Poker Stars recently introduced a Home Game Poker Club feature on their client, the idea is to make it alot easier for people to organize a game, keep track of stats automatically on their client directly. Below is a direct copy and paste from their website.
Now you can take the experience of home games online! PokerStars Home Games lets you create and manage your own private poker club to play online poker games of your choice, with just your friends, on your schedule.
Creating a club is easy – just pick a club name and invitation code. You’ll then be presented with your own exclusive poker lobby that you can customize with private Home Game tables and tournaments of your choosing.
Inviting friends is simple – just send them the club ID and invitation code, then accept them as members when they join.
Scheduling games and tournaments is moments away – just choose the game type and buy-in level, then set the date for your online Home Game. The system will automatically notify your club members of the scheduled game.
Your exclusive online Poker Club includes these key features:
* Club Management Tools – appoint administrators, accept/remove members, customize your club lobby, set length of club seasons, and more.
* Club Leaderboard – ranks players by points earned through tournament play
* Player Statistics – view points earned, top finishes, knockouts for each club member
* Game Management Tools – customize game parameters and schedule games
* Save Favorite Game Setups – easy to replay your favorite customized game configurations
* Game Schedule – list of scheduled tournaments and open ring game tables
* Game Results – view tournament results including finish order, points earned, knockouts
* Private Games – all games and tournaments are available only to members of your club
* Custom Tables – your club name appears on the felt of your customized game tables
* Full Range of Poker Games – Choose Hold’em, Omaha, Stud, mixed games like HORSE and others
* It’s Free – there is no charge for opening and running your own online Poker Club
Poker Home Games - Private Poker Clubs - Online Poker with Friends
I have spoken with Shar as well as Wildbill, and they both support the idea of incorporating their current forum games into this league, that way everything can be alot more organized going forward.
Please join the Canada Poker's Forum Poker Club on Poker Stars with the club ID 10396 and the invitation code "canadapoker".
One request, please include your CPF screenname when you send the request to join under the field "Your Name"