Old-Sloth in pls! This will be great for the share league too, it has a "winner take all" option we can make use of.
Hobbes DrTyore;252649 wroteI'm signed in.. Let's play! But, someone validate me! Mark You matter to me. :D
HVEEPOKER This is the coolest thing. Stars gets a couple of bonus points for doing this. Probably sign up in the morning too.
compuease So is Wes the only one who controls this? If so I don't think it's going to work as he's not on enough....
Hobbes compuease;252670 wroteSo is Wes the only one who controls this? If so I don't think it's going to work as he's not on enough.... I thought he gave Shar and WildBill the power too.
JohnnieH Hobbes;252672 wroteI thought he gave Shar and WildBill the power too. That's great, but I nominate Jeff, AJ and Hobbes also.
The Prophet 22 JohnnieH;252673 wroteCan we have a game that doesn't start at 9:30? we have been through this before, and the more games the better but the most turnout has been 9:30pm thus far.. Prophet :2h :2s
Sharantyr Wes is the only one who can validate members. If he hasn't had a chance to accept you yet, you can't get into the lobby. I think for tonight I will set up a forum game privately as we were doing before. These things always take a bit of time :) ~Shar
compuease Sharantyr;252680 wroteWes is the only one who can validate members. ~SharIf that's true we need to expand it as Wes goes awol for periods of time... :)
JohnnieH The Prophet 22;252678 wrotewe have been through this before, and the more games the better but the most turnout has been 9:30pm thus far.. Prophet :2h :2s Suggestion: we set up a cash table or SnG an hour or so before the CPF league game at 9:30. That way us old men in youngish bodies can still play while you night hawks play.
compuease BrianS;252687 wroteI also have one guys :) Come on in! Brian, might I suggest you throw your lot in with the rest of PFC here, I think the vast majority will...