially when grey like mine. Besides, there is a fine-line between "bad-ass" and "it's too long, trim it." Be happy you can still grow it on top of your head, and worry less about your chin.