I'll be at RAMA tonight 2,5. Wearing a toque, making up "facts" at the table and laughing the night away.
Giving some thought to the 3/6 game tonight at Point Edward, it's a longshot but if anyone is in the area, please drop by.
I'll be in the Tigers hat, but since we're now on the michigan border, there will be a million of them, Just yell out hey Dinobot for a while.
I'll be at Niagara tonite. I'll be the loud mouth in the red shirt, yelling out "POT ODDS!!" every time I make a stupid call. I have a little frog for a card protector.
EDIT: Decided to cancel. :'(
Good Luck to any forumers who still play today.
Heading for Casino Niagara to play 1/2 tonight. Will be there about 7:30 ish. Both Dave (ddmilcan, he of winter blonde hair) and I. We'll be the guys with the big stacks in front of us..... well hopefully. Say hi if you can make it. Jeff
I hope you guys do well, I wish I had a car/license/less than 5 accidents under my belt..
Oh well, goodluck!
Heading to Brantford right now, I'll be playing 5/10. Dark Blue track top with white stripes on the sleeves, brown hair and glasses, come say hi if you're there.
I'll be heading to Casino Windsor tonight. Leaving shortly. Playing 3/6 LHE or 1/2 NL. Black shirt black jeans, black hat with FMC letters on the front. Stop by for a drink if your're around.
Black shirt black jeans, black hat
Are you secretly Johnny Cash? :)
ScoobyD wrote
Black shirt black jeans, black hat
Are you secretly Johnny Cash? :)
Maybe "Johnny No-cash" once the sessions over :D :D :D
Sorry Society - had to be said.
88Fingers wrote
Maybe "Johnny No-cash" once the sessions over :D  :D  :D
Sorry Society - had to be said.
thats ok, I already got you last week with my voicemail message :P
3 of the Milton Rocks headed for Casino Niagara now. Look us up if you go...
BCC right now...2-5 most lkiely
I was at the Oilers game today in Detroit - and checkd out the Poker Room at Motor City - my reco - do not go - the poker room is small and wait is long - and the drinks are not free (like Seneca). However, MGM is in the midst of building a huge new casino in Detroit - looks like it will be huge.
Yes my jaw dropped when I ordered a beer and the waitress told me I had to pay for it. Seneca so much better.
Hey all
Bit of a road trip tonight as DrTyore, ItsaMe, JohnnieH, beanie42, and TNORTH are all of to Brantford for some fishy limit fun!! Anyone coming out, we'll be there with some of us in hawaiian shirts... mine's blue and yellow.. hard to miss!! Stop by, grab a beer, lighten up eat meat and get along... umm.. well, you get the picture.
I will be at the Gold Eagle Casino (North Battleford Sask) tonight, tomorrow night, the day after that, the day after that and will be there everyday for the rest of my life...from 6pm till 2.00 AM every single day..PLAYING 5-10 lmit...I AM HOOKED. Its SAD really...cause I have such a nice wife.....she just doesnt understand....sigh......
Im leaving for BCC right now, black hat, trailer park boys t shirt, playing whatever opens first.
this is just to answer the question earlyer about how come you can buy latto tickets at 18 and you have to be 19 to play at the casino. well the answer is this. casino serve alcohol and if you all noticed while at the casino whenever you ordered a drink you were never carded. the reason for this is you were carded at the entrence and therefore its less hassel to card someone everytime they get a drink so it speeds up service and casinos make even more money. Honestly who wants to be carded for a drink at the casino every friking time you go.
Heading to Brantford right now, I'll be playing 5/10. Dark Blue track top with white stripes on the sleeves, brown hair and glasses, come say hi if you're there.