betrthanphil;292570 wroteWhats rule number 1 to every business. Make a profit. By having the same guarantees they know in advance they will lose money....that is a guarantee. What business do you know that will see that they will lose money a certain day and not try to fix the problem.
I agree it does suck that there weren't guarantees and they did lose out a bit by having less register because there were no guarantees but probably way less than they would have if they kept them. Lowering them is an option but that would be hard to predict as the last time NYE was on a saturday was in the year 2000.
Imo it is a very small thing to be upset with considering all pokerstars has done in the last year with black friday and such.
Hear what you're saying, I wouldn't have had a problem with lowered GT's.....the problem when they wiped them out, it killed alot of tourneys. With NYE rolling over different time zones, they could have easily made their quota with time zones not affected.
They 100% cost themselves money by not putting any GT's on the tourney's. I reg'd until I noticed there were no GT's.....and then just quit for the day. I'm sure there were many people like myself.
So, if it were my business, I'd just lower them.....that would = the most profit.
I would have simply cancelled my Saturday grind if I had known this in advance. Kinda felt like a kick to the nuts when I get up Saturday morning @7am to grind....only to notice no GT's after I'm in a bunch already.