PokerStars VIP;292563 wroteHi guys,
Sorry for the delay in responding. Yes, the guarantees were changed or removed because of the timing of New Year's Eve falling on a Saturday and thus greatly affecting participation. The guarantees should be back to their normal levels by now.
Dylan C
okok forgive me if this has been dealt with already and i just need to find the proper setting...
i mass multi table and when my table ninja auto reg's on breaks my tourneys pop up and timebank for 5mins while im getting ready to play for the next hour.
so you have synced breaks but they aren't synced because your tourneys start on the breaks. and any sng's that come up during they break have the same issue.
this tilts a lot of rec players too because they don't understand why half the table is timing out for the first 5 miss of every tourney they are in..
So again if im missing something then let me know and thats great. But if not PS needs to fix this asap, I feel like maybe they don't want to move the tourneys back or ahead a few minutes to properly sync them...
but an easy solution is to make an option to 'auto sit out new tournaments' ...i don't mind missing the hands, but i can't come back to my comp to sit out on breaks.....
hope that was coherent ....